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The CrotalusRex and Mimichan Turtle Trcks Fundraiser Coin is on Presale Now!

CrotalusRex and Mimichan

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Check it out!!




It is almost ready folks!! Our new personal geocoin is almost ready to be released! It is unique in many ways--while it is our first and only personal geocoin it is also a fundraiser for my wildlife conservation work with Eastern Box Turtles--and it also rattles--yes it rattles like a rattlesnake. "Crotalus" is the first part of my geocaching handle and the first half of the latin name of my favorite snake-- the Rattlesnake so I thought it would be cool if the coin rattled and the great folks at Coinsandpins.com made it happen--amazing! This is a fundraiser coin so all money from the sale of each coin (minus production costs) will go to help fund the Turtle Tracks Eastern Box Turtle conservation and education project at Earthshine Mountain Lodge in Lake Toxaway, NC.


The coin is not for sale yet so this is just a heads up. It will be up for sale very soon--possibly before the end of January! If you want to be notified when it goes up for sale just sign up now and be first to get one when they go up for presale.


Although it is not for sale just yet you can check it out the Coinsandpins.com preview page. and you can read more about it on its website here: The CrotalusRex and Mimichan Turtle Tracks Fundraiser Geocoin.



CrotalusRex and Mimichan

aka: Steve and Marian


Check it out folks!




It is almost ready folks!! Our new personal geocoin is almost ready to be released! It is unique in many ways--while it is our first and only personal geocoin it is also a fundraiser for my wildlife conservation work with Eastern Box Turtles--and it also rattles--yes it rattles like a rattlesnake. "Crotalus" is the first part of my geocaching handle and the first half of the latin name of my favorite snake-- the Rattlesnake so I thought it would be cool if the coin rattled and the great folks at Coinsandpins.com made it happen--amazing! This is a fundraiser coin so all money from the sale of each coin (minus production costs) will go to help fund the donation funded Turtle Tracks Eastern Box Turtle conservation and education project at Earthshine Mountain Lodge in Lake Toxaway, NC.


The coin is not for sale yet so this is just a heads up. It will be up for sale very soon--possibly before the end of January! If you want to be notified when it goes up for sale just sign up now and be first to get one when they go up for presale.


Although it is not for sale just yet you can check it out the Coinsandpins.com preview page and you can read more about it on its website here: The CrotalusRex and Mimichan Wildlife Conservation Fundraiser Geocoin



CrotalusRex and Mimichan

aka: Steve and Marian


Note to forum admin: I posted this same note in another location on the forums before I saw this spot. Please remove the other entry if need be--thanks.


Any idea of the price? Do you have a tentative sale date yet? How large is your minting run?


That aside - when I hiked the AT in 1990, both these species were in good evidence. One day in Virginia we saw 5 box turtles! This is a coin and a cause I am very interested in.


Good luck!


Any idea of the price? Do you have a tentative sale date yet? How large is your minting run?


That aside - when I hiked the AT in 1990, both these species were in good evidence. One day in Virginia we saw 5 box turtles! This is a coin and a cause I am very interested in.


Good luck!


Hello ATMouse, Thanks for your interest in our new coin:-) I am glad that you had the good fortune to see many box turtles and rattlesnakes along the AT--I have encountered many in the forests along the NC section of the AT as well--yet another reason why we need unbroken tracts of wild lands as a place not only for us to play in but also as a place for the wildlife to live with no danger from humans.


The price--not sure as of yet--but that will be posted as soon as the coin is up for sale on the coinsandpins.com presale page which can be found through a link HERE.


The sale date is also unsure but sometime withing the next few weeks. If you sign up with Coinsandpins.com HERE you will be notified by email the instant the coin is for sale.


The minting will be based on the number of coins pre-sold.


Thanks again for your interest in our new coin and thank you for supporting our conservation cause--the survival of the box turtle and the education of the public on why we need reptiles in our world.


CrotalusRex and Mimichan


aka: Steve and Marian


Very cool coin. I'll have to get one of these. I like turtles and always stop to get them out of the road. The last one I picked up was a cute little box turtle.


I guess I have a thing for turtles... In one of my 4x4s I have two plastic sea turtles on the dash (sort of a reminder that slow going can get you really far) and a small set of chimes with a sea turtle, hanging from the windshield behind the rear view mirror (sort of a Himalayan thing... the chimes are very calming for passengers who freak out on steep rugged terrain). :blink::D

Prior to 1974, when I used to live back east, I came across a few box turtles myself. Out here in California, I'm sure to spot a rattlers just about anywhere and an occasional desert tortoise in the Mojave. But I digress... I'm all for conservation and education and this is a beautiful personal coin! Count me in. :unsure:


Very cool coin. I'll have to get one of these. I like turtles and always stop to get them out of the road. The last one I picked up was a cute little box turtle.




