+gof1 Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) Quote
DA Cachers Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Maybe we can get Obama to provide us with globalized internet so people who can afford it will be forced to share with people who can't? That seems fair! Quote
+sportside Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Maybe we can get Obama to provide us with globalized internet so people who can afford it will be forced to share with people who can't? That seems fair! We already have that, it's called a public library Quote
+Cardinal Red Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 I think you have hit on a great opportunity for governments wordwide to implement an effective financial stimulus package. Provide every person in the world with a GPS receiver. Quote
+peanutbutterbreadandjam Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) Go to your local public library and search for Letterboxing - and have fun! Spread the word! Quote
+Too Tall John Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 I remember a recent thread asking what was the bare minimum requirements for going caching. Among other things, I included a way to get to the cache. Someone came along and pointed out that they walked/biked/whatever to the cache and didn't need transportation. Using this logic, the "way to get from cache to cache" argument is debunked. Ok, ok! Walking/biking/etc IS a form of transportation, I know... Quote
+Snoogans Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) YEAH! And I also heard Geocaching hates handicapped chinldren! Quote
+gof1 Posted November 16, 2008 Author Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) YEAH! And I also heard Geocaching hates handicapped chinldren! Say it ain't so! Next thing you know it'll be found to be hazardous to hamsters! Quote
+Too Tall John Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 YEAH! And I also heard Geocaching hates handicapped chinldren! Let's not forget the penguins. They have no GPSs. No internet. No opposable thumbs. Why must we hate the penguins? Oh, wait... That was just you... Quote
+ThePachecos Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 I have a mac so i am elitist and now I Geocache so I am elitist.. dadgum.. Quote
DA Cachers Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 YEAH! And I also heard Geocaching hates handicapped chinldren! *tear* Quote
+Star*Hopper Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 YEAH! And I also heard Geocaching hates handicapped chinldren! How could anyone NOT hate chinldren?!? All those green squirmy tentacles. And mein GOTT, the slime!! ~* Quote
+TropicalParadise Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 We should all give away our GPSr's to the less fortunate! But, you can't play golf without clubs and a golf ball, you can't play volleyball without a net and a ball. You can't play tennis without a racket. You can't scrapbook without photos and pretty papers and scissors. Every hobby has start up costs and at least geocaching doesn't take all that much to maintain (not counting Coins, TBs, the FANCIEST GPSr possible, which are all just perks!) Geocaching is probably on the FREEest hobbies to start because: Public Library Internet + Google Earth/Google Maps Satellite + Legs = FREE. Quote
+Team GeoBlast Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. I don't know. Do you have any ideas? Quote
+Chrysalides Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 If I'm made Overlord of Earth, I promise to paint grid lines over the entire land surface, and I will have my team of mad scientists working on how to paint grid lines over the ocean. This way, the underprivileged without GPSr will be able to participate in the fun. Quote
Mag Magician Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Hmmh, I have pondered the question over and over again. What is the answer to the time old situation that someone less fortunate than you cannot have something that is offered freely to them through generous donations of internet access, free web sites, and friends who have all the latest gadgets? I suppose we are elitist in that we are willing to share with our unfortunate neighbours, when the rest of the world will not, huh? Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) Concerned Citizen. May I proudly state it is free!! No secret there. But I do like those other options and have them too. You must have internet capability to be in here. I got 2 legs,a horse and a few other modes of transportation all depending on how fast I wanna get there. The only Justice is to find the nearest geocacher I am sure like me they will include you. So get out there and find some caches. Quote
+KBI Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 When I’m filthy rich I will have a butler. My butler will go and get the caches and bring them to me for log-signing at my convenience, then return them to their hiding places. Internet is for underlings. Bushwhacking is for servants. Could someone freshen my drink, please, and bring me another pillow? Quote
+Grigorii Rasputin Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 "Mr. President, we cannot allow a GPS gap!!!" Guess what movie that's from (or kinda from) and win my undying admiration!!! Grigorii Rasputin, WWW.Glass-Cockpit.org http://grigoriirasputin.wordpress.com/ Quote
+Airmapper Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 (edited) Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) I agree, some people aren't smart enough to Geocache so those of us that do are elite. I suggest we invoke Darwin's Law for the rest. Edited November 16, 2008 by Airmapper Quote
+KBI Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 "Mr. President, we cannot allow a GPS gap!!!" Guess what movie that's from (or kinda from) and win my undying admiration!!! "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!" Quote
