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COINTEST: "Nice spot here for a bit of butty munching"


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As the catalyst and initial subject for this CoinTest, BexyBear was delighted to receive an AlbertaSaurus coin...I wonder if it will feature in stage 3 :D




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As the catalyst and initial subject for this CoinTest, BexyBear was delighted to receive an AlbertaSaurus coin...I wonder if it will feature in stage 3 :D





It seems we have all examined your caching happenings with a scope. You Deserve that coin, Tee Hee.

Thank you for alloing yourself to be searched by us. It has been a blast and I can only imagine what wavector has waiting in the wings. We all can't wait and I'm guessing we'll be checking out that AWESOME coin as well as your others before this game is done.THanx again to you and yours,




Stage 3 .... front and center .... PLease???


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Just curious, from time to time i've been looking for the answer of who Brandon is. I realize those two questions will be in stage 3 so I will have to figure them out eventually!! Has anyone figured them out??? Not asking for a hand out(well maybe) Just a little reasurance that they can be found. And if I am making this harder than it really is. I don't have much more hair to pull out!!thpullhairout.gif

Edited by Eartha
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Hello Everyone

I was hoping for more entries in Stage Two so I will leave Stage Two open for now. Stage One is closed and I hope everyone is ready for Stage Three. Stage Three gets a bit more difficult. :) You do not need any special access to complete these questions, just a keen eye and the qualities of Glenn-Evert, the ever reading mouse.


Thanks to BexyBear for letting me build upon a happenstance to create this puzzle. In light of the fact that the original occurence was a happenstance I thought our first question would start out with the same situation.


"Nice spot here for a bit of butty munching"

Stage Three


BexyBear got a nice Albertosaurus geocoin in the mail. MrsBexyBear liked it so much she grabbed it and used her cell phone to log the geocoin, well, lo and behold, the new Albertosaurus was unactivated, now MrsBexyBear has corrupted her profile, oh oh.


1) Who is Mrs BexyBear?

2) What is the public tracking number of the nice Albertosaurus geocoin that came in the mail?



In your reading you may have encountered a few logs that weren't really clear and this log is sure to be one that you have read.

"Picked up a travel bug and a geocoin, to drop them later in Ridge Hill."

3) What two items were picked up?



A geocacher visited this cache and dropped off a trackable item, they did not log the visit to the cache and they did not log the trackable item.

4) Which geocacher was it?




5) Who is this geocacher?

6) How are he and I connected?




Stage Two Questions - You should know these now!

19) What is Brandon's geocaching name?

20) Who does Brandon cache with?



When you think you have the right answers you need to send them to me. You do not need to make a post here. If you have the right answers then you will receive permission to grab this Travel Bug. I have contacted the owner of this Travel Bug and when I allow you to grab this bug it will be OK, the owner has given permission. Do not grab this travel bug without my explicit permission or you will be disqualified. The FTF prize for this Stage is an unactivated TB tag. I will announce the Stage Three prize shortly.



Good Luck Everyone

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Oh boy.


What a shame I won't be able to get the answers in for FTF! Just my luck that I have started a new job and won't have time to search until tomorrow (my day off!)- good luck everyone!


I think you could still be FTF, these are tough questions. :D


Well, 1) and 2) were a doddle :D but then I would say that :lol:


3) was fairly easy...


but 4) is in my back yard, and even I'm struggling...5) this suspect looks vaguely, very vaguely familar...

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How's everbody doing on Stage 3???

Wicked Tough eh !!!!!!

I have been researching since it was opened. Fingers numb, neck and head aching,





Just looking for the peeping stranger, and I know, we have seen the likes of him somewhere ...?

Ok, Everbody ... BACK TO WORK !!!!!


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If you think you have some of the answers right it won't hurt to take a guess. You can still enter again if your guess is incorrect and you might be able to confirm some of your correct answers. None of the questions can really be considered easy but careful checking of facts will lead you to the right answers.

If a question seems impossible to answer it isn't, there is way.

If every case when you have the right answer you will know, it will follow logically from some other link.

I may provide hints depending upon guesses, if a question seems to be stumping everyone I will likely add a hint for that question.

There is bound to be nice prize for this stage. :(

Good Luck.

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I can't believe the site is down right in the midst of a stage 3 search.




I used the opportunity to go out caching found the first of a multi then I think I figured the final cords wrong but I got a nice one mile hike in the mountains in the snow!!!!!!!!

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I can't believe the site is down right in the midst of a stage 3 search.




I used the opportunity to go out caching found the first of a multi then I think I figured the final cords wrong but I got a nice one mile hike in the mountains in the snow!!!!!!!!


Hey, you only got a *one mile* hike out in the mountains...you oughta tryout BexyBear's fav hide out in the Swiss Alps...GCE7E3...Heidi

Enjoy, :(

Edited by BexyBear
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I can't believe the site is down right in the midst of a stage 3 search.




I used the opportunity to go out caching found the first of a multi then I think I figured the final cords wrong but I got a nice one mile hike in the mountains in the snow!!!!!!!!


Hey, you only got a *one mile* hike out in the mountains...you oughta tryout BexyBear's fav hide out in the Swiss Alps...GCE7E3...Heidi

Enjoy, :D

Looks like it would be a great hike with refreshment at the end :blink::D:D:D

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That cache looks tough but BEAUTIFUL.

One thing I have noticed through these stages is There are some AWESOME area's out there . Stunning views and those rolling hills that go on forever. And smack dab in the middle pops up a little town.

Breathtaking. No Matter what the outcome of these cointests.

It was worth the trip!!!!!!





