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How far away have you seen a cache?

va griz

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When walking up to GZ, what's the furthest away you have been when you have seen the cache? Not just known where it is, but seen a part of the container. I can think of one I saw from 30 feet away, and it could have been much more if I had approached from a direction where I had an unobstructed view.

Posted (edited)

When walking up to GZ, what's the furthest away you have been when you have seen the cache? Not just known where it is, but seen a part of the container. I can think of one I saw from 30 feet away, and it could have been much more if I had approached from a direction where I had an unobstructed view.


I think ALL caches should be seen from at least 2000 yards.....maybe more. :D


The really considerate cachers will keep this in mind when building that huge Pile of Sticks, even clearing brush that may block the view! :D


A big "arrow" made of natural materials would be helpful also but you rarely get that kind of dedication anymore. :D


I personally saw a cache once from more than a mile away. It was beautiful, a HUGE brushpile bulldozed by the county and left conveniently in a field that was zoned for a future landfill. Sweeeeeet! :D:D:D

Edited by chuckwagon101
Posted (edited)

At least 30 feet when I first spotted one, and it would be visible from a lot more. The container was a tent. Unfortunately, I assumed the tent was in use (this was an urban area) and vacated the area. Only later did I realize I had been looking at the container.

Edited by Dinoprophet

When walking up to GZ, what's the furthest away you have been when you have seen the cache? Not just known where it is, but seen a part of the container. I can think of one I saw from 30 feet away, and it could have been much more if I had approached from a direction where I had an unobstructed view.

The entire cache container (a yellow waterproof Otter box with lanyard and ferromagnetic anchor) for my Psycho Urban Cache #13 - Impossible! Give Up Now! can easily be seen from the lookout fence located at the edge of a bluff at a small park/monument overlooking the river and the cache hide spot, a distance of at least 550 feet. And, several prospective cache seekers report having seen the yellow container while sitting in a helicopter hovering about 400 feet away, and two have reported seeing the cache from their seats within single-engine fixed-wing aircraft from a distance of about 500 feet. I have also received one report from a person who works in the GIS/mapping world that he was able to discern the container on a high resolution commercial satellite photo of the site which he accessed via a fee-based service -- that would be a distance of at least 280 miles but of course, this sighting involved the use of expensive optical systems and sophisticated mapping technology.

Posted (edited)
cache seekers report having seen the yellow container while sitting in a helicopter hovering about 400 feet away


I would like to get a geo-copter, but the darn thing won't fit in my backpack! :D

Edited by va griz

About 200' feet. It was a nano cache but I knew exactly where it was going to be from the cache description as I park my car within 100' of it every weekday. Unfortunately, it's just recently gone missing.


As I have gained more experience geocaching I've learned how to estimate distances much better. I typically start looking for a possible hiding spot for a cache when I'm 200' away. If I see something very obvious about the correct distance and direction I head directly to it rather than try to follow my GPS to ground zero. Even if the cache isn't in the first place I search it's probably very nearby.


My cache at my lake property can be seen from 50' away, it's an ammo box sitting in open forest floor.


I figure that after negotiating 11 miles of unmapped dirt roads with many splits and turns and bushwhacking off the road to the cache site an easy find is in order!


It's been there for years and so far no one has asked me to make it harder!


Over 200' away. As we approached, we could not believe that it was an ammo can just sitting on the side of the trail. The trail was about 10' wide with a steep hill going up on the right, and a steep hill going down on the left. NO place to hide a small size cache, let alone an ammo can. Coordinates were right on the money. While we were at the cache, 4 kids rode by on bikes, and it was obvious the trail was used often. The cache had been there a few months when we got it, and it finally turned up missing a few months later. I'm still scratching my head over that one.


When walking up to GZ, what's the furthest away you have been when you have seen the cache? Not just known where it is, but seen a part of the container. I can think of one I saw from 30 feet away, and it could have been much more if I had approached from a direction where I had an unobstructed view.


Hard to say.. I know I've spotted some nearly 250 feet away. Some farther but I have pretty good vision and some hides just stand out.


There used to be a couple (now archived) in the Allentown PA area that could be seen from a mile or so away if you knew what to look for. I didn't realize it until after I found them.


One of the first ones I found could be see in a while tupperware container about 75 feet or more sitting under a downed tree in plain site. Another one was not hidden at all - just sitting there on top of the pine needles under a pine tree in full view. How lame - I guess I could have confused the entire tree with another one. So many lames caches now I can't count them all.


Just today I found a cache that could be viewed from over 150+ feet away... a bright pink ammo can in the middle of a forest. However, it was 30' up on a cliff face. :laughing:


One of mine can be seen from the Control Tower at Forbes Field by the Air National Guard Police. They drove over and cut the lock off it to see what it was. Since it was not on the base property they left it alone. It is called Watch the Jets. GC1EGWE


Remember watching a report on TV once and recognised the location, sure enough you could see the railings in the background that a magnetic cache was on. Not enough definition to see the container itself, which was a shame, or I could have claimed to have seen it from 38 miles away :shocked:



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