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Celtic tree of life


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Yesterday I received a TOL Satin Gold on Silver and I just want to say how much I appreciate it. It's incredible. Thanks so much!


I got an adequate pic for my keeper list but I hope Scavok or some other talented photographer will get some better shots of this version and share. From different angles or in different lights, it changes... It's like it's alive.


It's an awesome work of art - Thank you.


The just adequate shot:



Yesterday I received a TOL Satin Gold on Silver and I just want to say how much I appreciate it. It's incredible. Thanks so much!


I got an adequate pic for my keeper list but I hope Scavok or some other talented photographer will get some better shots of this version and share. From different angles or in different lights, it changes... It's like it's alive.


It's an awesome work of art - Thank you.


The just adequate shot:



I will take some photos for sure!


Got mine last week, so nice :)


@scavok did you get my email some days ago?


I did and replied, pm me if you didn't get it :)


There arent any available from me right now, but im sure the ePlace has a ton and people love trading :). I already have a couple dozen emails asking for another minting so I will probably do that toward the end of May. My Gaiascape coin should have samples up by then too so I need to decide which I will do first.


And as an FYI if any others are interested; I am auctioning off a special set of TOL coins on ebay late tonight. Its a 3 coin set; one of each blue coin :) They are the last ones I have that arent promised into a trade or anything and I want them to go as a set with each other. I think it goes up at 8pm PST if by some chance i set the auction up correctly.


I am going on a trip the beginning of June so I am scheduling the presale (the tol or gaiascape) to be done before that and shipping time for the Irish Dancing Dress (on presale now) to be done when I return. Though we all know how well thing go to plan :P .


I'd like to have my name added to the list of people who'd love another minting.

I'll take two when/if you do.


I'll check out the auction but probably can't afford them. What is your storefront name?


Add me too!


I'd LOVE to see more of the red on silver error. Perhaps it's a good idea to make yet another new version, with red tree on silver background on the front ("error"), and silver shapes on red background on the back (correct)? :)


I'll check out the auction but probably can't afford them. What is your storefront name?

I don't think I have an ebay store, but my seller name is scavokrj. This specific auction is HERE.


Perhaps it's a good idea to make yet another new version, with red tree on silver background on the front ("error"), and silver shapes on red background on the back (correct)? :)


Unfortunately the error versions are that way for a reason, the coloring inside the tree and designs on the back make it very prone to errors like uneven enameling (as we've seen above) due to the multiple levels of design. It also makes it difficult to discern a lot of the detail in the backgrounds when the enamel isn't there. I've worked up a couple new color schemes though that are pretty good looking :)


(: I was blown away with how the mistake versions auctioned off, those numbers were not my intent and certainly not my expectation so I made these ones so the search term "geocoin" doesn't even pull them up. I was certainly hoping for more than 9.99 but hopefully they at least stay reasonable this time:)


...I was certainly hoping for more than 9.99 but hopefully they at least stay reasonable this time:)

May, the killing factor is that three coins are put into one single auction. But I am pretty sure, the final price won't be very reasonable :laughing: Having the prices for the dark blue version in mind, I expect at least 300-400$. So, Tranquilites and Compass Roses are not the only expensive coins :lol:


(: I was blown away with how the mistake versions auctioned off, those numbers were not my intent and certainly not my expectation so I made these ones so the search term "geocoin" doesn't even pull them up. I was certainly hoping for more than 9.99 but hopefully they at least stay reasonable this time:)

Hey Roger, you really should NOT feel guilty in any way about your auctions. You have created a very outstanding piece of art and people are voluntarily paying much money for. There is nothing wrong with, it´s a free world (ok, at least the parts we live in) and it happens every day - in all art-galleries around the world... ;-)

I wish you the very best success for your futur auction!

Posted (edited)

Any news on the last mystery version from last summer's presale? Would be interesting to know, when we can expect the coins to have in hand and by this solve the mystery about their design :)

Edited by Altix

After a bit of a snafu with the mint they will be shipped out by the 14th or 15th. Just a week to go :)


Any news on the last mystery version from last summer's presale? Would be interesting to know, when we can expect the coins to have in hand and by this solve the mystery about their design :)


After a bit of a snafu with the mint they will be shipped out by the 14th or 15th. Just a week to go :)


Any news on the last mystery version from last summer's presale? Would be interesting to know, when we can expect the coins to have in hand and by this solve the mystery about their design :)


Any updates?

