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Final Duck quacks...


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Hello UK forum poster (yes, and the readers only)


I am resigning from the voluntary post of UK Forum Moderator and I’m hanging up my Duck suit.


There are several reasons for this and I shall explain them briefly:


Three months ago I naively thought that acting as one of the UK’s Forum mods would be a pleasant and enjoyable way to contribute to the UK Forum community. I have now discovered it isn't enjoyable at all. I sincerely hoped at the beginning that the contributors to this forum would respond favourably and positively to having a fresh start and someone completely new in the job, someone who had previously had no axe to grind and who would do their dam.nest to try and mod in a balanced and reasonable fashion. I’ve given it 3 months and the last week or so has tested my patience to the limits and finally tonight I decided, “Ducky, you really don’t need to do this”. I think one of the final straws was having a poster refer to the reviewers as “a non-benevolent dictatorship”. Knowing how hard all four reviewers work, every day, for the good of the UK geocaching community, I suddenly felt overwhelmed at the whole tone of posts from certain contributors. I will not name names. If the cap fits etc…


My other concerns are to do with differences in interpretations of GSP's forum policies. I tried to very carefully assess and moderate within the boundaries of one particular matter, but it was found to be unacceptable. OK, that in itself was not a huge deal but I felt that if Deceangi and myself can not address this one simple matter and act as we considered to be reasonable then I don’t want to have to work within a system where I feel the need to check on every moderation we perform to avoid acting in error.


My final concern is with what I perceive to be GSP's lack of interaction with the UK forum community in regards to addressing their queries and problems. I have felt this particularly over the last week or so where the “reviewer bashing” has gone on and a few words from “someone at the top” might have served to re-directed the flak to someone who’s actually paid to take the GSP stance and would have been well able to answer queries and concerns in detail.


Anyway, I feel I've given it fair whack for 3 months. The vast majority of forum posters are considerate reasonable people who post their thoughts and criticisms well, without making personal attacks, and backing up their comments with examples and even with touches of levity thrown in. To these folks I raise my duck crest - keep up the good works folks, these forums sure need you!


As a final word, let me add this – The folks over on the Lily Pad are not ogres or malevolent influences or whatever interpretation some UK posters would have us believe. They, too, work hard to try and make geocaching work for all their global customers and I bear no ill-feeling to any of them. I have had good relationships with them as individual and I leave the post of moderator without feelings of bitterness towards the Frog and his friends.


Thank you and goodnight.






Lucilla I for one am extremely sorry about your news :anibad: I would like to take this opportunity to say


it has been a pleasure working with you. And to thank you for the time and effort you have put into Moderating the UK Forums




Now then, how long before you're looking for a new UK reviewer? She worked hard to make everyone happy didn't she? Byeee ducky, best to be on the GAGB side anyway.

GAGB forums Ruuuuuule

Posted (edited)

Lucilla, I'm very sorry to hear that you are leaving as you will be missed. I think you did the job justice and you can hold your head up high for actually being a geocacher who actively helped promote the activity for the benefit of all.


No-one should have to put up with insults here or elsewhere for that matter. I fear that in the current climate it will be hard to find a willing successor and that means that we will need the help of the 'global mods' even more than we have done.


Me thinks that some people on here have just scored an own goal. Anyway thanks for all of your efforts at least you will have more time for caching now. Take Care,



Edited by studlyone

Lucilla, I'm very sorry to hear that you are leaving as you will be missed. I think you did the job justice and you can hold your head up high for actually being a geocacher who actively helped promote the activity for the benefit of all.


No-one should have to put up with insults here or elsewhere for that matter. I fear that in the current climate it will be hard to find a willing successor and that means that we will need the help of the 'global mods' even more than we have done.


Me thinks that some people on here have just scored an own goal. Anyway thanks for all of your efforts at least you will have more time for caching now. Take Care,




Wot he said :anibad: . Thanks for all you tried to do.


It was good while it lasted Lucilla..... thanks for volunteering, sorry it never worked out.


I'm off too as it's not the same as it used to be. I'll say no more than that.


Those that have been so disparaging, insulting, obnoxious and downright rude about our reviewers will no doubt be feeling proud of themselves at this time. An own goal for the antagonists, since why should anyone else volunteer to be subject to their insults?

