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Knock Knock, Who's There? Nova Scotia Cointest II

The Skylark Four

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Agate is the official gemstone emblem of Nova Scotia. It was adopted in November 1999.

Native cultures used agate as a tool more than 10,000 years ago.

Today, it is used primarily for decorative jewellery or ornaments.

Agate is a type of quartz that is resistant to erosion. It possesses a variety of colours and forms.

Agate is also the birthstone for May, corresponding with the province's official flower, the mayflower.



Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Banana who?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Orange who?

Orange you glad I didn't say banana? :blink:

Posted (edited)




Stilbite was declared the provincial mineral in November 1999.

Stilbite is a variety of zeolite, mined mainly on the west coast of North America.

Nova Scotia has an abundance of the mineral, found in the Annapolis Valley region along the Bay of Fundy.

The mineral is composed of silica, sodium, potassium, aluminum and other elements.

Although it appears solid, it is actually a small honeycomb of pores.

Zeolites, including stilbite, can absorb up to 30 per cent of their dry weight in gasses and 90 per cent in hydrocarbons.

This allows the mineral to be used in oil spill clean-ups and in other industrial processes because of its ability to absorb odour and suppressants.

Another capability of stilbite is the ability to attract calcium and magnesium so that it can be used in water softening.



Knock, knock

Who's there?


Madam who?

Madam foot is caught in the door :blink:


P.S. The kids like it it is on the edge for them


Joke (Just in case that was iffy):

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Hawaii who?

I'm fine, Hawaii you? :)

Edited by Queenie-Boo-Bay
Posted (edited)

Nova Scotia Fact:


Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)


Bell moved to Baddeck, Nova Scotia, in 1885, where in 1909, his silver dart airplane performed the first powered flight in the British Empire

and where in 1919, Bell launched the world's first hydrofoil.

Near his final resting place is the world famous Bell Museum in Baddeck


Knock-Knock Joke:


Knock, Knock


Who's there?




Pencil who?


Pencil fall down if you don't have a belt. :blink:

Edited by The Finding Irish 4

Nova Scotia Fact:


Quote from Alexander Graham Bell about Nova Scotia:

"I have travelled around the globe. I have seen the Canadian Rockies, the American Rockies, the Andes and

the Alps and the Highlands of Scotland; but for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all." - The Bells are buried in Baddeck, Nova Scotia


Knock-Knock Joke:


Knock knock


Who's there?




Icy who?


I see your underwear. :blink:


Nova Scotia and the Atlantic provinces have a geocaching association, ACGA (Atlantic Canada Geocaching Association).


Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Zizi who?

Zizi when you know how


Nova Scotia will hold the 9th Anniversary of Geocaching in Canada:

Graves Island Provincial Park

Chester NS

June 27, 2009


Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Isabelle who?

Isabelle necessary on the door?




Healthy Living Tax Credit - The Healthy Living Tax Credit will be extended to Nova Scotians of all ages in the 2009 tax year. Minister of Health Promotion and Protection Barry Barnet, (left) an avid hockey player, and Darren Cossar, executive director of Hockey Nova Scotia, are encouraging Nova Scotians to get active and take advantage of the tax credit, which has been extended to include adults who participate in fitness activities.




Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Doctor Who?

You just said it!

Posted (edited)

In December 1917, during WWI, a munitions ship blew up in Halifax Harbor, killing over 2000 people. It flattened 2 square kilometers of Northern Halifax, and was the biggest "man-made" explosion until the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945.




Who's there?


Icy who?

Icy a big Polar Bear up ahead!

Edited by acadiahiker

The oldest stone in St. Paul's Cemetery, the oldest burial ground in Halifax, reads May 28, 1752.


Knock Knock

Who' there?


Geocoin who?


Knock Knock

Who' there?


Geocoin who?


Knock Knock

Who' there?


Geocoin who?


Knock Knock

Who' there?


Geocoin who?


