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COINTEST! Time to twiddle your thumbs


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I hate to wait because when you are waiting for something like the end of school or work, time drags. One minute lasts an hour.....


But when you are waiting for someone to arrive or get ready so they can take you to an important appointment, time flies by until you realise you are late, and still waiting for the *bleeping* person to arrive!



I have never waited in my life. Never been too good at it. People can be rude and ignorant. They don't care if you have been on your feet all day. They tip lousy. Never pick up after their children when they drop food....

oh.....not that kind of wait.....my bad


I am sometimes patient, but I hate to wait for stuff. Right now, I cant wait till my receiver opens his Halloween mission package. The wait is killing me. And just last week, I had to wait an extra day till my truck was done being fixed. This would be the reason why I have no hair, pulled it all out waiting.


Im sorry, no one is here right now, please leave a message after the beep .................................................................. ..................................................................wait for it .................................................................. .................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................BEEP!


Good morning everyone!!!! :unsure:


I just realized that I hate waiting just becasue I have a big time difference with you! see?? I just woke up and the cointest is already in page 2! I hate that I missed so many posts, and I hate that I will not post for the rest of the day! It is a big day today!!! :)


I hate to wait because there is always more things to wait for after the time waiting for one thing is up...


In conclusion -> THE WAITING NEVER ENDS :unsure::):)




10. Count the various objects in the wallpaper.


9. Practice whistling inward.


8. Organize your geocoins on a table so that they are equally spaced from one other.


7. Fold a paper plane with Kleenex tissue.


6. Concentrate extremely hard on one geocoin, and make it levitate with telekinesis.


5. Practice winking with the eye you normally don't wink with.


4. Heads or Tails 100 times to disprove the law of averages.


3. Tap out Ringo's drum solo from "The End" with your fingers.


2. Two words: Geocoin Jenga!


1. Twiddle your thumbs, and when that gets REALLY boring...reverse direction!




I hate waiting...I have no patience and i'm one of those people who once something's in my mind..i want it right away, whether it be a project, a trip or somthing in the mail :D Christmas is a difficult time for me...presents that I can see but not open until the big day ;)


Wait, wait. I never had a [cache] without you. Now I only wanna [go caching with] you one more time.


Wait just a moment before our [cache] will die

cuz I must know the reason why we say good bye

wait just a moment and tell me why

cuz I can show you [caching] that you won't deny


Wait, wait

I never had a chance to [cache with] you

wait, wait

if only our [cache] could show you

wait, wait

I never wanna cache without you

no I never had a chance to [cache with] you

now I only wanna say [let's go caching] one more time


Ughhh, what BUGS me about waiting...Lack of communication. In this trucking job, sometimes I have to WAIT for my next order to come through on the computer. I finished delivering my load yestarday at noon, and it was almopst 24 whole hours before they even sent me a message about my next load. If they would even send a message sooner to say "hey, you'll probably have to wait until tommorow for us to find you a load" at least then I could plan my life around that. Like when I should sleep, or eat, or if I'll have time to do laundry or not...That sure BUGS me!!!


I love waiting, I love to sit and watch the grass grow, I put on the biggest pot of water I can find just so it takes longer to boil. I slap on paint extra thick so it takes longer to dry. Waiting is FUN!!! ;)


I hate to wait because I can´t seem to think of anything else. Like this santas mission,;) I want to know the names so I can start to actually get those things that are buzzing though my mind. I can be reading the paper and see a christmas :D decoration and then my mind wanders away. I watch TV and see a raindeer :D , there we go again, off.


And all I can do is wait. Wait for those busy little elves to make everythng ready for the fun. They sure do a great job.:(


grodan :D Karin


Do you know you spend 4%ish of your life waiting in lines....that stinks! I hate waiting 'cause I start to think about the million an done things I am supposed to be doing besides waiting. Like I really cant wait right now until Friday, cause Im tired and didnt sleep enough over the weekend. But then again I didnt get anything accomplished this weekend either, go figure.


How about waiting behind someone at a traffic light after it turns green and they just sit there????


makes you want to just scream out "What are you WAITING for?!?!?!?


Yeah, that BUGS me ;)


I hate waiting in line for rides, everyone is looking at each other and you go back in forth seeing the same people over and over and everyone is getting impatient and kids are rolling around on the ground, jumping up and down and eveyone is getting sweaty. yuck


Read a book about Reading Faces - and I hate waiting in a line trying to compare faces to the interpretations in that book. It was scarry - as the author compared a ton of facial features to folks who had done mad things.

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