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mystery coin givers


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Posted (edited)

After receiving my second mystery coin as a gift, I started compiling a list of profiles for these givers of coins and smiles! Here is what I came up with. Are there anymore? please feel free to add any I may have missed. :lol:


Cache Reaper


G. O'Coin B.U.G. Esquire

Geo Sasquash




Geocaching Jedi


Goede Sint

Goofy Cacher

Great Geo Pumpkin

Highland GeoFairy


MWGB Mystery Parrot

Mystical Greenman

Serial Finder

The Coin Dropping Fairy

The Easter Geocoin Bunny

The Geocoin Fairy

The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Phantom Cacher

*The Shadow*

The Wishing Coin


There are a couple that I have never seen coins from yet. If anyone can show us a pic, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by all.



Edited by LionsLair

The Shadow.


is there a profile for this mystery coin giver?

I realize 'the mouth of the south' is not listed as well, but I couldn't find a profile :D


no profile i could find, but definitely a mystery coin. how many of these were made, anyone know?


I've never seen the Geocoin Troll coin. Anybody have a link.


The Geocoin Troll does not have a mystery geocoin.




no?....hhmmmm.... I'll have to take him off my list then... I ran across the profile searching somewhere and thought it was a mystery coiner...


The Shadow.


is there a profile for this mystery coin giver?

I realize 'the mouth of the south' is not listed as well, but I couldn't find a profile :D


no profile i could find, but definitely a mystery coin. how many of these were made, anyone know?


He's on the list now. There are 2 vers. of the coin out now. I have the 2nd ver. Cool coin.


I don't think Serial Finder is a mystery coin. Back when the coins came out, I traded for mine as did others. And I knew who they came from.


I know who mine came from as well, I debated about that one for some time, but they are seldom traded anymore and are to qoute a recent thread 'going old school' and mostly found in caches these days I believe. The majority of new collectors would concider them a mystery, so I decided to add it to the list.


reading his story on his profile is a pleasure as well! :D

If others disagree I will remove him from the list...


:D) just added the great geo pumpkin.

I ran across another coin that maybe someone could tell something about... it's called 'don't fence me in' and I believe it was from someone called 'wildcat kelly' but I'm not sure and can't find a profile... before my coin addiction...


Maybe not so famous on the other side of the Atlantic (although he has been known to visit :rolleyes:):


Goede Sint


that's a coin? how fabulous!




Anybody have this coin and the wording on the back of the coin....

Geocaching, elke dag een surprise


Zie de maan sehijnt door debomen,

Makkers staakt uw wild geraas.

Het heerlijk avondje is gekomen,

Het avondje van Sinterklaas.


Vol verwachting klopt ons hart,

Wie de coin krijgt, wie de gard...


now, don't ask me what that means :rolleyes: I don't speak enough Dutch


Wouldn't that "HOPE IDAHO" be considered a mystery coiner. I know this person doesn't have a one personal geocoin but my understanding is that this person has given others free trackable geocoins to some of the ones who has their addresses in the geocoin addresses.?


:rolleyes:) just added the great geo pumpkin.

I ran across another coin that maybe someone could tell something about... it's called 'don't fence me in' and I believe it was from someone called 'wildcat kelly' but I'm not sure and can't find a profile... before my coin addiction...




Who Dunnit?


I don't think Serial Finder is a mystery coin giver either :rolleyes:


Are you also going to do a list for the mystery coins givers without profiles??


It is interesting see how they've grown over the years. Good work!


Maybe not so famous on the other side of the Atlantic (although he has been known to visit :rolleyes:):


Goede Sint


that's a coin? how fabulous!




Anybody have this coin and the wording on the back of the coin....

Geocaching, elke dag een surprise


Zie de maan sehijnt door debomen,

Makkers staakt uw wild geraas.

Het heerlijk avondje is gekomen,

Het avondje van Sinterklaas.


Vol verwachting klopt ons hart,

Wie de coin krijgt, wie de gard...


now, don't ask me what that means :rolleyes: I don't speak enough Dutch


Acording to GoogleTranslate, it would be something like this...

Geocaching, a surprise every day


See the moon by sehijnt DeBoom,

Comrades cease your wild roar.

The wonderful evening has come,

The evening of Santa Claus.


We were all agog,

Who gets the coin, whose gard ...


Wouldn't that "HOPE IDAHO" be considered a mystery coiner. I know this person doesn't have a one personal geocoin but my understanding is that this person has given others free trackable geocoins to some of the ones who has their addresses in the geocoin addresses.?

And this Mysterious person too. They sent me my heart's desire...A Motogrrl Memorial Coin, which is still waiting to be set loose.





Maybe not so famous on the other side of the Atlantic (although he has been known to visit :rolleyes:):


Goede Sint


that's a coin? how fabulous!




Anybody have this coin and the wording on the back of the coin....

Geocaching, elke dag een surprise


Zie de maan sehijnt door debomen,

Makkers staakt uw wild geraas.

Het heerlijk avondje is gekomen,

Het avondje van Sinterklaas.


