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COINTEST: Coin Contest #1


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I am having a coin contest for someone to win 1 of my new personal geocoins...


The contest is very simple and the rules are as followed:


1. You may only post a guess one time... Please do not edit the post that you make your guess in


2. You are guessing a random number between 1 and 1000


3. The person who gets closest to the actual number will be the winner... In the event of a tie or multiple ties the first person who entered shall be the winner...


4. If you are the winner you agree to post back here when you receive your coin and what you think of it good or bad


To keep this fair I have used the following number generator website to choose the winning number



I will pay for the shipping, the winner only need provide me with a shipping address


This contest will be open till Monday at 6pm Chicago time... Any guesses after that will not count


I hope everyone has fun with this

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