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Naming your GPSr

Carbon Hunter

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I have noticed most people with a GPSr have given theirs nicknames.


What is your ickname - and how did it come about?


My faithful Quest 2 is "Skattie" as she helps me find the treasures i'm looking for.


I have a Garmin Nuvi 710. I use a British English female voice ... She gives me directions wherever I want to go through my car audio system ... My Nuvi's name? ... LUCY ... Why? I sometimes ignore her directions and I don't always take directions from women!


Happy hunting! :)


Not sure whether it is the sat-nav or the gizmos (esp the seat belt warning sounds) in the Landrover Defender, but my sister calls the stuff that delivers all the warnings "Mona Lisa" as they keep moaning at her! Mona Lisa drives us nuts.


The motoring industry seems content to excuse us from the mundane activity of THINKING...


When naming Trixie I initially thought about forming a combination of eTrex and Trixie, but I didn't have the guts to send something out there called "besem's eTrexie". :angry:


My new GPSr is called James. James is a good name for a chauffeur, and my GPSr is almost like a chauffeur: I tell him where I want to be and he takes me there. Too bad I have to do my own pedalling...

Posted (edited)


My 276C is "Carin"

She is always in the car and always tell me where to turn, just like a woman!!



Edited by W@lly (aka Wallace & Grommit)

Our Nuvi 710 is called "Sophie", because we use the UK accent when needing the voice for directions. We share this GPS with Rolf's Dad, and he calls it "Sally" when it is with him.


We also have an eTrex, but we haven't given that one a name as yet. Mmmmmm, I'll need to chat to Rolf about that and find out if we should give it a name! :lol:


My caching companion is a Nuvi 500...

Her name is Sandy...

Sometimes she is the sweetest girl in town, and she points me straight to the little hideouts,

But then sometimes she is a real B!+@h, temperamental, and plain downright spiteful...

But she is my best buddy out there...

And she never stays at home...

She is always within an arms reach...

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