I have said before, if you don't like the rules, go elsewhere. Perhaps they will only be satisfies when the UK section of the Forum has been shut down? Lets face it, we are only English speakers, we share enough of a common language why should we have a separate forum? It's not as if we are conversing in French, or Italian, or Spanish... After all, the whole of South America only gets one Forum for itself and they are a misture of tongues.


And don't come bleating back about rules changing etc, etc. The fact is that some people have used this forum for personal attacks and 'justified' or not, some people have no idea how to conduct themselves in a civilised manner. And if anyone does come back with some excuse for behaviour, theirs or someone else's, I'm not going to rise to the bait... and degenerate this thread into a slanging match.


Mankind comes from a very large gene pool; unfortunately, all too often the sludge at the bottom become too vocal and ruins life for the great majority.


On the obverse, I totally agree with mandarin that TPTB should be more supportive of their volunteers. Treat your 'staff' badly and you shouldn't be surprised when they walk.


Quack Quack 'mandarin' , enjoy your retirement. :anibad::blink::blink::blink::ph34r:


Very sorry to see you make this decision: I thought that you were doing an excellent job and didn't notice any real criticism on here apart from the inevitable slight grumbles.

But I guess that there are things happening behind the scenes which not all of us know about.

Posted (edited)

Sorry to see you go, although I am not a big poster/user of the forum I have always found you to be sensible and fair in you decisions unlike some Mods on other forums I use, you will be missed by many and not missed by just a few.


Well I hope that all of the 'bashers' are happy now, both moderators resigning in one fowl (sorry Mandarin) swoop.

Once again the VERY small extremist minority mess it up for the moderate majority, it happens all to often.

Edited by DrDick&Vick

Sorry to hear you feel this way Lucilla. :anibad: I've felt you've always tried to be very fair in your comments and did your moderating job extremely well. :blink:


I've kept well out of all arguments and have recently not bothered to read this forum as often as I used to due to all the angst as all I want to do is go out geocaching to enjoy myself.


That is a shame. Thanks for your efforts.


For those who think that this is to do with recent comments elsewhere, yes, I'm sure you're right; but probably not for the reason you think.


The key is in mandarin's fifth paragraph. The consensus here was that we didn't want threads closed at the request of the OP: mandarin acted on that. Clearly, Groundspeak has said that that's not acceptable to them so mandarin has resigned because she isn't able to provide the service that we asked for. Well done to her for standing on her principles.


Quite why Groundspeak persist in making big issues out of relatively trivial matters and so alienating both their workers and a large part of their market continues to escape me.


I'd like to add my thanks for your time as a forum mod. I felt that both you and Dave ruled the roost with an even hand.


Hopefully the last person to leave will hang up a sign saying "Try the GAGB forums instead"


Good try! :anibad:

I personally believe that as long as you don't swear, show hatred or commit libel on ANY forum, you should be able to say what you like.

Without cencorship.

Some may disagree, but then thats the whole point! :blink:


Those that have been so disparaging, insulting, obnoxious and downright rude about our reviewers will no doubt be feeling proud of themselves at this time. An own goal for the antagonists, since why should anyone else volunteer to be subject to their insults?

I have said before, if you don't like the rules, go elsewhere. Perhaps they will only be satisfies when the UK section of the Forum has been shut down? Lets face it, we are only English speakers, we share enough of a common language why should we have a separate forum? It's not as if we are conversing in French, or Italian, or Spanish... After all, the whole of South America only gets one Forum for itself and they are a misture of tongues.


And don't come bleating back about rules changing etc, etc. The fact is that some people have used this forum for personal attacks and 'justified' or not, some people have no idea how to conduct themselves in a civilised manner. And if anyone does come back with some excuse for behaviour, theirs or someone else's, I'm not going to rise to the bait... and degenerate this thread into a slanging match.


Mankind comes from a very large gene pool; unfortunately, all too often the sludge at the bottom become too vocal and ruins life for the great majority.


On the obverse, I totally agree with mandarin that TPTB should be more supportive of their volunteers. Treat your 'staff' badly and you shouldn't be surprised when they walk.


