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South African (Off-Topic) Quiz


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Good attempt! The little obscure word "curple" rhymes with it, though, which has a fun enough meaning to quote here:


curple (plural curples)

1.) the hindquarters or the rump of a horse, a strap under the girth of a horse's saddle to stop the saddle from kicking forward

2.) (transf.) the rump, the posterior

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Here's a little bit of information I learnt yesterday - it is well known that there is no word in English that rhymes with the word "orange", but there is another English word with the same property. What is that word?


Strangely enough this came up in conversation a few weeks ago, my daughter is learning rhyming at school. For them it's all about the sound and it doesn't matter whether the word exists or not. However she started asking words that rhyme with 'X and Y etc.' and occasionally I really struggled so it got me thinking and doing some research. A contentious question.... by definition it seems there are many more and depends on whether a strict rhyming sequence is applied or not.


I'll just answer with the ones that I could recall as typical examples given before I started my research; orange, silver, month, pint, and purple although there are some obscure words that do rhyme with these :D

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Strangely enough this came up in conversation a few weeks ago, my daughter is learning rhyming at school. For them it's all about the sound and it doesn't matter whether the word exists or not. However she started asking words that rhyme with 'X and Y etc.' and occasionally I really struggled so it got me thinking and doing some research. A contentious question.... by definition it seems there are many more and depends on whether a strict rhyming sequence is applied or not.


I'll just answer with the ones that I could recall as typical examples given before I started my research; orange, silver, month, pint, and purple although there are some obscure words that do rhyme with these :D


Globalrat has the stage! According to the Oxford website, "orange" and "silver" are the only words without a rhyming word (according to a fairly strict definition of rhyming). The two words *do* have the half-rhymes "lozenge" and "salver". One has to assume they're talking about the "proper" BBC pronunciation. :D

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Love & War ;)




The Spanish town Guernica was bombed by the Germans in 1937. This prompted Picasso to this black and white oil painting. Guernica was not a military target but civilian. The bombing took place in aid of Genl Franco. The painting is 3,5 meters tall and 7 meters wide! Picasso protests against the atrocities of war.


You are on Huskies!

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