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What is your geocaching outfit?


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I thought it would be fun to make a thread about what we where to cache..


I have 1 outfit that gets me to any cache i want without muggles bothering me..


I where jeans, plaint white tshirt.. orange vest and a hard hat.. doesnt matter weather it is walmart or anywhere.. i just put on my hard hat and grab my gps and go.. most people ignore me competely.. i even have a cheap yellow globe light for my car ($5 at radioshack) that i plug in and i look official..


sometimes i dont even have to wear a hard hat and most assume that my gps is some kind of tool.. or a walkie talkie..


think about it.. i look like a utility worker..


I thought it would be fun to make a thread about what we where to cache..


I have 1 outfit that gets me to any cache i want without muggles bothering me..


I where jeans, plaint white tshirt.. orange vest and a hard hat.. doesnt matter weather it is walmart or anywhere.. i just put on my hard hat and grab my gps and go.. most people ignore me competely.. i even have a cheap yellow globe light for my car ($5 at radioshack) that i plug in and i look official..


sometimes i dont even have to wear a hard hat and most assume that my gps is some kind of tool.. or a walkie talkie..


think about it.. i look like a utility worker..


I thought it would be fun to make a thread about what we where to cache..


I have 1 outfit that gets me to any cache i want without muggles bothering me..


I where jeans, plaint white tshirt.. orange vest and a hard hat.. doesnt matter weather it is walmart or anywhere.. i just put on my hard hat and grab my gps and go.. most people ignore me competely.. i even have a cheap yellow globe light for my car ($5 at radioshack) that i plug in and i look official..


sometimes i dont even have to wear a hard hat and most assume that my gps is some kind of tool.. or a walkie talkie..


think about it.. i look like a utility worker..

I wear a G-string


When I cache out of my work vehicle, it has the aforementioned yellow light, etc. But with the company name on the door, followed by "Engineers, Planners, & Land Surveyors" Nobody even looks twice.


I wear regular street clothes for urban caching. I like khakis and earth tones for hikes. My favorites are earth-toned Hawaiian shirts. They're like camo, but doesn't scream "militia." The earth tones are useful for going off trail and not being so conspicuous. I like to find the cache and then move away from the hiding spot a little ways in case some stumbles upon or observes me signing in and trading. The less I'm noticed the better. Still, I like to look "normal" in public.


Of course, certain seasons, "normal" is full camo around some parts around here.


This usually depends. During the day during the week it is usually what I wore to work (business casual) on nights and the weekends it is jeans, a t shirt, boots, and a leather jacket.


Personally, I prefer to wear clothes and so do the people I cache with. :lol:


Ok...for the real answer it depends on the cache. Woods = hiking boots and pants etc, Urban = anything else. I don't do disguises or make up some huge story as to what we're doing. I was staring up into a tree once and a lady walked by asking if I was looking for hummingbirds. I just nodded and said, yeah...something like that. She left and didn't give me any grief. The popo didn't show up and I found the cache. Yay!


Now, if the popo does show up or if someone gets upset about what you're doing you just remain calm and tell the truth. I just don't understand the big hairy deal. (sorry...was looking at nudecachers pics and got distracted)


Nudecacher - you are a hoot! I give you props. I couldn't do it - not a shyness factor, I'm just always cold! :D


Today I cached in my dress with dress shoes. I got caught up in the FTF race & ended up cold, muddy, & miserable (until I signed that blank log!), and all because I entered the coordinates wrong. What was a 1/1 I turned into a 4/4! I need to pack caching clothes. :)


What outfit? :(




Wow! No outfit, no kidding! I'm anxious to go back and check out the rest of your gallery when I get some time.


I actually have an official geocaching outfit. It's a green shirt that I bought at Kohls. I paid full price for it. I never pay full price for anything. But I loved that shirt and had to have it even though it was overpriced.


The very next day I wore it while geocaching and ripped a hole in the front of it when one of my girls rubbed up against something sharp that was stuck to the wall under the cache. So now I wear that shirt when caching since I can't wear it anywhere else now and now that it's ripped I don't care if it rips further or gets dirty. Which, of course, will not happen in a million years now that I've officially stated that I don't care.


Oh and I wear pants or shorts with the green shirt :ninja:


When finding urban caches I just wear my normal clothes, jeans and a sweatshirt. If I'm going on more of a hike into the hills I'll wear walking boots and either softshell or waterproof gear, depending on the weather.

I've cached in some pretty bad mountain weather, obviously if you're out in the mountains you should know what you're doing and know what to wear.


I've decided that at least in my area wearing camo isn't a good idea, people seem to get suspicious if you're in camo gear, I don't know why but maybe people who wear camo have a bad image with some people.