Vol verwachting klopt ons hart,

Wie de coin krijgt, wie de gard...


now, don't ask me what that means :rolleyes: I don't speak enough Dutch


Geocaching every day a big surprise :unsure:


Look how the moon shines through the trees.

Fellows stop your wild noise.

The divine evening has arrived,

the evening of Santa Claus.


Our hearts are beating anxiously,

Who shall get the coin, who the birch?


Maybe this is a little bit better to understand the dutch Sinterklaas song.


It is a real Sinterklaas song.


1. Look how the moon shines through the trees.

Fellows stop your wild noise.

The divine evening has arrived,

the evening of Santa Claus.

Our hearts are beating anxiously,

Who shall get the cake, who the birch?

Our hearts are beating anxiously,

Who shall get the cake, who the birch?


2. Oh what fun it will be to play

with the colorful harlequin.

We shall share everything honestly

sweets and marzipan.

but oh vai oh bitter pain

should we be the ones to get the birch.

but oh vai oh bitter pain

should we be the ones to get the birch.


Childeren sing this song by there shoe or by Sinterklaas :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

After receiving my second mystery coin as a gift, I started compiling a list of profiles for these givers of coins and smiles! Here is what I came up with. Are there anymore? please feel free to add any I may have missed. :ph34r:


Cache Reaper


Don't Fence Me In

G. O'Coin B.U.G. Esquire

Geo Sasquash




Geocaching Jedi


Goede Sint

Goofy Cacher

Great Geo Pumpkin

Highland GeoFairy

Hope Idaho - 2 Bring Hope


MWGB Mystery Parrot

Mystical Greenman

Serial Finder *

The Coin Dropping Fairy

The Easter Geocoin Bunny

The Geocoin Fairy

The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Phantom Cacher

The Shadow

The Wishing Coin


There are a couple that I have never seen coins from yet. If anyone can show us a pic, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by all.




Non profile mystery coins


Banned Binary Coin

Christmas Elf *

Crappy Cache Award

Dark Knight

Gator Nation *


Mouth of the South

Night Before Christmas

Pay It Forward

Santa's Stocking



* not sure if these are concidered mystery coins or not


It seems I can't edit my original post after a certain time frame as I did yesterday several 8 or 10 times, so I'll just do it this way. I have added a list of non profile coins and will spend more time updating that list soon. 'Hope Idaho' and 'don't fence me in' have been added to the list.... interesting profiles on both... :)

Edited by LionsLair

Oh, this is great, I have always wondered about mystery coins, Love being able to see a list,,,, :unsure:


do you know there are mystery Pathtags going around as well, even though we can't talk about them here, ;)

Posted (edited)

After receiving my second mystery coin as a gift, I started compiling a list of profiles for these givers of coins and smiles! Here is what I came up with. Are there anymore? please feel free to add any I may have missed. :)


Cache Reaper


Don't Fence Me In

G. O'Coin B.U.G. EsquireGeo Sasquash




Geocaching Jedi


Goede Sint

Goofy Cacher

Great Geo Pumpkin

Highland GeoFairy

Hope Idaho - 2 Bring Hope


MWGB Mystery Parrot

Mystical Greenman

Serial Finder *

The Coin Dropping Fairy

The Easter Geocoin Bunny

The Geocoin Fairy

The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Phantom Cacher

The Shadow

The Wishing Coin


There are a couple that I have never seen coins from yet. If anyone can show us a pic, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by all.




Non profile mystery coins


Banned Binary Coin

Christmas Elf *

Crappy Cache Award

Dark Knight



Mouth of the South

Night Before Christmas

Pay It Forward

Santa's Stocking



* not sure if these are concidered mystery coins or not


It seems I can't edit my original post after a certain time frame as I did yesterday several 8 or 10 times, so I'll just do it this way. I have added a list of non profile coins and will spend more time updating that list soon. 'Hope Idaho' and 'don't fence me in' have been added to the list.... interesting profiles on both... :D


The Dark Knight now has a profile and a v2 coin!

good list - i've added the name and I'm shamelessly pinching everyones photos as i come across them to collate on the untrackable wiki - anyone can edit at the moment use the template provided and your facebook login but please try to keep the links non-commercial in the spirit of mystery coins

Cache Reaper


The Dark GeoKnight

G. O'Coin B.U.G. Esquire

Gator Nation

Geo Sasquatch




Geocaching Jedi


Goede Sint

Goofy Cacher

Great Geo Pumpkin

Highland GeoFairy


MWGB Mystery Parrot

Mystical Greenman

Serial Finder

The Coin Dropping Fairy

The Easter Geocoin Bunny

The Geocoin Fairy

The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Phantom Cacher

*The Shadow*

The Wishing Coin

Non profile mystery coins


Banned from the forum Binary Coin aka "read between the lines"

Christmas Elf *

Crappy Cache Award


Mouth of the South

Night Before Christmas

Pay It Forward

Santa's Stocking


* not sure if these are considered mystery coins or not

Edited by forthferalz

juist a quicky.... but how do the mystery givers know where to send the coins??


i hear all the time of a un-named package with a mystery coin.......... is there like a big address list somewhere that all cachers can put there's on but is still quite private??

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