Quack Quack 'mandarin' , enjoy your retirement. :blink::blink::blink::ph34r::lol:

Thanks for your civilised and measured post: not at all supercilious either, despite the obvious temptation. Well done for keeping well clear of antagonism too, and avoiding any insults and attacks. Name-calling and points-scoring doesn't do any good at all, as I'm sure you'll agree.

Glad you had the self-control to avoid rising to the bait.




Thanks you for your time and effort on these forums, Mandarin.


Enjoy your retirement, from now on the only thing being hurled will be bread :anibad:


Quack Quack


Sorry to see you go, but I fully understand your reasons.


Duck's are often shot at. Messengers are also often shot.

So you didn't really stand a chance! :anibad:


You must have been Quackers to take the job on in the first place. See what I did there ;-)


I'm really sorry that you've found yourself in this position Mandarin, and felt that you have no option but to leave. I've always thought that your approach to moderating the forum was balanced and fair, and I firmly believe that your departure will be a backward step for the UK forum.

I wish you well, and I'm sorry to see you leave.


The global mods will no doubt fill the vacum for the time being (maybe even longer), which IMO, will have a negative impact on the UK forum. (eg less questions answered, and a shorter fuse when it comes to heated debate)


The key is in mandarin's fifth paragraph. The consensus here was that we didn't want threads closed at the request of the OP: mandarin acted on that. Clearly, Groundspeak has said that that's not acceptable to them so mandarin has resigned because she isn't able to provide the service that we asked for. Well done to her for standing on her principles.


I think it was a bit of both Alan, the posts over the past week or so, and whatever issues Mandarin had/has with GSP. (Please excuse me if I've wrongly picked you up in that quote?)


I have been generally keeping out of the forums lately. I am sorry that Mandarin has had to go though this unpleasant experience. Perhaps those who are quickest to blame only Groundspeak would do well to look at their own actions. It strikes me that sometimes the UK forums are on a mission to angst, argue and antagonise as much as possible, and thus to pretty much ensure that Gsp come down hard upon us, and as a result we are not being left to our own devices. Will all this complaining fix things, or pretty much ensure they get worse?... discuss.


It's not a job that I would volunteer to do. Thanks for giving it your best shot Mandarin, hope you get back to enjoying caching.


Goodbye Manderin,

If there was anybody who could make people feel welcome and was a real ambassador for all cachers out there it was you.

Thanks for all your work over the last few months and I hope you now have more time to be able to go out and cache and enjoy whatever else retired ducks do.



I have been generally keeping out of the forums lately. I am sorry that Mandarin has had to go though this unpleasant experience. Perhaps those who are quickest to blame only Groundspeak would do well to look at their own actions.

I concur. Mandarin's post is admirably reasoned and balanced, and highlights fault on all sides. I've taken on board the parts which didn't quite fit my previous worldview; it would be nice to think that others will find it within themselves to do the same.


Although I haven't contributed much here lately, I still very much appreciate the efforts of the forum moderators and I'm sorry for how it's ended. Thank you mandarin and Deceangi.


Being an admin or moderator on any forum can be a thankless task, I have had many years experience running my own forums and being a moderator.


It can start off as a nice experience and a chance to change things for the better. It can soon turn nasty, all it takes is a few influential members to turn the tide and you have a mutiny on your hands.


The worst time is when a forum reaches critical mass, the people sitting at the top of the tree looking down can no longer see the ground or the members below and the first thing that goes out the window is the support of your "superiors".


Too many good and decent moderators have been lost this past year and it is a real shame.


Time for GSP to a hard long look at what is going on and go back to basics.


Geocaching is supposed to be a hobby to be enjoyed by folks all over the world. It's no longer a hobby, it's now bogged down with so many "rules" and "guidelines", that many well established cachers are now turning their backs.


What is the point in doing something if it is no longer a hobby?


I may laugh and joke with my :anibad: smilies and make light of certain situations, now it has gone beyond a joke.


I have never met Lucilla, however I have chatted to her in the UK chatroom on several occasions and she a charming wonderful woman.


Some of the comments that have been bandied around by well established members have left me shaking my head in disbelief.