I actually have an official geocaching outfit. It's a green shirt that I bought at Kohls. I paid full price for it. I never pay full price for anything. But I loved that shirt and had to have it even though it was overpriced.


The very next day I wore it while geocaching and ripped a hole in the front of it when one of my girls rubbed up against something sharp that was stuck to the wall under the cache. So now I wear that shirt when caching since I can't wear it anywhere else now and now that it's ripped I don't care if it rips further or gets dirty. Which, of course, will not happen in a million years now that I've officially stated that I don't care.


Oh and I wear pants or shorts with the green shirt :grin:


For some reason I just had to find the green holy shirt. :grin:

Shirt Close Up


My outfit changes constantly. I shop at the thrift stores because my geoclothing is always getting torn on branches, rock, thorns, etc.


That's a really great idea. I should do that and get some shoes that I don't care about. I know it will be just a matter of time before I'm stuck in the mud and end up ruining good walking shoes or boots and then I'll be bent.


My fiance and I work at the same place (Disney World) so we carpool there, but I allways get off work a few hours before her; so I do a lot of caching strait from work and end up wearing my work clothes. I remove the button down shirt I have to wear and go in khaki pants and a plain white T-shirt.


Other times I'm caching in between college classes so I'm wearing whatever street clothes I wore that day.


Eventually though I'm going to get these olive-colored BDU kind of pants they sell at a local airsoft shop, the things are tougher than jeans and move around better too. I'll probably get some earthtoned T-shirt to round it out, but with winter comming I wonder how my jackets, most of which were not made for the wilderness, will fare...


Living over here in England the weather tends to be fairly unpridictable. The best things I tend to go for are the quick drying type T Shirts that addidas etc do as you never seem to get too warm and if it rains you are fine 15 mins later.


Other than that I use a pair of older jeans, a lightweight fleece and normally cary a lightweight waterproof just in case.


Maybe we should all get a bit more creative and ditch the dull colours and hardwearing clothes for something a bit sexier ! It could make meeting others more fun :D


Grey pirate t-shirt, camo cargo pants, a Smokey the Bear bandana I found in a cache and black flip flops.


Yep. Flip flops! I have no regard for mah toes!


That's my usual caching apparel. I usually only get to cache on Saturdays, unfortunately.

Posted (edited)

T-shirt (short sleeve) and a jacket if it's cool enough.


Long jeans; or shorts if in summer, spring, or early fall.


Newbalance shoes, fully and double laced already broken in.


My 'GeoCache Hat' with a :) sign duct-taped on the top. It's really a camoed hat I got from a 'tickets to stuff' thing at a friend's party.


A 'Cache Lanyard' with a pocket knife, pencil (for signing logs), sharpener (obvoius reasons), & pack of gum.


One weird outfit!!

Edited by Crazyking

I know what not to wear. That is if you are geocaching at night. Do not wear all black. It may help you remain invisible to muggles but is sure hard explaining to the cops why you are all in black searching through the bushes. I just dress normal and comfortable and wait until the area is clear before I search.


I thought it would be fun to make a thread about what we where to cache..


I have 1 outfit that gets me to any cache i want without muggles bothering me..


I where jeans, plaint white tshirt.. orange vest and a hard hat.. doesnt matter weather it is walmart or anywhere.. i just put on my hard hat and grab my gps and go.. most people ignore me competely.. i even have a cheap yellow globe light for my car ($5 at radioshack) that i plug in and i look official..


sometimes i dont even have to wear a hard hat and most assume that my gps is some kind of tool.. or a walkie talkie..


think about it.. i look like a utility worker..

The oldest clothes I have because I usually end up ripping a hole in something I'm wearing.


Usually Royal Robbins cargo pants, with a coolmax shirt and boonie hat for summer, Carhartt arctic coat in the winter with misc workpants in the fall winter. Rocks are rough on nylon and lighter pant materials.


For me on the bottom I usually have on cargo pants of some description. Use the pockets to carry TB and such and other items if not taking the cache bag (multitool, SWAG, etc). On top probably 95% of the time I have a Carhartt pocket T-shirt that holds the PALM. In summer it is short sleeve, fall/spring long sleeve, winter multiple layers with long sleeve on top unless I must put on a fleece or jacket. On the feet I usually have on some sort of hiking boot or shoe unless I am grabbing a few easy ones and then sneakers. I am still not sure how people cache in jeans. It would make a short rubbed "raw" day for me if there was any moisture or wetness involved.


We've got some tough plants down here in TX. Anything short of denim or canvas pants would be ripped to shreds after the first briar encounter. I've even ripped some heavy jeans on occasion with these evil plants. Wouldn't even consider shorts or light pants unless I carried a gallon bucket of Bactine and the pants were self-mending.