The ones I seem to find out on the road are snapping turtles. Ungrateful wretches. I drag 'em off anyhow. I hate to see little folk killed or suffering for nothing.


WOOHOO!! Our new personal coin is now on pre-sale. :D


This coin is the primary fundraiser for my conservation and rehabilitation work with Eastern Box Turtles for 2009. If you haven't already heard about it, this coin is reptile-themed with an Eastern Box Turtle on one side and an Eastern Diamondback Rattler (my other favorite reptile) on the other--and the coin rattles like a rattlesnake!! You can buy the new coin now through this link:




Get one fast because they will only be up for sale for a few days (about a week)! All proceeds--after production costs--will help provide funds for my donation-funded Turtle Tracks Eastern Box Turtle rehabilitation and conservation project at Earthshine Mountain Lodge (www.earthshinemtnlodge.com) in western North Carolina USA.


Check out the coin here:



Check out Turtle Tracks here:



Please send this note to all of your friends or to anyone else that you think may be interested in helping us help the turtles. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.


For the Turtles!! Cheers, CrotalusRex :D and Mimichan :angry:


I ordered one of these this evening and thought it was pre-sale but then I received an email saying it was shipped. Are they being pre-sold or are they shipping?


Thank you for ordering one so fast!! Wow! They are presale--strange that is gave you that message--probably just a computer burp?? I will be sure to ask my contact at Coinsandpins about that tomorrow and then post a reply here so everyone knows what happened.


Thanks again, CrotalusRex aka: Steve


Merging duplicate thread. Remember, one coin, one thread, and a moderator can change your title at any time, just click on "report" in your first post, and ask.


I ordered one of these this evening and thought it was pre-sale but then I received an email saying it was shipped. Are they being pre-sold or are they shipping?


My mistake, it was for a previous order but came in the same time as the receipt for this geocoin.


Thank you so much to everyone who has purchased our coins :D ! You can feel good in knowing that all the money from the sale of these coins will be used for the conservation of the Eastern Box Turtle and the education of countless folks who visit Earthshine Mountain Lodge and go on my turtle tracking hikes, attend a presentation on box turtles and native reptiles or just hike our nature trail. :)




If you are looking for an amazing all inclusive mountain vacation destination complete with high adventure activities such as our 7 element zipline, deep forest hikes, country-gourmet food, music, s'mores and stories around the campfire, farm animals, living history and turtle tracking expeditions with CrotalusRex (aka:Steve)--and soon--Geocaching on the mountaintop--then look no further than Earthshine Mountain Lodge in Lake Toxaway, NC. ;)



Thank you all!


CrotalusRex :D and Mimichan ;) and the turtles :D


If you are looking for an amazing all inclusive mountain vacation destination complete with high adventure activities such as our 7 element zipline, deep forest hikes, country-gourmet food, music, s'mores and stories around the campfire, farm animals, living history and turtle tracking expeditions with CrotalusRex (aka:Steve)--and soon--Geocaching on the mountaintop--then look no further than Earthshine Mountain Lodge in Lake Toxaway, NC. ;)



Thank you all!


CrotalusRex :D and Mimichan ;) and the turtles :)


If I'm ever stationed in Norfolk again (very likely!) I'll look you up. : )

Posted (edited)

ordered one. it will be one of my first geocoins. what have i gotten into?

:P hehehe


Heh -- a total addiction! Shiny metal things, shiny, shiny....


Edited to add: but not always metal!

Edited by Jackalgirl



Hi Folks :P ! If you missed the presale of the CrotalusRex and Mimichan Turtle Tracks fundraiser coin then I have some good news--there are still a few coins left--WOO HOO :) ! If you would like one please check out the coin's website for how you can get your own coin and at the same time help our Eastern Box Turtle conservation efforts at Earthshine Mountain Lodge. Thanks again, CrotalusRex :D and Mimichan :D


I just got my coins today. They look awesome! I think my favorite is the silver. I don't know if I want to take the chance of ruining this coin by drilling a hole through it...