PS ... i'm not missing a hint at heidi's , am i?????

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I know, I know

Wavector, BexyBear, Dovestoner, Dovestone-Dipper and the missing Public # are all the same person,Ha Aha Ha Aha AHhahahahahhahahahhahaahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahhhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahahahahhahahhahahah

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I am begening to become cross eyed over stage three!!!

I REALLY want to figure out how that coin got grabbed but not activated!

Does this mean another player could activate it again?


If a person has the actual coin , they can post it as a discovery if it hasn't been activated.It happened to one of the Cachin' Crow coins. You enter the number on the coin, just like any other discovery, or retrieving.

In this case, I think that's what Mrs. BexyBear did. The problem is getting The Public Tracking Number to find that coin's page.



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I am begening to become cross eyed over stage three!!!

I REALLY want to figure out how that coin got grabbed but not activated!

Does this mean another player could activate it again?


If a person has the actual coin , they can post it as a discovery if it hasn't been activated.It happened to one of the Cachin' Crow coins. You enter the number on the coin, just like any other discovery, or retrieving.

In this case, I think that's what Mrs. BexyBear did. The problem is getting The Public Tracking Number to find that coin's page.



But in this case Mrs. BexyBear grabbed the coin using the private tracking number and the wap.geocaching.com interface...the coin resides in her inventory, and because it isn't activated, her MyAccount page crashes. However, her MyProfile page displays OK.

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I am begening to become cross eyed over stage three!!!

I REALLY want to figure out how that coin got grabbed but not activated!

Does this mean another player could activate it again?


If a person has the actual coin , they can post it as a discovery if it hasn't been activated.It happened to one of the Cachin' Crow coins. You enter the number on the coin, just like any other discovery, or retrieving.

In this case, I think that's what Mrs. BexyBear did. The problem is getting The Public Tracking Number to find that coin's page.



But in this case Mrs. BexyBear grabbed the coin using the private tracking number and the wap.geocaching.com interface...the coin resides in her inventory, and because it isn't activated, her MyAccount page crashes. However, her MyProfile page displays OK.



I'm starting to think the error message is a fake and some info is hidden in it somehow :laughing:

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I am begening to become cross eyed over stage three!!!

I REALLY want to figure out how that coin got grabbed but not activated!

Does this mean another player could activate it again?


If a person has the actual coin , they can post it as a discovery if it hasn't been activated.It happened to one of the Cachin' Crow coins. You enter the number on the coin, just like any other discovery, or retrieving.

In this case, I think that's what Mrs. BexyBear did. The problem is getting The Public Tracking Number to find that coin's page.



But in this case Mrs. BexyBear grabbed the coin using the private tracking number and the wap.geocaching.com interface...the coin resides in her inventory, and because it isn't activated, her MyAccount page crashes. However, her MyProfile page displays OK.


Isn't this how stage two started with BexyBear, a geocoin and a wonky wap file? or

Is it the kitchen utensils in the Music Room with Miss Scarlet? Clues we need clues! Throw us a sweet Wavector it's Valentine's Day! 586.gif

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Maybe there's another TB attached to the coin. When we enter the tracking number for that traveler , it'll show that it's attached to the Albertosaurus coin as a pair. If finding the public tracking number has to do with the wap interface, then I'm CLUELSS!!!!.


Happy VD all,




Maybe It's attached to a Red Herring Coin, HMMmmmmmm

Edited by opalsns
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But in this case Mrs. BexyBear grabbed the coin using the private tracking number and the wap.geocaching.com interface...the coin resides in her inventory, and because it isn't activated, her MyAccount page crashes. However, her MyProfile page displays OK.


HMmmmmm, The coin is in her inventory as a grab though. Not as the owner. One can grab a coin by using it's private number.

But only when it's activated , will it have a Public number. At least this is my understanding. I've been known to be wrong , and bad, very, very bad.



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I suppose some hints might be in order.

I had to figure out the answers to Questions 1 & 2 so I know it can be done.

For the other questions, please don't lose sight of the fact that this is the Mystery of Hartshead Pike.


Question 1 No Hint - Most have figured this out I think.

Question 2 Here is a hint - Groundspeak database logic.

Question 3 No Hint - Seems straightforward. :D

Question 4 Here is a hint - See Question 3 - which geocoin?

Question 5 Here is one hint - See Stage One , he knows something.

Question 6 No Hint - Not yet anyways.

Question 19 Here is a hint - See Question 3 - which travel bug?

Question 20 No hint - It follows from 19.


I want to stress that none of the answers are ambiguous.

When you find one you will know.

You can check and see who has the travel bug pictured in the contest to see if anyone has been successful in answering correctly.

Be ready to grab that Travel Bug yourself.

This mystery is solvable by trying to figure out what happened at Hartshead Pike and never steps far from that start with the exception of Questions 1 & 2, which were too much fun not to add.

If you were in on Stage Two you probably got a head start on some of these questions at the beginning when trying to figure out the state of affairs at Hartshead Pike, you probabaly had spent some time looking at the log in Question 3?

Question 4 follows very closely from 3.

Question 5 however is a complete departure, go back to Stage One and the real mystery that started it all.

Edited by wavector
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HMmmmmm, The coin is in her inventory as a grab though. Not as the owner. One can grab a coin by using it's private number.

But only when it's activated , will it have a Public number. At least this is my understanding. I've been known to be wrong , and bad, very, very bad.



I think that the public number is allocated when Groundspeak generate the private number - another 'feature' of the wap interface is that it states the date the coin was created, which is not the same date field as the date of release as displayed on the coin's page on the regular website

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