I've got a number of long-sleeve t-shirts and hoodies with holes torn in them from the mesquite and briars, not to mention shoes and pants with pieces of cactus needles permanently embedded in them.


I just wear whatever I had on when I decided to go out. But I usually bring my "Caching Bag" which includes an extra waterproof jacket, beanie, flashlights, firstaid kit, lighters, bioculars and a camelback. Cuz you just never know how long you will be gone.


Oh yeah and I also stuff my Swag bag in there too.

Posted (edited)

One of the best things I wear into the woods are 8" Danner or Rocky Gore-tex lined boots. Nothing ruins a day

of caching faster then wet feet.


In the summer, I got to have my Tilley T4.

Edited by gdpsych

Glad This Guy didn't respond to this question


Edit: His pictures are soooo funny

OMG! Is this guy for real!!! My kids are dying to know why I, out of no where, started LMAO. Freaking awesome!!


Anyway, I try to wear my geo shirt (so others will know), good pair of jeans, and my awsome Kelty back pack outfitted with all the geocaching fixins!


How can I type about this right now I can't stop laughing!!! :bad::lol::lol:


Clothes per se are not my problem. I mostly do urban hunts so I just wear whatever I'm in at any given moment. Shoes are my problem. I generally only wear them in stores and at work.


The other day I was on the edge of a parking lot, stomping around in some bushes, when I stepped on a sharp rock. I'm going to have to work on the "you're going off into the bushes - put on some shoes" mantra.


At night:

Full subdued urban camo at night, layers all the way down - 2 pairs socks, pajama pants under camo pants, tank top, longsleeved shirt and camo jacket, black gloves, black knit cap, combat boots. Occasionally will whip out my paintball helmet to keep wind off my face with flashlight attached for make-shift headlamp.



Camo pants and boots, still 2 pairs of socks (gotta love the padding), and whatever top is best for the weather.


I thought it would be fun to make a thread about what we where to cache..


I have 1 outfit that gets me to any cache i want without muggles bothering me..


I where jeans, plaint white tshirt.. orange vest and a hard hat.. doesnt matter weather it is walmart or anywhere.. i just put on my hard hat and grab my gps and go.. most people ignore me competely.. i even have a cheap yellow globe light for my car ($5 at radioshack) that i plug in and i look official..


sometimes i dont even have to wear a hard hat and most assume that my gps is some kind of tool.. or a walkie talkie..


think about it.. i look like a utility worker..


I avoid cache where I would need a disguise in order to have fun. My geo-outfit has a specific purpose.




I just happened to stumble on this thread. OMG, I had no idea that some people cache in the nude!


I'm thinking of buying a bright orange T-shirt and reflective vest. Then, I would sew a couple of geocaching patches on them. It's almost necessary when you are geocaching in an urban setting. Oh, I would also wear pants and shoes. Nudity is not looked upon favorably where I live.


Well different caches present differing wardrobe opportunities but generally speaking I find myself attired in a North Face button down shirt, my preferred Columbia "Blood ’N Guts" convertible pants, Garmont hiking boots, my much beloved and oft' abused Tilley Air-flo hat. Any of the following accessories may be present depending on the season: Dirt, dust, bat guano, twigs, leaves, blood and/or, depending on the season, a glistening layer of sweat.


I thought it would be fun to make a thread about what we where to cache..


I have 1 outfit that gets me to any cache i want without muggles bothering me..


I where jeans, plaint white tshirt.. orange vest and a hard hat.. doesnt matter weather it is walmart or anywhere.. i just put on my hard hat and grab my gps and go.. most people ignore me competely.. i even have a cheap yellow globe light for my car ($5 at radioshack) that i plug in and i look official..


sometimes i dont even have to wear a hard hat and most assume that my gps is some kind of tool.. or a walkie talkie..


think about it.. i look like a utility worker..

I wear a G-string

WOW!! Me too!! Phew..I thought I was the only one....people tend to look away...works GREAT!!


I like this idea. I could cache more on my lunch instead of just scouting, and returning till after business hours in most cases. Too many Muggles in the Long Beach Ca where I can do most of my Local caching. I already have antennas on my car cause I am a Amateur Radio Operator, with the yellow light, that will just make me look like a Surveyor or something.


I thought it would be fun to make a thread about what we where to cache..


I have 1 outfit that gets me to any cache i want without muggles bothering me..


I where jeans, plaint white tshirt.. orange vest and a hard hat.. doesnt matter weather it is walmart or anywhere.. i just put on my hard hat and grab my gps and go.. most people ignore me competely.. i even have a cheap yellow globe light for my car ($5 at radioshack) that i plug in and i look official..


sometimes i dont even have to wear a hard hat and most assume that my gps is some kind of tool.. or a walkie talkie..


think about it.. i look like a utility worker..

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