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South African (Off-Topic) Quiz


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The guy who stowed away on the flight to London?


Kaching!!!!! The as yet unidentified rocket scientist successfully removed himself from the gene pool when he climbed into the wheel well of a London Bound BA flight and was subjected to IQF [individually quick frozen] conditions and was removed in a solid state upon arrival at LHR!! :ph34r::lol:

Edited by cincol
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He ran the entire way without training (he believed rugby training was suffieicent) - he only entered a few days before the race - stopped a few times (including Drummond for a Roast chicken meal - and elsewhere for a whisky or two) - and finished the comrades.

He then played a provincial rugby game for Natal the next day (but did wear takkies for that match as he complained about blisters and stud pressure.

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Cincol he ran in his Rugby Togs quite right..... Take it away Cincol....


CH you have a more complete answer.... but didn't mention the rugby togs.... The answer I was looking for.


Payn hosted Arthur Newton (Who won the race and went on to win 5 in total) the evening before the race, and after a number of stiff drinks, was persuaded to enter. He arrived on time for the start, wearing his rugby boots.


At Hillcrest he stopped for the first time to take in a breakfast of bacon and eggs. Not much further a fellow runner, "Zulu" Wade, invited Payn for a chicken curry. This they consumed and then continued on to Drummond, where they celebrated reaching the halfway mark by drinking a beer at the hotel.


Wade didn't continue, but Payn did. A woman spectator en route helped him keep his energy levels up by providing him with oranges, peach-brandy, water and tea. He finished eighth.


The next day Payn took part in a club rugby match, but because his feet were blistered from the long run in rugby boots, he elected to play the match in his running shoes.

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What about APE?


Please note what Groundspeak has to say about APE caches below.


" Project A.P.E. Cache


In 2001, fourteen geocaches were placed in conjunction with 20th Century Fox to support the movie Planet of the Apes. Each cache represented a fictional story in which scientists revealed an Alternative Primate Evolution. These caches were made using specially marked ammo containers. Each cache had an original prop from the movie. Only one Project A.P.E. cache still exists today."

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