+mikemtn Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Maybe I'm dumb, but I still cannot find the IP thing. I see the static map on the home page (maybe 300x300 in size) and the search for caches box, which has a WA zipcode filled in. Is that it? If so, it has me 3000 miles off. It's not something I'll really use, but I'm curious if that's the right thing. I reckon we're dumb. I can't figure it out.
+UncleJimbo Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Maybe I'm dumb, but I still cannot find the IP thing. I see the static map on the home page (maybe 300x300 in size) and the search for caches box, which has a WA zipcode filled in. Is that it? If so, it has me 3000 miles off. It's not something I'll really use, but I'm curious if that's the right thing. I reckon we're dumb. I can't figure it out. The static map in the box on the home page is supposed to be centered on your IP location.
+LeGodFather Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 (edited) This is the map we are talking about. It funny, I don't see the "identify" anymore.. Edited October 15, 2008 by GrosseFamille
Skippermark Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Whew, that's the one I saw too. Glad I'm not as dumb as I thought.
+Nozzletime Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 I have that page shift thing happening too. IE6 800*600 Resolution It works ok in firefox, now that I just installed it.
+LadyBee4T Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Ok, I've fixed the YAHOO.util.Selector issue. The secondary problem is the fact that the two images that are used in the cache details page are 800px wide. So, if you've got your browser sized smaller than 800px, then it's going to wrap the html. OK, the error is gone. But my browser is not sized smaller than 800 pixels and it is still kicking the left nav bar to the bottom. The page with the error had a large image. But the page I orginally noted doesn't have any large images. Could this just be an IE 6 issue? Deane AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI Mine sure isn't fixed! I can't even read any of the coords on some of the pages. My old mac clamshell is almost as bad. It means I can't go to look for any FTF or even any new caches or old ones for that matter Is someone working on a fix for this? I sure hope so. I seriously don't want to be told that the fix is firefox or IE7 as I don't want either on this computer. No problems prior to the update on Friday
+Haffy Posted October 16, 2008 Posted October 16, 2008 The system locates me in Germany although I am living in Belgium... Nice feature, but wouldn't it be an option to use the home coordinates entered in the users profile ? What's the fun in showing something statically that might be right some of the time, if you can do it dynamically wrong most of the time? I believe they are using a beta version of Vinnie's Time-Space Portal technology. It has transported me from Washington State to Maine I think you'll love Maine though.....
+_c3_ Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Ok, I've fixed the YAHOO.util.Selector issue. The secondary problem is the fact that the two images that are used in the cache details page are 800px wide. So, if you've got your browser sized smaller than 800px, then it's going to wrap the html. OK, the error is gone. But my browser is not sized smaller than 800 pixels and it is still kicking the left nav bar to the bottom. The page with the error had a large image. But the page I orginally noted doesn't have any large images. Could this just be an IE 6 issue? Deane AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI Mine sure isn't fixed! I can't even read any of the coords on some of the pages. My old mac clamshell is almost as bad. It means I can't go to look for any FTF or even any new caches or old ones for that matter Is someone working on a fix for this? I sure hope so. I seriously don't want to be told that the fix is firefox or IE7 as I don't want either on this computer. No problems prior to the update on Friday I'm getting the problem both at home and at work. Both use IE6. Seems sporadic though... some pages pull up fine, others don't. It is impacting both cache pages and player profile pages for me.
+Techwiz Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 The Geo-IP was working great for a couple of days, but for the last week and a half it has me located in Washington State - The same as what some other people are seeing. It's off by over 3000 miles. I am in Ontario, Canada. Anything I can do on my end. I am on a home network and not at a business. Techwiz...
+Techwiz Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 The Geo-IP was working great for a couple of days, but for the last week and a half it has me located in Washington State - The same as what some other people are seeing. It's off by over 3000 miles. I am in Ontario, Canada. Anything I can do on my end. I am on a home network and not at a business. Techwiz...
