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4th International Math Trade


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Wish list *finally* completed and emailed! Holy cow! I hope I don't have to look at another digit for a month!! :laughing: Thanks for hosting and for your hard work on an amazing trade! Heading to Staples in the morning for packing supplies! <<gg>> Night all!!


i got home early ad had just enough time to get my list in just under the midnight deadline. Thank you for hosting the trade. :laughing:


Way to go. Now with that settled, Mr +3, where we at with the lists? I'm sure everyone's is in now, right? :laughing:


i got home early ad had just enough time to get my list in just under the midnight deadline. Thank you for hosting the trade. :laughing:


Way to go. Now with that settled, Mr +3, where we at with the lists? I'm sure everyone's is in now, right? :laughing:


Still waiting on five people, with one having responded to my email after the deadline. The other four haven't responded to correspondence since they initially were invited into the mathtrade. I'm willing to give them til the end of the weekend if nobody has any objections ( a couple of them account for the bulk of my want list! :laughing: )


With the amount of work that you have put into organising the trade so far plus where my want list was small I'm sure others were hours of work, waiting for a little while longer is no drama. After all life does tend to get in the way at times :D


First off, no one has to redo any lists :D If the people don't send in lists, their coins just aren't available for trade. ECPlus3 can just enter there username and coins, without wants. Like if I didnt send a list:


TMA (1250) :

TMA (1251) :

TMA (1252) :


and so on.


I think it's pretty raw that the majority of the people busted hump to get their lists in on time, and others didn't make it. Since Monday is a US Postal Holiday, I think it's a perfect day to pack coins. I say move the deadline to Sunday 12PM EST. After that, run the numbers, and oh well, those lists that didn't make it are just not up for trade anymore. That gives folks a day or so to pack up coins before post. Continuing to wait on folks that can't respond to you isn't productive. I'm sure someone might have a good reason, but if they don't contact you, you can't guess what that is.




I don't mind waiting a little longer... I checked the names above, and someone is still missing who offeres one of my most wanted... :D

And can't say it often enough: thanks for volunteering to do all this work with the lists for us, E&Cplus3!


Hmm. I wasn't aware that this was a long weekend in the US. :D


In hindsight, this might not have been the best weekend to have the deadline on. Oh well, not much I can do now. Two of those left to check in are Canadian anyway, so no excuse! ;)


And TMA is correct, I'll just leave their coins blank. No new lists will be required!


I guess I may be in the minority but I would rather NOT wait. I read the rules... I lived up to the deadlines...and there was plenty of time to do so regardless of what came up in life. I have a large family, work is a nightmare and lots of distractions too. However, I made a commitment and knew I had to fulfill it or send a note that I can't make it - easy as that.


It always amazes me how often people sign up for something and then don't/can't keep up their end. Always allowing these extensions just mitigates the trend for people to miss the deadlines - in my opinion. Sorry, but I've heard this record too many times and think that if people can't live up to schedules, then the rest of us shouldn't have to pay for that. At the very least people should have the courtesy for a 2 minute email to say they can't make it or need a bit more time.


Next week is going to be a nightmare for me and I was certainly hoping to get a jump on all this.


Well put! I couldn't agree more!


Katja - kdv


I guess I may be in the minority but I would rather NOT wait. I read the rules... I lived up to the deadlines...and there was plenty of time to do so regardless of what came up in life. I have a large family, work is a nightmare and lots of distractions too. However, I made a commitment and knew I had to fulfill it or send a note that I can't make it - easy as that.


It always amazes me how often people sign up for something and then don't/can't keep up their end. Always allowing these extensions just mitigates the trend for people to miss the deadlines - in my opinion. Sorry, but I've heard this record too many times and think that if people can't live up to schedules, then the rest of us shouldn't have to pay for that. At the very least people should have the courtesy for a 2 minute email to say they can't make it or need a bit more time.


Next week is going to be a nightmare for me and I was certainly hoping to get a jump on all this.


