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you know you're a geocoin addict when you post a cointest and in 1 day you have 100 +entrys. then you realize you might be a goecoin addict because your surrounded by geocoin addicts <_< ...he he.


you know you're a geocoin addict when...you respond to the person hosting the cointest in hopes of increasing your chances of winning another geocoin for your collection. :mad:

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You know you are a geocoin addict when...you have nothing in your mind to post, but you still want to participate and get your chances!!!


Jesus!!! where are all my ideas for this cointest????? Am I getting old??? Am I in love??? Am I so addicted to geocoins that there is nothing left in my mind except geocoin designs??? HELP!!!!! :)

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You know "you're" a Geocoin addict when... You've got so many coins to keep track of that when you finally get that "new" coin in the mail, you discover that you already had it in your collection. :)


Edited to add, "You know "you're" a Geocoin addict when..."

Edited by tom4props
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You know "you're" a Geocoin addict when... You've got so many coins to keep track of that when you finally get that "new" coin in the mail, you discover that you already had it in your collection. :)


Edited to add, "You know "you're" a Geocoin addict when..."

You know "you're" a Geocoin addict when... you are in such a hurry to post your first entry in a geocoin contest... that you don't even stop to look at the rules. :)

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“You know “you’re”a Geocoin addict when ……”

It would be inappropriate of me to participate in this cointest due to the fact I do not have an addiction to geocoins, I don’t, honest. Just because I’ve ordered 14 coins in the past month, and the first page I go to in Groundspeak is the coin page looking for sales or cointests & trades, does not qualify me. Again and I hear your snickers out there, I do not have a geocoin addiction, there.

Ok, I have this little problem, could you include me in this cointest, Pleassseee


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You know you're a geocoin addict when you see a photo of a coin in a forum that is totally awsome and never seen before......AND


You immediately do a search engine search for it....


AND disappointment reigns when you realise it is truly a personal geocoin and you are totally unlikely to ever get your mitts or eyes on a real physical one.....


AND you consider printing out the picture and pasting it on card and pretending you might have one.... turninf it over and over....








AND .... "WOW is a word that becomes a fixture of your day....

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WOW!!!!!! What a coin!!!!!!!!!


After that I have to say that.... You know you're a geocoin addict when you see a coin so beautiful like the one in the photo and you think your heart stoped for a while!!!!


And Ok, I admit it!!! I just fall in love with a geocoin!!!!! Please do not let my girlfriend find this out!!!! ;)

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You know you're a geocoin addict when..........

You are bitten by the geocoin bug.




How cool ;)



You know you are a geocoin addict when you only put your Birkenstocks on to walk through the snow to see what the mail person left.

you know you're a geocoin addict when you have a ballon figure for every geocoin in your collection, i love those!!!

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You know you're a geocoin addict when you are on the forums at 12:50am on a Saturday night.


Can't decide if I need to get a life or just some sleep.


Maybe both!


You know you're a geocoin addict when the coin forum is first site you check after waking up... :D

Edited by kini_ont
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you know you are a geocoin addict when, you are supposed to be looking up and buying birthday/holiday gifts for your nearest and dearest (husband and son) and you realise that for the last half hour or so you have been looking at geocoin sales instead. the worst thing about this is when you get caught doing it and you give some feeble excuse for the reason why you are looking at coins and not for gifts for your son.

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You know you’re a geocoin addict when there's 6 inches of snow to be removed from the driveway and you’re on this forum writing messages about geocoins.

Moderator this message may be moved to .. how I hate having to shovel snow which takes away from me look at geocoins and cache sites that have geocoins which I’ll visit when all 4 feet of snow is gone … about the middle of June <_<

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