The whole system is starting to decay and something needs to be done. Throwing around "playground" insults is not the way to start the ball rolling.


Like Alibags, I too have been keeping out of the forums while there has been so much angst...

I hate to think of someone as lovely, fair, democratic and gentle as Mrs B getting a rough time from people who are supposedly adults. I cannot blame poor Duckie for resigning, and I hope that the duck can swim away happily, and not harbour too much bad feeling.


We had a bloomin good team in Deci and Duckie - two of the gentlest people I've ever had the pleasure to meet, and I'm really genuinely sorry that it's come to this.




I think that you are a fabulous person (style, personality, demeanor) for the job of Forum Mod, and you have been doing a fantastic job here. Your news has made me very sad, and as you know, I respect and understand your decision. Still, I hold out hope that maybe you might change your mind?


I apologize to you publicly for not providing all the support you needed in performing your duties.


- Jenn




I think that you are a fabulous person (style, personality, demeanor) for the job of Forum Mod, and you have been doing a fantastic job here. Your news has made me very sad, and as you know, I respect and understand your decision. Still, I hold out hope that maybe you might change your mind?


I apologize to you publicly for not providing all the support you needed in performing your duties.


- Jenn


Thank you for those words, Jenn, they are much appreciated.


24 hours on, I've just re-read what I posted at the top of this thread. I feel it reflects accurately how I felt then and I still feel now. I won't change my mind - but I thank you for the offer. :D




Lucilla, I'm really sorry to see you go. The job you took on was always going to be a difficult one, and I think you did it as well as anyone could have done in the circumstances. Thank you for trying.




I think that you are a fabulous person (style, personality, demeanor) for the job of Forum Mod, and you have been doing a fantastic job here. Your news has made me very sad, and as you know, I respect and understand your decision. Still, I hold out hope that maybe you might change your mind?


I apologize to you publicly for not providing all the support you needed in performing your duties.


- Jenn

It takes a lot to make a public apology, well done Jenn. I wish others could follow such examples?


Thanks to all above for their friendly comments.


More thanks also to those who've sent private emails.


And thanks for the flowers - I'll give Deceangi the black and white ones - They're a little more masculine, don't you think?


Regarding my resignation as a Mod: 24 hours on I re-read what I had posted in my OP above. It accurately reflects what I felt, and still feel, about the whole matter. I do not appreciate the speculation about, and the re-interpretation of my words, which is taking place in some posts.


Please read exactly what I wrote in those lines, not some imagined hidden agenda lurking between them.


Let's move on to better things :D



Posted (edited)

I'm really sorry you feel forced out of your position, I can imagine it's a (lot) of workload on top of your normal daily life.


Thanks for giving it a go.

Edited by mtn-man

Thanks from us as well, we go away for a couple of days to run a couple of displays.. well it was bonfire night... and all this has gone on. Sorry to see you go after such a welcome at the Mega Event... you will be missed, although I'm sure we will be seeing Mrs B at large again... Thanks M

Posted (edited)

What has shocked me most about this thread is that some of those who have caused Mrs B some REAL grief and headaches have posted that it's "such a shame" and yet they are the ones who have been obnoxious and purposely pushed the moderators to the limits - just for a laugh...


They're should be ashamed of themsleves, I'm sure they know who they are.

Edited by HazelS

We're just back from our holiday and would like to say that its a shame you've been pushed to this.


I hope that those responsible are now satisfied with how they have helped to make British caching 'better'.

What has shocked me most about this thread is that some of those who have caused Mrs B some REAL grief and headaches have posted that it's "such a shame" and yet they are the ones who have been obnoxious and purposely pushed the moderators to the limits - just for a laugh...

I couldn't agree more. Whilst I am often at odds witht he way that Gspk conducts itself I have always found the mods to be friendly and helpfull - unless provoked. Some people delight in childish behaviour. :D
Posted (edited)

And how long before the same people start to complain about the way that the GrndSpk mods from across the water are modding the forum or maybe they will be subdued and quiet! I wonder.

As they say 'Better the Devil you know' and I don't mean to say that our mods were devils in fact I think the opposite.

Edited by DrDick&Vick

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