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Bug--Edit TB page--cannot select photo


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When editing a TB page, all photos in the gallery are available in the Select Image drop-down list, but if you select a photo uploaded by another user, an error is generated on Submit Changes.




1. Open a TB page that has at least one photo uploaded by another user (not the current user).


2. Click the Edit link.


3. In the default image drop-down list, select a photo that was uploaded by another user.


4. Click Submit Changes button.


A generic error message is displayed and the changes are not saved.

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I don't know what you are saying.


You can't 'edit' someone elses photo just as you can't edit someone elses log. If you wish to use their photo as the background photo for your bug, or cache, you have to select (not edit) that photo, save it onto your computer, and then post it to the page. In the case of a background photo you have to use a web hosting service html link to the photo, but that's cake if you are savy.

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4. Click Submit Changes.



So what.

In my post #2 I told you exactly how to use someone elses photo. You have to do it that way beacuse...


Don't you see those words (upload image) right next to the button Bug Image (579494) Tristan's World on the River...

In essence, only your photos belong to you. Those others are actually in other peoples gallery. If you want to use them you have to upload them. The links to them point to tieir guid code not yours, unless you post the images yourself.


The bug is that they even show up in that pull down list at all.

Edited by trainlove
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