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Who is not at Geocoinfest


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I went. Wait... sorry wrong thread. :)


Back to your regularly scheduled programing...

! We had a pretty good weekend anyway, saw MV5BMTczOTA3MzY2N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTYwNjE2MQ@@._V1._SX94_SY140_.jpg

and found a cache near the penguin burrows and they are nesting :lol: All the fat furry things are out and about I love to watch - wombats, wallabies ..... yeah i'm jealous too! so will run some Cointests like ladyb4t.


It was too far away for us, and we had a big local event here as well. I hope everyone had fun. So, it will be driving distance next year?


Did you drive to Salt Lake a month ago?

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