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Reverting Back to being solely Volunteer Reviewer


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As I no longer feel able to Moderate these forums, I have asked to be relieved of all Moderator duties to allow me to solely concentrate on being a Volunteer Reviewer


Deceangi Volunteer UK Reviewer Geocaching.com


Looks like today is another bad day in the history of UK geocaching. We have managed to drive off two very professional and easy to get on with Moderators who i guess will be backfilled by the global mods until replacements are found to mod here.


Well I hope everyone enjoys the bed they have made for themselves.


Thanks for everything you've done on here throughout the ages (I bet it does feel like ages). Your replacement has got huge boots to fill.




Tis probably a good thing. It must be a lot of work to moderate the forum and find time to review caches, and maintain the training of the relatively new reviewers. It comes as no surprise, but suspect the timing could have been better.


As I've alluded to elsewhere, the vocal minority in these forums are painting themselves into a corner. Iur reviewers shouldn't have to put up wuith the abuse they have been subjected to in recent months.


If we can't be civilised, we don't deserve a separate UK forum. Where will they be when they get absorbed into the main US forum?


Take care Deceangi, please continue to be a nice and sensible UK Reviewer.




Thanks for all you have done, and now I hope that all of the 'bashers' are finally happy. If we get somebody who is really harsh in their views then you will have bought it upon yourselves.

You reap what you soe.


So, does that mean we're back to non-local moderators now then? Not that I've got anything against any of the global mods, but it's always seemed more appropriate to have locals doing it.


Thanks for all your hard work as a forum mod, and I hope it all continues to go well as a reviewer.


Thanks for all your time and effort on these forums, Deci. Gald to know you'll still be reviewing. I see you capitalised "Volunteer Reviewer", quite right too! :anibad:


May I add my thanks for all you have done?


Many are prepared to sit back and be critical whilst the few are prepared to take on the difficult duties.


I have always appreciated your help and useful and helpful comments.




I can hardly blame you or Mandarin for throwing in the towel, given all the messenger shooting that's been going on recently! I'm glad that you are not resigning from you reviewer role. I think you must have a very thick skin to put up with the Cyprinidae flying around.


All I can say is THANKYOU.




You know my feelings on all this - I'm only glad we still have you as our reviewer...


Just think though - more time for eventing!!!

See you on Saturday flashmobbing!


reviewers shouldn't have to put up wuith the abuse they have been subjected to in recent months.



Deci, many thanks for all your hard work in these forums. I'm sure life as a volunteer reviewer (minus the forum role) will be considerably less stressful if not more rewarding.


Don't let the bar stewards get you down :D


Thirded. Hope nobody "gobby" turns up on this thread.


I'm sorry that you've had to make this decision.



Thank you very much for serving as a Forum Mod and for stepping forward often even when you had stated your preference to be an in-the-background Mod. Very large heaps and heaps of thanks for continuing to serve this community as quite a fine Reviewer.


It is sad yet understandable that the experience was significantly less than enjoyable for you.


- Jenn


Thank you everyone for the words of thanks and support, they are very much appreciated.


I'd like to also thank Miss Jenn for her post, I have always found her to be a very genuine person. And enjoy working with her.


I'd just like to confirm what Miss Jenn has said, my aim was always to remain as a a background Moderator,as it is something I personally find Moding to be extremely difficult to do.With the resignation of Lucilia, I would have had to move into the main Moderator role again, not a role I relished taking on again. As I had discused Lucilla's resignation with her during the evening, I came to the realisation that I was not prepared to take on the full responsibility of being the main Moderator again. Which left me with one choice, requesting that I be removed completely from Moderating in this forum.


I did apologise to Miss Jenn for my timing, stating that I hoped she did not feel I was ganging up on her. She very gracefully accepted this statement.


I am very happy to remain as a Volunteer Reviewer and continue working with the UK Community, my colleagues and Groundspeak Staff.




Thank you everyone for the words of thanks and support, they are very much appreciated.


I'd like to also thank Miss Jenn for her post, I have always found her to be a very genuine person. And enjoy working with her.


I'd just like to confirm what Miss Jenn has said, my aim was always to remain as a a background Moderator,as it is something I personally find Moding to be extremely difficult to do.With the resignation of Lucilia, I would have had to move into the main Moderator role again, not a role I relished taking on again. As I had discused Lucilla's resignation with her during the evening, I came to the realisation that I was not prepared to take on the full responsibility of being the main Moderator again. Which left me with one choice, requesting that I be removed completely from Moderating in this forum.


I did apologise to Miss Jenn for my timing, stating that I hoped she did not feel I was ganging up on her. She very gracefully accepted this statement.


I am very happy to remain as a Volunteer Reviewer and continue working with the UK Community, my colleagues and Groundspeak Staff.



That's an excellent post: thanks for clarifying the matter so well. :D


What a shame, that a few spoil it for the rest.

Modding is very hard, you just cant please everyone, its a shame that those that shout the loudest cause the most problems


I have got to hold my hand up to that I have in the past been a thorn in Dave's side, but that was the past and has certainly not been in the past 7 or 8 months. For what I have said in the past, I did at the time feel to be a true opinion and for that I would like to give my sincere apologies to Dave.


Since meeting Dave several times in Harrogate and the behind the scenes advice that he is currently giving myself and other Scottish cachers, I have came to realise that he is not only a very decent bloke but also a great asset to our community. I am sorry that you have came to this decision, but I understand it fully and yourself and other reviewers have got my full support for the future.


You all do a good job in a thankless task.

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