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Server Capacity


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I wouldn't take that error message too literally. It's the same one you get when you try to connect during a backup and there are no users at all connected to the forums. I don't think there's a genuine forum capacity issue first thing on a Saturday morning.


[[ Microsoft products used to be fond of saying "out of memory" when almost any generic problem occurred. This inevitably led to demands for RAM upgrades on everyone's PCs on the network which I run. In fact it was always either /1/ not enough virtual memory (increase the pagefile size), /2/ some local heap within the program being used up (restart the program), or /3/ a file permission error misclassified. But of course, when we tried to tell people that, we weren't believed, because "the system told me it was about memory and I know what that is because I have a PC at home". <_< ]]

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