Hmm. I wasn't aware that this was a long weekend in the US. :D


In hindsight, this might not have been the best weekend to have the deadline on. Oh well, not much I can do now. Two of those left to check in are Canadian anyway, so no excuse! ;)


And TMA is correct, I'll just leave their coins blank. No new lists will be required!


Any chance of a quick list of those who you haven't received lists from. That way we could all be confident that it wasn't our list that had gone AWOL.


I guess I may be in the minority but I would rather NOT wait. I read the rules... I lived up to the deadlines...and there was plenty of time to do so regardless of what came up in life. I have a large family, work is a nightmare and lots of distractions too. However, I made a commitment and knew I had to fulfill it or send a note that I can't make it - easy as that.


It always amazes me how often people sign up for something and then don't/can't keep up their end. Always allowing these extensions just mitigates the trend for people to miss the deadlines - in my opinion. Sorry, but I've heard this record too many times and think that if people can't live up to schedules, then the rest of us shouldn't have to pay for that. At the very least people should have the courtesy for a 2 minute email to say they can't make it or need a bit more time.


Next week is going to be a nightmare for me and I was certainly hoping to get a jump on all this.


I agree with you completely. That was my nice side posting above :D I think it sucks to wait. . .




I would also be happier with continuing on with only those who made the deadline rather than waiting (though I am grateful that E&CPlus3 found my mistake and gave me a chance to fix it!).


Plenty of time was given for people to put together their want lists. I'm worried that if they didn't find the time to submit their want lists, or even send a quick email explaining their situation, that they might also have trouble finding the time to pack up their coins and ship them to the trade recipients.




Plenty of time was given for people to put together their want lists. I'm worried that if they didn't find the time to submit their want lists, or even send a quick email explaining their situation, that they might also have trouble finding the time to pack up their coins and ship them to the trade recipients.




I definitely agree with this post. If they weren't responsible enough to get their want lists in on time, they'll probably won't be responsible in mailing their coins out.


Plenty of time was given for people to put together their want lists. I'm worried that if they didn't find the time to submit their want lists, or even send a quick email explaining their situation, that they might also have trouble finding the time to pack up their coins and ship them to the trade recipients.




I definitely agree with this post. If they weren't responsible enough to get their want lists in on time, they'll probably won't be responsible in mailing their coins out.


This is a concern of mine as well. I knew i was cutting it close with my list but I had no problem being bumped out if i missed the deadline. i knew the rules. IMO :D But I am not hosting the trade so I will do whatever the host decides.


Hi All

My reply that I was prepared to wait was based on 15 people having not put their list in, plus the possibly of those 15 being the larger contributors to the list taking the coin count down by 980 coins (gotta love excel)

So in that case the chances of not getting some of your coins that you wanted increases greatly and no trade, hence the having to do the list again in the next maths trade ;)


Just as a side note the "happy to wait" was for those who went "I need x more time" not for those who are not responding to e-mails or we could be here for months. :D


If I've read E&CPlusre3 corctly right now there should only be 3 or 4 no-showers left. I'd say let's go ahead without them...


Hi All

My reply that I was prepared to wait was based on 15 people having not put their list in, plus the possibly of those 15 being the larger contributors to the list taking the coin count down by 980 coins (gotta love excel)

So in that case the chances of not getting some of your coins that you wanted increases greatly and no trade, hence the having to do the list again in the next maths trade ;)


Just as a side note the "happy to wait" was for those who went "I need x more time" not for those who are not responding to e-mails or we could be here for months. :D




Math Trade closed.


I'll do some final checks on the lists and wait for confirmations on a few ambiguous numbers (most have already responded. If you haven't received an email from me, I didn't find a problem with your list).


Then I will do a run with the software to see if it finds anything.


I hope to have the final trade lists published sometime tomorrow.


There were three participants who did not get lists in to me:



Penny and Kona



I've run the trade software and have had a clean run (no errors or warnings).


Of the 1437 entries (remember, a few coins were grouped, so there weren't actually 1488 entries), 673 were traded. That's a little more than 46%.


Its late, so I'll wait til tomorrow to post the lists.


There were three participants who did not get lists in to me:



Penny and Kona



I've run the trade software and have had a clean run (no errors or warnings).