+hydnsek Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 "Mr. President, we cannot allow a GPS gap!!!" Guess what movie that's from (or kinda from) and win my undying admiration!!! Grigorii Rasputin, WWW.Glass-Cockpit.org http://grigoriirasputin.wordpress.com/ I'm going with Dr. Strangelove and the mineshaft gap. Quote
+gof1 Posted November 16, 2008 Author Posted November 16, 2008 I think the whole title is Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the satellites. (or kinda) Quote
+Chrysalides Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 "Mr. President, we cannot allow a GPS gap!!!" Guess what movie that's from (or kinda from) and win my undying admiration!!! Google and IMDB has your undying admiration then. And I guess by undying, you *really* mean undying. Are you really born in 1869 or is that another fabrication like reports of your death? http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=M...amp;btnG=Search http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057012/quotes General "Buck" Turgidson: Mr. President, we must not allow a mineshaft gap! Quote
+Prime Suspect Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) As you're the one "concerned", you need to give your GPS and computer to some needy person. As soon as possible. Quote
+gof1 Posted November 16, 2008 Author Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) As you're the one "concerned", you need to give your GPS and computer to some needy person. As soon as possible. I did. But then I was in need so she gave it all back. Quote
+DaFunkyFrogs Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Who needs any of that stuff to find the lamp post at wallyworld? Quote
+michigansnorkelers Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 One of our geocachers went ... well you know ... just went a little bit crazy ... just a little bit crazy in the head. And you know what he did? Well, I'll tell you what he did. He went and ordered his men to place a geocache on your property!!! Quote
+chuckwagon101 Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) I think you should get with other like-minded individuals and gather around every lamp pole skirt lifter, every micro lover and every puzzle hunter......and shout................. "YO MAMMA! YO MAMMA! YO MAMMA!" But leave the Big Pile Of Sticks cachers alone! Quote
+Walts Hunting Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Well, since you are premium memberf you are in with all us elitists. Although looking at your Avatar and recognizing the character (Grumpy) maybe this was a bad day. Besides if we let the proleteriat in to our bourgeois entertainment it would be ruined. Let the great unwashed eat cake. Quote
+Star*Hopper Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 "Mr. President, we cannot allow a GPS gap!!!" "Guess what movie that's from (or kinda from) .... " Nailed it. And before I'd scrolled past your post. But then again, it's one of my all-time fave greatest hits movies in the whole universe, EVAR! "...and win my undying admiration!!!" I can haz honrbul menshun? ~* Quote
+Star*Hopper Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 I gots one question re this whole thread. Just how many sockpuppets does Vinny have? OK, one more. Anybody else thinkin' the tag "Vinny" might have sump'n to do with a grape product, & heavy indulgence thereof? ~* Quote
GOF and Bacall Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Who needs any of that stuff to find the lamp post at wallyworld? I have had Sunday mornings when I needed all that and more just to find Wally World let alone a particular lamp post in the parking lot. One of our geocachers went ... well you know ... just went a little bit crazy ... just a little bit crazy in the head. And you know what he did? Well, I'll tell you what he did. He went and ordered his men to place a geocache on your property!!! Careful when you hunt for it. I am behind on my chores, particularly cleaning up after the my eighty pound dog. He won't hurt you, but man those land mines are huge! Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) I think you should get with other like-minded individuals and gather around every lamp pole skirt lifter, every micro lover and every puzzle hunter......and shout................. "YO MAMMA! YO MAMMA! YO MAMMA!" But leave the Big Pile Of Sticks cachers alone! Why? She already knows about caching and enjoys it. Thinks a well done urban micro is better than that see it from a hundred yards off pile of sticks hide. Well, since you are premium memberf you are in with all us elitists. Although looking at your Avatar and recognizing the character (Grumpy) maybe this was a bad day. Besides if we let the proleteriat in to our bourgeois entertainment it would be ruined. Let the great unwashed eat cake. How would letting them in ruin the proletariat? And what kind of cake is it? I'm hungry. Quote
GOF and Bacall Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 I gots one question re this whole thread. Just how many sockpuppets does Vinny have? OK, one more. Anybody else thinkin' the tag "Vinny" might have sump'n to do with a grape product, & heavy indulgence thereof? ~* One. "How many socks does his sock have?" THAT is the question! Quote
+Buggheart Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) YEAH! And I also heard Geocaching hates handicapped chinldren! And the vertically challenged! Quote
Chumpo Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 YEAH! And I also heard Geocaching hates handicapped chinldren! Let's not forget the penguins. They have no GPSs. No internet. No opposable thumbs. Why must we hate the penguins? Quote
+WatchDog2020 Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 (edited) I own a computer with internet service, a GPS that I'm smart enough to run and a newer car. It's good to be King Edited November 16, 2008 by WatchDog2020 Quote