+Techwiz Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 (edited) Something messed up there and submitted the post 3 times. Sorry about that. Edited October 20, 2008 by Techwiz
+JeremyR Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 The Geo-IP was working great for a couple of days, but for the last week and a half it has me located in Washington State - The same as what some other people are seeing. It's off by over 3000 miles. It's clearly been switched off (the url of the map shows it's locally hosted on the gc.com server, not a dynamic google map). Presumably they switched it off because of all the problems precisely pinning people down accurately enough for geocaching purposes?
+Janayla Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 We use the Google map to locate the caches. The zoom feature is now missing along with the terrain, satellite, etc are all missing. Can that please be added back. If it has been relocated on the page, can someone point it out to me. Thank you
+jaypit Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 I've noticed the same thing. It was a great tool to peruse an area looking for fresh caching grounds! Please bring it back.
+mcwomble Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 The googlemaps feature has lost the zoom toolbar - is this a deliberate omission, it used to be really useful to scan the local area Cheers James Chelmsford, UK
+Cableshots Posted November 17, 2008 Posted November 17, 2008 Is it me or does this profile page display skewed to the right with zip horizontal scrolling ability? http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?id=1443057 If it's not just me is this a site problem or an html problem that the member has created? Deane AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI Looks good and scrolls for me. Profile for User: nashuan * Profile * Geocaches * Trackables * Gallery * Bookmark Lists nashuan Sheba Sheba Member Since: Monday, January 21, 2008 Status: Premium Member Last Visit: Sunday, November 16, 2008 Email Address: Send message Home Page: Visit Homepage Occupation Electrical Worker Location: Nashua, New Hampshire Forum Title: Premium Member See the forum posts for this user Profile Information: Nashuan has 401 Finds on 401 unique Geocaches Statistics generated on 11/11/2008 Cumulative Finds by Month Cumulative Total Annual Totals Finds by Month Click years to show or hide the statistics for that year 2008 All 2008 1 15 102 75 111 92 5 Total finds 401 Days caching 98 Average finds per caching day 4.1 Overall finds per day 2.3 Average finds per week 16.2 Average finds per month 70.6 Month: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Days caching: 1 6 29 21 21 17 3 Milestones Milestone Date Interval Code Cache Name 1 5/23/2008 GCXGR8 Capt. Samuel Greeley and 65 Minute Men 50 7/13/2008 51 days GCPKQ4 Meri Was Here 100 7/26/2008 13 days GCT37Q Much Ado About Nothing 150 8/20/2008 25 days GCHH4A TP's First Named Second 200 9/3/2008 14 days GC16E7R The Two Gentlemen Of Verona - On A Crawl 250 9/11/2008 8 days GCR2DW Xrossed's Overlook 300 9/24/2008 13 days GC17QTV The Taming Of The Shrew 350 10/11/2008 17 days GC1AEP4 Central NH Railway Progresive Challenge So.+15 400 11/10/2008 30 days GCZF3A Twelfth Night or What You Will 401 11/10/2008 0 days GC1098J Just had to. Nashuan should reach 500 finds in 43 days (25 Caching days) on 12/24/2008 and 1000 finds in 259 days (147 Caching days) on 7/28/2009 Finds by Miles from Home Number Percent < 10 147 36.6 % 10 - 20 192 47.8 % 20 - 30 30 7.48 % 30 - 40 5 1.24 % 40 - 50 5 1.24 % 50 - 100 22 5.48 % 100 - 200 0 0 % 200 - 500 0 0 % 500 - 1000 0 0 % > 1000 0 0 % Finds by Type Number Percent Traditional 357 89.0 % Mystery 23 5.73 % Multi 19 4.73 % Event 1 0.24 % Earth 1 0.24 % Finds by Difficulty Rating Finds by Terrain