Posted (edited)

After a bit of a snafu with the mint they will be shipped out by the 14th or 15th. Just a week to go :)


Any news on the last mystery version from last summer's presale? Would be interesting to know, when we can expect the coins to have in hand and by this solve the mystery about their design :)


I've not received my coins, ...payed last summer :blink:

Edited by manu luq

I've not received my coins, ...payed last summer :blink:


Mine hasn't arrived respectively. But I assume, they are on their long trip to Europe and will arrive soon. BTW one of the new mysteries is already in the emarket. The design is looking interestingly. Can't wait to have it in hand!


Hmmmmm, no reply from scovak to me for over a month..


Still waiting for a refund of 55 EUR for 5 TOL with real errors (at the Error version) I've returned to him to replace but mint made wrong versions :(


Hope to see money some days..... :huh:


The summer presale items were shipped over the holidays so I wouldnt be suprised for delays especially to intl customers, the vast majority have received their orders so it may just be a bit of a wait. We've all experienced intl delays.


Wenzel, Im waiting for paypal to respond to me. Sending a refund as a payment is against my TOS with them, and as fragile as it is for them to allow me to do presales I dont want to risk it, especially publicly now. I need them to open up the refund option on the original payment.


The november presale is still in minting/production.


I will be doing a stock-in-hand sale soon for some error finish tengwar coins that got minted instead of the TOL coins (the cause of the summer sale delay) and will probably be my last sale of coins. I dont plan on producing/minting anymore so as orders Ive already made come in they will be my last and will be sold on my website or ebay as traffic to scavok.com will slow.


I'm sorry to hear that too. The Tree of Life was what got me interested in geocoins and may be my favorite of all time.


That´s exactly the same for me! A TOL was my first geocoin and made me starting to collect.

And the SCAVOK coins in general range very high in my favorite coins... :wub:


Dear Roger, I would feel very sad if there wouldn´t be any new designs from you... :sad::cry::sad:


Still waiting for my Tree of Life. Postal services are so unstable!


Me too, ...waiting for three TOL!, two from August + one from October :blink:


Well, I can tell you, you are not alone :(

Posted (edited)

Did anybody in Europe receive the coin in the meantime?


Not me in Germany. He even does not answer my various emails via his homepage - although I am a long standing customer.

Edited by Monaghanman

I received an email on december 17 that my coins payed on july 30, are being shipped at that moment, but until now I didn't reveive them here in the Netherlands.

Posted (edited)

Me either. Waiting for 5 coins from July and 5 from November. But my shipping status says "processing" for both orders, so it seems the coins are not even shipped (although a couple of the Mystery II already showed up on ebay...). As well send a couple of mails to his address and through the site, no reply. I'm also waiting for a missing coin (green on satin gold NAWWAL) from a previous order in May he promised to send...


Not sure what's going on here...


Cheerz from Germany,



P.S.: Just checked his GC profile: Last visit October 9th 2011... if anybody has further information please post here, thanks!!

Edited by agent_of_the_plague
Posted (edited)

Well, first of all, I hope Roger Kovacs is in good health, and is not the reason for the disappearance of the forum, and not to send the coins paid long ago.


I do not know if it has happened there the same issue, across the Atlantic, If anyone knows anything about, would be good to know it. Any news is welcome, to see if we can continue to expect the coins, or refund, or if instead there is nothing to do.


I've written a couple of emails to Scavok several weeks ago, but no answer.


On Sunday 31 July, 2011 I bought two coins (1 Antique Bronze, and 1 Red on Gold). His status is still Processing.


On Sunday 02 October, 2011 I bought another coin (Green on Gold). Shipped on 10/18/2011. Has not yet come. While it is true that in November I told this to Roger, and he answered me that he would send me another. I've not received yet.


Perhaps he is traveling somewhere with no phone nor internet! Ok!, that's fine!, ...but first must be sending the coins or refund money, we are waiting!


Disappear without saying anything is not the right way to go out, despite having done an excellent job.


So, that's the issue ...What to do?

Edited by manu luq

Good News: I received my Mystery V2 coin today!


Bad News: It is not the one I bought in the presales but one from the electronic market.


As I do have the very complete set of all versions in my collection, I wanted to make sure that the Mystery V2 is in there too. It took exactly 3 weeks to get the coin from USA to Germany, which is a very reasonable period of time. Roger has never been fast, when it comes to sending out coins he collected money in the presale before, but in the end all coins always arrived after a couple of months without the need of any reminder. Personally, I do not believe, that I will ever receive the coin from this presale. I am just lucky that I have ordered and paid for just for a single coin, so I have limited losses...

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