Knock Knock

Who' there?


Geocoin who?


Knock Knock

Who' there?


Geocoin who?


Knock, Knock

Who's there?


Orange who?

Orange you glad I didn't say Geocoin!


Nova Scotia was the first place in my life I had ever seen round hay bales. It has a beautiful rolling country side. The CAT runs from Bar Harbor ME to Yarmouth NS. The Scotia Prince runs from Portland ME to Yarmouth NS.


Knock, knock.....

Who's there?


I don't know.....

I don't know who?


I don't know what to do!


Fact: A small list of famous folks with Nova Scotia Summer Homes


* Jack Nicholson

* Paul Simon

* Billy Joel

* Roger Moore

* James Brolin

* Demi Moore



Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Tennis who?

Tennis Five plus Five.


North America's first Agricultural Fair was held in Windsor, Nova Scotia in 1752.


Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Lionel who?

Lionel roar if you don't feed him!




Nova Scotia has two National and several dozen Provincial Parks, the majority of which offer camping. They have a a pretty good website for those interested in camping in the province at www.novascotiaparks.ca




Knock, knock

Who's there?

Interupting cow

Inter <MOOOO!>




Nova Scotia is blessed with over 7,000 kilometres of coastline and hundreds of wilderness trails, offering a lifetime of exploration opportunities. Whenever I visit a new area to geocache, I always look up their trail system first and try to find caches located there.




Person A: “I’ve got a great knock-knock joke. You start.”


Person B: “Okay. Knock knock.”


Person A: “Who’s there?”


Person B: Jaw drops a little. Stands there dumbly. Laugh at him/her.


Nova Scotia Fact:




Marc-André Fleury


Fleury played major junior in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League (QMJHL) for the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles, beginning in 2000–01.

After a strong 2002–03 campaign that included a silver medal with Team Canada at the World Junior Championships and QMJHL Second Team All-Star honours, he was chosen first overall in the 2003 NHL Entry Draft by the Pittsburgh Penguins.


Knock Knock Joke:


Knock, knock.


Who's there?




Luck who?


Luck through the key hole and you'll find out.



Nova Scotia Fact:




Cape Breton Screaming Eagles


City: Sydney, Nova Scotia


League: Q.M.J.H.L.


Division: Eastern


Founded: 1997–98


Home Arena: Centre 200


Colours: Black, White, Gold & Grey


General Manager: Mario Durocher


knock Knock Joke:


Knock, knock.


Who's there?




Pecan who?


Pecan someone your own size!


Posted (edited)




How many people live in Nova Scotia?

The total population of Nova Scotia is 936,025. Youth up to the age 19 make up about 24%, or 222,746, of that total.



Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Amos who?

A mosquito bit me! :D

Edited by Queenie-Boo-Bay


The Wild Blueberry


Nova Scotia's blueberries reach a global audience.

They are sold in more than 20 countries around the world, making a great contribution to our economy.

The wild blueberry is grown in five regions in Canada, and Nova Scotia is the largest producer in the country.

On January 11, 1996, the wild blueberry was officially declared the Provincial Berry of Nova Scotia.



Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Andy who?

And he bit me again. OUCH! :D


Nova Scotia Fact:


Joseph Howe (1804-1873)

Premier of Nova Scotia 1863, Lt. Governor 1873 Considered one of the finest journalists, orators and politicians in the British Empire.

He established freedom of the press and speech in the overseas British Empire in Province House, Halifax 1840.

Howe symbolized Nova Scotia's devotion to self government and its total opposition to joining Canada in 1867.

Howe was the most beloved politician in Nova Scotia history.


Knock-Knock Joke:




Who's there?




Butter who?


I butter not tell you


Nova Scotia Fact:


Quote from Joseph Howe:

"A wise nation preserves its records, gathers up its monuments, decorates the tombes of its illustrious dead, repairs its greatest structures and fosters national pride and love of country, by perpetual references to the sacrifices and glories of the past."