Rating Difficulty / Terrain Chart Terrain Difficulty 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 1 31 18 7 3 59 1.5 19 74 32 11 4 1 141 2 10 26 46 21 11 2 2 118 2.5 3 14 10 15 1 43 3 3 9 3 3 8 1 27 3.5 1 5 6 4 2 2 1 1 6 4.5 1 1 5 0 68 144 104 50 28 3 3 0 1 35 Diff/Terr combinations found, out of 81 64 (15.9%) finds were rated with Diff or Terr of 3 or greater Finds by Owner Number Percent 1 - nemsmedic11 43 10.7 % 2 - redsox2k4 12 2.99 % 3 - Bright Shining Stars 11 2.74 % 4 - FindingFoster 11 2.74 % 5 - meandmydogs 11 2.74 % 6 - MrGolf 11 2.74 % 7 - muchado 10 2.49 % 8 - plumb69 10 2.49 % 9 - Hikers2 9 2.24 % 10 - lve2ride98 9 2.24 % Number Percent 11 - britpitts 8 1.99 % 12 - That's a Given 8 1.99 % 13 - ezfirme 6 1.49 % 14 - Mountain_Wanderer 6 1.49 % 15 - Pansy 2 6 1.49 % 16 - hardeeharhar 5 1.24 % 17 - loande 5 1.24 % 18 - PRINC3SS 5 1.24 % 19 - Team Bullis 5 1.24 % 20 - tigquilt 5 1.24 % Nashuan has also found caches placed by 138 other people USA - 401 finds in 2 States States cached in NH 335 MA 66 New Hampshire:335, Massachusetts:66 Image from World66 World - 401 finds in 1 Country Countries cached in United States:401 Image from World66 Finds by Weekday Finds by Container Some Numbers Overall Total Finds: 401 finds in 98 caching days over 172 total days (56.9 %) Overall Averages: 4.09 finds per caching day, 2.33/day, 16.32/week, 70.97/month Most consecutive days with finds: 25, from 7/4/2008 to 7/28/2008 Most consecutive days without a find: 22, from 5/24/2008 to 6/14/2008 Most finds in a day: 22 on 10/11/2008; 16 on 9/6/2008; 15 on 10/18/2008 Best weekend caching: 22 finds, on Saturday 10/11/2008 & Sunday 10/12/2008 Best week caching: 37 finds, from Monday 8/25/2008 to Sunday 8/31/2008 Most finds in a calendar month: 111, in Sep 2008 Fastest 100 finds: 20 days from 8/25/2008 to 9/13/2008 Total cache-to-cache distance: 1659 Miles, Note: includes locationless caches. Maximum distance in a day: 64 Miles, on 9/6/2008 Note: includes locationless caches. Nearest cache found: Remembering the Triumph Over Lost Keys GCYDZ4 Furthest cache found: 69.31 Miles, Central NH Railway Progressive Challen... GC1AKVG Most Northerly cache found: N 43° 43.616, Central NH Railway Progressive Challen... GC1AKVG Most Southerly cache found: N 42° 17.800, Stargate P4271 TB Cache GCJ9NK Most Easterly cache found: W 70° 49.378, Seabrook's First Cache! GCQ5P4 Most Westerly cache found: W 71° 41.600, Stargate P4271 TB Cache GCJ9NK Cache centroid: N 42° 52.860 W 71° 20.307 Map Youngest cache found: 10/22/2008, beer cap trade! GC1HEZA Oldest cache found: 10/29/2000, NH #1 - Mines Follies GC9E Log Length, words: Average: 105, Longest: GCNT03 739, Shortest: GC18GVM 3 Notes Stats generated by FindStatGen3 3.2.18 by rutson and lignumaqua, running on GSAK v7.2.3.35 Theme from pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen Statistics generated in 23 seconds. 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+LadyBee4T Posted November 17, 2008 Posted November 17, 2008 Is it me or does this profile page display skewed to the right with zip horizontal scrolling ability? http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?id=1443057 If it's not just me is this a site problem or an html problem that the member has created? Deane AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI Looks good and scrolls for me. Its not working for me. Its a known problem for those using IE6 and is in the fix that was rolled out on 11/13. That release wasn't stable so they said they would try it again this week. I sure hope it works as I'm getting mighty tired of it and can't read the coords a lot of the time.
+LadyBee4T Posted November 17, 2008 Posted November 17, 2008 (edited) dreaded double post Edited November 17, 2008 by LadyBee4T
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