Of the 1437 entries (remember, a few coins were grouped, so there weren't actually 1488 entries), 673 were traded. That's a little more than 46%.


Its late, so I'll wait til tomorrow to post the lists.


Ahhhhh we have to wait one more night...............i think my head is gonna explode from anticipation. :D


I only have seven coins total listed in the trade. I joined for the fun and learning experience, so no matter if all or none of my coins trade, I just want to thank E&Cplus3 for hosting this great math trade tonight before all the posting gets crazy. Good luck everybody!



Penny and Kona


Well that only eliminated about 4 coins on my want list - a couple of which were duplicates. Probably didn't make a whole lot of difference anyway. I was being really picky so probably didn't trade a whole lot of the coins I listed. Thanks. ;) Looking forward to the results anxiously. :D



E&Cplus3, thanks for organizing this mathtrade and all the work you did!!


Can't wait to see the results B) I hope I will be able to see them today (it's a bit later here in Europe, so I might have to wait untill mondaymorning....)


Math Trade #1 had 95 of 184 items trade, or 51%

Math Trade #2 had 391 of 584 items trade, or 67%


I checked out the website of the guy who wrote TradeMaximizer (the software I used). He says it is guaranteed to find the maximum number of trades possible. He also cited a trade in which 2320 items were involved and 994 traded, or 43%


I think the more people participate and most of all, the more coins are listed, thelower the total percentage of coins traed will be, because particpants have more to choose from and maybe tend to include only the coins they really desire a lot in their want list, instead of all the coins they would rather have instead of the ones they currently own. And of course, the shorter people's want lists, the fewer coins will be traded in the end...


That's a little more than 46%.


How does that compare with past math trades? Is about half what usually gets traded?


Math Trade 3 had 432 out of 709 coins trade (60.9%). I didn't go back and look at #2.




I only have seven coins total listed in the trade. I joined for the fun and learning experience, so no matter if all or none of my coins trade, I just want to thank E&Cplus3 for hosting this great math trade tonight before all the posting gets crazy. Good luck everybody!


I second that statement! This was my first time in a math trade. I had no idea what to expect, still not really sure what I'm doing :mad:, but E&Cplus3 did an excellent job explaining every step along the way to help us less fortunate ones avoid getting too confused. Thanks for putting this on, even though I already know the Lump of Coal is not in my future B)


Thanks for your patience everyone!


I have gone over the final output several times to make sure there were no blunders on my part. It looks good, but I would like everyone to double-check their portions of the list as soon as possible just in case I missed something.


I think it may be a good thing that tomorrow is a holiday in the US, as it gives one extra day for the majority of traders involved to see if I screwed things up B)


I will be posting the results in two sections. The first post will be the list of what you are to send out and to whom. It will look like this:


(just picking on someone at random)


(2GOLFERS)	26	sends to	(ATLANTAGAL)	68
(2GOLFERS)	27	sends to	(ATLANTAGAL)	56
(2GOLFERS)	28		does not trade	
(2GOLFERS)	29	sends to	(THE MOOP ALONG)	1282


So, 2Golfers will send coins 26 and 27 to AtlantaGal and coin 29 to The Moop Along, and coin 28 did not trade (2Golfers' list is much longer, I just picked the first four for illustration purposes). The number at the end isn't really relevant... it just shows which coin in the chain of trades the recipient will be sending.


The second post will contain the list of what you will be receiving. It will look like this:


(2GOLFERS)	26	receives	(TADPOLE379)	1086
(2GOLFERS)	27	receives	(PSU FAN)	962
(2GOLFERS)	28		does not trade		
(2GOLFERS)	29	receives	(THE MOOP ALONG)	1156


So, 2Golfers is getting coin 1086 from Tadpole379, coin 962 from PSU Fan, and coin 1156 from The Moop Along.


To see what you are getting, just refer to the >>Use This List<< sheet on the Google Spreadsheet.


If you have any questions -- or especially if you have any problems or concerns -- please contact me (but don't use PM, as it doesn't work because of the '&' in my username).


So! Here are the lists (drumroll please)....

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