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Christmas 2008 personalized geocoin


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Posted (edited)

I have mised everyone here! We have a geocoin coming to post for you folks. As always, feel free to post opinion to help guide us with future coins.

It is a simple but fun trackable geocoin for Christmas 2008, it has an area for up to 14 spaces to personalize with name or message to be engraved and filled.


Orders are being taken now through about Nov. 14th. Waiting on final word from mint on cut-off deadline to get here in time to be sure of delivery within the US by Christmas. We will do our best to get International orders there by then also, however can not be for sure on those.


Coins are $9 each and come in 3 versions. Coins are 1.75" with Hard enamel

LE Gold with Blue box and gold glitter ribbon (50 made)

Black Nickel with Red box and green glitter ribbon

Black Nickel with Green box and red glitter ribbon


I am working on a way to enter names on order form on site, till fixed you can enter names with coin version in comments or I will email each order for details.


Here's the art work and order links.


Order Christmas 2008 coins here


We have some exciting news to share, be looking for a special delivery cointest.

Edited by T"n"T
Posted (edited)

I may just have to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get one of these for each of my girls in the "Sweden Edition!"


Tracy, I'm so glad to see you guys here!


I'm also looking forward to the "exciting news!!"



Naomi :)

Edited by mousekakat

Should the request for engraving go in the "comments" section as we check out? I didn't see any other area or a prompt for such information, or would we be responsible for take the coins to a jeweler (or someone) for the engraving?


A great idea - thanks so much for these, especially considering the year you all have had!


Should the request for engraving go in the "comments" section as we check out? I didn't see any other area or a prompt for such information, or would we be responsible for take the coins to a jeweler (or someone) for the engraving?


A great idea - thanks so much for these, especially considering the year you all have had!


You can place it in comments(easier if you only have acoupleofcoins/names), or I will contact you by email to get details(easier if you have several). Trying to fix so you can enter it as part of order, but it is blocking stock check right now.


Thanks everyone.


Sorry, dumb question time ....is there a hole in these somewhere to hang on a tree?


Hope your news is close to what I'm hoping it is : )


Duh, on me, That had not even crossed my mind. I think that is something we can correct, Thanks for great idea.


The news is probablly only partly what everyone, including us wants, but still very awesome.


Ok, checked with mint and we can add the hle in top center to be able to hang if you would like.

Update over half of the LE Blue Box coins are already gone.


Ok, all! I heard back on exact cut-off date. All orders with names need to be in by the 13th of nov. To have them delivered to me by Dec.8th.


That will leave plenty of time for US delivery and most Internationals would have a good shot too.


Last look had 13 of the Blue Box left.


Thanks for making this another great coin.


The deadline for ordering is coming soon. I need all orders and engraving info by Thursday at latest to get to mint for delivery date requested.

Thanks again to those that have helped make this another cool coin.


I feel that these having special engraving for each is a simple but fun way to add a little extra to those gifts.


The deadline for ordering is coming soon. I need all orders and engraving info by Thursday at latest to get to mint for delivery date requested.

Thanks again to those that have helped make this another cool coin.


I feel that these having special engraving for each is a simple but fun way to add a little extra to those gifts.


Ok Photos are here ,posting below.

ALso the rep at mint as giving us till Monday to meet their deadline for delivery date I told them we needed. LE Blue box are gone. But both the Red and Green are still open.

As stated before, these now have the hole for hanging if you choose to.


For those who have ordered and not sent reply to request for engraving info, please email me with up to 14 spaces of name or message. I will be trying to call those still missing info.



Tracy and Tank



I think something might be wrong, to be totally honest.


We haven't heard anything back from them on the name the baby cointest, either.


Is anyone in their area who can give them a call and check on them? This really isn't like Tracy at all :D



Posted (edited)
Has anybody heard anything from TnT? I'm more worried about them than the coin.
Same Here, wished we lived closer to check on them. They are always in our hearts and prayers. Fingers are crossed and hope everything is okay. We are worried when we havent heard anything either that something may be wrong. We hope not tho. Edited by sweetlife
Posted (edited)

Any idea on when these coins are going to be shipped????


Haven't heard anything, and my emails have not been responded to...



We are all here and doing ok, just very crazy. Mom(alpha_gal) and Justin(quick_at_em) have new websites that are opening next week or opened this week. Hallie has started wrestling season. We had two coin sets and three sets of samples arrive from mint. I have been getting some ebay auctions ready to help with costs for kids this Holiday season. Happilly, Tony has been approved for some new services to help with recovery and we have been trying to arrange that, as well as trying to get house here ready for Miss E. to come visit this weekend. I have been slightly overwhelmed and catching overthing up. We thank everyone for their prayers and concern, it has done so much for all of us here this past year. We are a week away from a year in this sad crisis and I am trying my best to keep focused and strong, I feel your prayers are giving me strength.



I have recieved ONE email and it has been responded to, as stated all over this thread and order page. Coins to me on the 8th, actually got them on the 9th, but most are packed, some are already shipped, the rest will get posted to site and mailed in the morning.


I feel this is very close to expected deadlines and domestic orders should not have any trouble with pre-Christmas delivery.


Thanks to all that ordered, anyone wanting blank space coins, I did order just a few in both Green with Red and Red with Green. these can be taken to most trophy shops for engraving.


Thanks again,

Tracy and Tank

Edited by T"n"T

Any idea on when these coins are going to be shipped????


Haven't heard anything, and my emails have not been responded to...




I have recieved ONE email and it has been responded to, as stated all over this thread and order page. Coins to me on the 8th, actually got them on the 9th, but most are packed, some are already shipped, the rest will get posted to site and mailed in the morning.


I feel this is very close to expected deadlines and domestic orders should not have any trouble with pre-Christmas delivery.


Thanks to all that ordered, anyone wanting blank space coins, I did order just a few in both Green with Red and Red with Green. these can be taken to most trophy shops for engraving.


Thanks again,

Tracy and Tank


I can't speak for everybody, but I was worried that something had happened! I'm glad to hear you are okay!


Any idea on when these coins are going to be shipped????


Haven't heard anything, and my emails have not been responded to...




I have recieved ONE email and it has been responded to, as stated all over this thread and order page. Coins to me on the 8th, actually got them on the 9th, but most are packed, some are already shipped, the rest will get posted to site and mailed in the morning.


I feel this is very close to expected deadlines and domestic orders should not have any trouble with pre-Christmas delivery.


Thanks to all that ordered, anyone wanting blank space coins, I did order just a few in both Green with Red and Red with Green. these can be taken to most trophy shops for engraving.


Thanks again,

Tracy and Tank


I can't speak for everybody, but I was worried that something had happened! I'm glad to hear you are okay!


I'm with Joni!


I'm glad things are ok, too. Sounds like things are returning to normal hectic chaos in your house :rolleyes:



I am soooo pumped mine arrived today! I ordered some extra to donate to an event we have here to kick off our local tradition of cachemas and the event is tomorrow!

The coins are here, they are beautiful and I am VERY happy!


Wow, Hope you event is a huge success, glad they came in time. Santa planned that right on time, he never lets anyone down :blink: Merry Christmas

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