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Oregon (Colorado/PPC) Forerunner


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Inspired by the Wherigo based GPSr submitted by Geofellas I developed my own cartridge adding some functionality for runners to the Oregon and other devices having a Wherigo Player:


Oregon Runner at Wherigo.com


It keeps track of your time and distance and offers a Virtual Training Partner as well as an AutoLap Function. That is, you may run against a virtual partner who runs a given distance in a given time/at a given speed. Thereby the cartridge automatically keeps track of your last lap.


The cartridge may be played anywhere. When you start it you should find a GPSr in your inventory. Currently it offers the following options:



1.) Enter the distance you intend to run (default: 10000 m)

2.) Choose how to configure the Virtual Partner: min/km, km/h or seconds needed to run the given distance (default: seconds).

3.) Enter Virtual Partner data accordingly (default: 3600 s)

4.) Enter the length of a lap for AutoLap (default: 1000 m).


Start Run:

Immediately starts to record both time and distance of your current run, calculates and displays useful information.


Last Run:

Shows some details about your last run.


It basically works as follows: While the player is running the cartridge records his position every second and then calculates the distance to its last position. Based on my first test run it seems to be fairly accurate.


A few comments on this version:

- This is my very first cartridge and thus kind of a rapid proof-of-concept. It doesn't look very fancy but it works :P

- I don't know how to turn of logging for cartridges built by Wherigo.com (the setting on the webpage is ignored by the online compiler...). This might result in large log-files in the saves folder... Just delete them manually if they get too big

- At the moment the entire cartridge is based on the metric system which (hopefully) should be fine for runners...

- The Virtual Partner works as follows:

- first set him to min/km, km/h or seconds needed to run the given distance

- thereby five and a half minutes would e.g. be entered as 5.5

- when running the distance to the Virtual Partner is shown in seconds

- thereby +5 s signifies that the Virtual Partner is 5 seconds ahead of you while -5 s means that the Virtual Partner is 5 seconds behind you

- AutoLap works as follows: Every time you complete a lap the new laptime, avg speed etc will be calculated. Note that the actual distance of a lap might slightly differ from the theoretic value as the distance is onyl updated every second...

- The cartridge does not automatically stop recording after finishing the given distance but keeps on recording until the user presses the stop button. This is a feature not a bug :D This is mainly done to prevent that the cartridge wrongly stops a run (e.g. due to inaccurate measurements) while you have not finished the actual distance yet...


Now have fun running. Any feedback is appreciated.

Edited by binzi
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