One observation I had (and please forgive me if I get my terms wrong, I'm a noob with coins): it seems to me like my silver coin is hard enamel, the blue color is flush with the edge of the coin. My bronze coin seems to be soft enamel. Does anyone else notice this or are my eyes bad? <_<


Anyway, thanks for this great coin. I love it!


Thank you to everyone who has purchased one of our fundraiser geocoins!! WOO HOO!!




Your generous support of the Turtle Tracks conservation project will benefit the conservation and study of the Eastern Box Turtle--thank you!!


If you would still like to help the Turtle Tracks project there are still several coins available for sale so check out the coin's website to get yourself one today.


Take care, CrotalusRex and Mimichan


I was waiting to buy some of these until they where minted and i forgot.


I hope you have some left in a few weeks so i can get several of these.


I will need to find out the shipping discounts first.


I also have a fundrasier coin coming out in a few weeks so i may want to wait and see if you want to tarde a couple.

Posted (edited)



If you missed the first run of this unique and beautiful coin now is your second chance to acquire one or more in the original finishes of Bronze, Antique Silver and by popular demand--the Limited Edition (LE) Copper. Order as many as you like of the bronze and silver but remember the LE copper is just that--limited--only a limited number will be produced so they will go fast.


All coins will be sold on a pre-sale basis. The way this works is as follows: on June 29, 2009 at 8:00 am eastern time (USA) the coins will go up for pre-sale on this website. Persons interested will then order and pay for all of the coins that they are interested in up front through the paypal link on the above website. I will invoice buyers through paypal. After the pre-sale ends the exact number of coins sold will then be minted and then shipped to all those individuals who purchased them. In this way resources will be saved and I will not have a surplus of coins sitting around gathering dust. Prices and shipping will remain the same as with the first minting.


To get yourself a coin(s) PLEASE DO NOT PAY NOW. Wait until the pre-sale begins, follow the above link to the coin's website and then click the donate button to pay/donate. If you would like a reminder of the pre-sale just email me with your interest now and I will add you to the Earthshine Nature Notes Newsletter mailing list. One or two days or so before the pre-sale begins I will email you the next issue of the newsletter and it will have a pre-sale reminder article so you can set your reminder/alarm so you will be ready to order your coins during the pre-sale starting on June 29th.


Email me if you would like to be added to the e-newsletter mailing list: earthshine.nature@gmail.com


Cheers, CrotalusRex and Mimichan aka: Steve and Mimi

Edited by CrotalusRex and Mimichan

Eastern Box Turtles. We had them as pets when we were growing up. Well, we would find them in the yard, paint our initials on their backs with fingernail polish and set them loose again. When one would turn up, we'd look to see whose turtle it was! (Remember this was during the era of being able to buy Easter chicks that were dyed in pretty colors.)


I am always happy when I come across a box turtle. I have one in my backyard here, and one in my front yard at my country home. I consider them my guardians.


Thanks for your work, Steve.


Eastern Box Turtles. We had them as pets when we were growing up. Well, we would find them in the yard, paint our initials on their backs with fingernail polish and set them loose again. When one would turn up, we'd look to see whose turtle it was! (Remember this was during the era of being able to buy Easter chicks that were dyed in pretty colors.)


I am always happy when I come across a box turtle. I have one in my backyard here, and one in my front yard at my country home. I consider them my guardians.


Thanks for your work, Steve.


Hello Chickahominy,


Thank you for your early donation to the project--I will send you your 6 coins as soon as I have them.


Your story brings back fond memories of the box turtles I found in my youth. I also painted my initials on their backs and released them back in the woods. I grew up and I continue to mark turtles but with a bit more scientific direction behind the reason. Now I monitor them with a bit more high-tech methods but the theory is basically the same--mark-recapture. Over time I learn about their movements and habitat use and many other things that we would never know without just asking the question: where do they go, what do they do, how do they resopnd to our modification of their habitats and so on. Through mark-recapture and radio telemetry we are learning loads about box turtle movements at Earthshine Mountain Lodge and in our other study sites--it is really amazing to glimpse into the lives of these wonderful creatures that really need our help or they will not survive man and his machines.


Thank you again for your support of the Turtle Tracks project and yes, I too see them as guardians and jems of the forest.




Hello all,


The Turtle Tracks fundraiser geocoins are now on second pre-sale! Just click the link below to order yours now.


Click here to order your coins




The pre-sale will be active from June 29-July 07 at 12:00am.


For more information on the coin and the Turtle Tracks project just follow

this link.


Thank you for your support of the Turtle Tracks Eastern Box Turtle conservation program.


CrotalusRex and Mimichan

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