Knock-Knock Joke:


Knock knock


Who's there?




Theodore who?


Theodore is stuck and it won't close


The Joggins Fossil Cliffs on the Bay of Fundy are reported to be the finest exposure of rocks and fossil history of the "Coal Age". Since childhood, I've always wanted to visit the site.





Who's there?


Island who?

Island on your roof with a parachute!




Sydneyalso commonly known as the Steel Cityis Nova Scotia's third largest city and acts as a major industrial hub for the rest of Atlantic Canada. Located on the shores of the vast Sydney harbour, this historic community is a mainstay of the legendary Cape Breton region, and boasts several buildings and landmarks that date as far back as 1786. Learn about the tumultuous history that helped forge this early settlement into the city that is today at the Cape Breton Centre for Heritage and Science. Strolling along the Oceanfront Esplanade will lead visitors to numerous statues and plaques that celebrate Sydney's rich cultural heritage, while the nearby Cossit and Jost Houses are historical museums that will take tourists back in time. Sydney Riverjust south of central Sydneyis a rich and vibrant shopping district.



Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Thermos who?

Thermos be a better knock knock joke than this!


The White Star Line steamer Atlantic sank near Halifax in 1873. With over 500 fatalities, the Atlantic wreck was one of the worst shipwreck disasters in Nova Scotia history.


Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Radio Who ?

Radio not , here I come!


The Official Welcome of Nova Scotia is "Ciad Mile Failte," Gaelic for "One Hundred Thousand Welcomes"


Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Repeat who?

Who Who Who!


1. A province of eastern Canada comprising a mainland peninsula and the adjacent Cape Breton Island.

It joined the confederation in 1867.


Knock, knock

Who's there?

Cows go.

Cows go who?

No, they don't. They go moo!


Three different cemeteries (Fairview, Mount Olivet & Baron de Hirsch) in the city of Halifax offer a final resting place to the victims of the Titanic.


Knock Knock

Who's there?


Ears who?

Ears looking at you!




New Year's Eve at the Grand Parade

December 31, 2008

Close out the year with NYE celebrations in downtown Halifax. The entertainment will include a concert, official countdown at midnight and fireworks. Admission is free.



Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Major who?

Major headache, please gimme aspirin!


We Have Winners


Random post containing a Nova Scotia fact

Congratulations to

The Finding Irish 4 (Post #41)


Favorite Knock-Knock joke as judged by my children (this took some time to decide)

Congratulations to

ELTADA (See the joke at Post #6)


Thanks to all who played, I had a great time.

If the winners will please email me their mailing address I'll get a coin off to them


Nova Scotia sounds quite interesting, doesn't it?

Hope you all can drop by sometime.


Happy caching and God bless.


The Skylark Four


We Have Winners


Random post containing a Nova Scotia fact

Congratulations to

The Finding Irish 4 (Post #41)


Favorite Knock-Knock joke as judged by my children (this took some time to decide)

Congratulations to

ELTADA (See the joke at Post #6)


Thanks to all who played, I had a great time.

If the winners will please email me their mailing address I'll get a coin off to them


Nova Scotia sounds quite interesting, doesn't it?

Hope you all can drop by sometime.


Happy caching and God bless.


The Skylark Four


Thank you, typically I never win anything. :lol:

I thought that Fredhead would win, with the pictures and all.


Congratulations to ELTADA for winning the Joke portion.


This was a great Cointest, I enjoyed learning the history of Nova Scotia, and even the obscure facts were interesting.


I even enjoyed the Knock Knock jokes, got a chuckle or two.


Thank you to The Skylark Four for such a great Cointest it was very enjoyable.


oh yay! Even though I am from Canada, it is always nice to learn more about the other provinces. I like the research cointests the best as well. The joke portion also took some research as there are tons of "groan" knock-knock jokes out there. It was fun to see everyone's submissions...


email on it's way...


Thanks again for the cointest!

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