+Stripes Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Well, the closest one to me is 6.6 miles and it seems no one can find that one. So, in my area of the country, one needs some sort of transportation to get to them. Let's see, I geocache with a GPS (2 actually, one for the car and one handheld one), use a Mac and drive a newer car. Guess that qualifies me as being an elitist, according to the posts here. Hmm, cool. Never thought that before. Quote
+va griz Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Perhaps a $200000000 bailout of the geocaching industry is in order. We are too big to fail. Or maybe we can give all census workers 35MM film cans with a log inside so they can bring the cache to all the citizens? Quote
+gof1 Posted November 16, 2008 Author Posted November 16, 2008 Perhaps a $200000000 bailout of the geocaching industry is in order. We are too big to fail. Now I think we're on the right track! I have some spare time so I'll be happy to administrate that as soon as congress can send me a check. Quote
+Star*Hopper Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Perhaps a $200000000 bailout of the geocaching industry is in order. We are too big to fail. Now I think we're on the right track! I have some spare time so I'll be happy to administrate that as soon as congress can send me a check. Like Congress is gonna let it out of their .....*ahem*..... "control". Minds me of when NC finally legalized the state lottery, using the guise of "Education" as the magic wand. Untold millions put into it (untold, seriously - nobody knows exactly how much has gone into it, much less where its gone) - and now several years later, the schools still haven't got their money, & at one point the fund was so broke they had to borrow money to print the next batch of tickets. Gave rise to the saying, "Ain't nothing in this world more attractive to a politician than a big pile o' untended money." ~me ~* Quote
+Star*Hopper Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 One. "How many socks does his sock have?" THAT is the question! Din't think of that one. Touché! ~* Quote
+BAMBOOZLE Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. Hobby says it all. No hobby is FREE. Quote
+MightyReek Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. The dirty little secret is that it isn't so. Only those with computer access (with internet capabilities), a gps, and a way to get from cache to cache, can participate. I think it is time that something be done about this inequity! The question is what? What should we do to provide justice to those who find themselves unfairly excluded. Signed A Concerned Citizen. (ignore the other id on this post) Why don't you offer computer access, a gps and a way to get from cache to cache to everyone who don't have it? It's also a inequity that my wage isn't above 1500€, can you do something about it too? Please... Quote
+Buggheart Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. Hobby says it all. No hobby is FREE. I bet I could think of a few. Quote
Tonka_Boy Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 We're going at this all wrong. The answer is, we dumb-down the hobby of geocaching so that everyone can enjoy it. High technology is not for everyone. New rules: Geocaches are not to be hidden. In your urban areas, where internet access is not so accessible, just place the geocache on the street corner. All geocaches must be the same size - roughly the size of a Kleenex box. Placers of nanos obviously hate . . . well, they hate somebody. Trust me on this. All geocaches must be painted bright orange. Again, there's a reason. And it has something to do with hate. All the above will be enforced by passing a new amendment to the US constitution. Quote
+Vinny & Sue Team Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 I gots one question re this whole thread. Just how many sockpuppets does Vinny have? OK, one more. Anybody else thinkin' the tag "Vinny" might have sump'n to do with a grape product, & heavy indulgence thereof? ~* One. "How many socks does his sock have?" THAT is the question! I am very sad that Vinny was mentioned in this thread, for it bodes no good. Here is what eminent geocacher recently wrote on the topic of Vinny in a post sent to the Geocachers of the Bay Area (GBA) forum: Allow me to chime in here for a moment as an amicus curiae, so to speak. I have met Vinny, and have had dealings with him, and I can tell you from first-hand experience that he is not to be trusted, that nothing he says is true. Further, although it is quite shameful, he admits freely and publicly that he signed a pact in blood at the age of five to assist the Four near-immortal Ancient Ones, bless their variegated calcified segmented exoskeletons, to achieve world domination and instill the New World Order on earth, and thus it is clear that he has a major "agenda" and it is also clear that he and The Four are not above using geoaching as a means to achieve their evil goal. Couple that with Vinny's highly suspicious "research" work in the bizarre and shadowy realms of so-called time-space portals, aka interdimensional portals, and you have, I believe, one very sick puppy. Trust nothing that he says, for he will surely lead you astray. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and a proven and "outed" disinformation agent known to be in the employ for the Illuminati, the CIA and the Inner Council of the Holy See at the Vatican. Lately, there have also been rumors of sinister connections with Freemasonry and the Illuminati, and the evil and shadowy Venona (shudder) as well. This does not bode well. Quote
+39chevy Posted November 17, 2008 Posted November 17, 2008 Geocaching is supposed to be a fun hobby that anyone can enjoy. Hobby says it all. No hobby is FREE. Hobby? This is how i make a living. You know good used ammo cans sell for $4-$5 each! Resale on McToys isn't too good tho. GPSr, PC, Internet, Bandaids, Gas...all deductable. Got a good used bridge for sale too. Quote
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