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Posted (edited)

In an effort to help the community keep track of delayed sales, we are opening this thread for this purpose.

If you have any questions or suggestions about this thread, please do not post it in this thread, we are using this thread for discussion. This will make it easier to search for your coin or vendor reply.

By delayed we mean that they have gone two weeks or more beyond their scheduled delivery date. This is based on a suggestion made by Hula Bum in another thread (thank you Hula Bum), When someone has ordered a coin and the coin delivery has been delayed by at least two weeks, they can come in here and post the following. Please, everyone must use the same format.


Name of coin: Coin name here

Name of Vendor: Vendor name here

Date Ordered: ________________________

Shipment Due Date: ____________________


Ordered by: 1.Your name here followed by "Not yet received" or "Received"

2. Next person reporting a delay or receipt adds their name, and numbers it followed by "Not yet received" or "Received"

3.Next person follows the same process followed by "Not yet received" or "Received"


Vendor reply: Shipped and date of shipment, or delayed because of explanation inserted here.


BUYERS: Do not post here if you have already communicated with, and received an answer from the vendor. This thread is for those who are not getting replies. When you come into this thread, you will search the thread for the coin name. Please, always check your spelling so this works. Using the search feature on your computer, press Ctrl F and type the coin name into the search window. When you find a post with the coin you are waiting for, click on the "REPLY" button on that post, so you are quoting the post, and add your name to the list, as stated above, and whether or not you have received the coin.


VENDORS: When you come into this thread, you will search the thread for the coin name. Please check your spelling so this works. Use the search feature on your

computer, press Ctrl F and type the coin name into the search window. When you find a post with the coin you are shipping, click on the "REPLY" button on that post, so you are quoting the post, and put your name under the list of buyers, and state whether the coin was or is being shipped, and when.


If you cannot find a post with your delayed geocoin in it, add a new post, not a new thread, using the format above. This cannot be used for a coin that is only a day or a week late. It has to be a delay in shipping, not a post office/UPS/FedEx slowdown. (If it a customs hold up, please say so. Customs hold ups could affect a lot of people, so it should be mentioned, because a customs hold up is not a vendor's fault)


Feedback may be left at the bottom of the post. Falsifying negative feedback will result in possibly losing your posting rights, please do not abuse this thread, be nice and polite, or be warned. No name calling, no fraudulent complaints, no slander, no backstabbing, no shill complainers, no sock puppets are allowed to post at all. Post only with your real user account, or your real vendor account.


Let's all keep this information in this thread, and not start new threads about delays. Using this thread we can find out if it is a vendor problem, one or two lost in the mail, or something else. If you have any questions or need help in posting or searching, please let us know. We are hoping this will be a simple way to keep track of any delays/defaults. Please let your fellow coiners/vendors know about this thread so they may reply if their coin gets listed here.


Thank you,

The Groundspeak Geocoin Moderating Team

Edited by Eartha
Posted (edited)

Name of coin: Titanic remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: _June 20, 2008

Shipment Due Date: dunno, presales ended 7/4


3 requests for a refund ignored - 2 emails sent via a reply from their store invoice; the third through their Contact Information on their website

Edited by CLAMM

Name of coin: Titanic remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: _June 20, 2008

Shipment Due Date: dunno, presales ended 7/4

1. CLAMM, 3 requests for a refund ignored - 2 emails sent via a reply from their store invoice; the third through their Contact Information on their website

2. TeamAmaroo, 2 coins, not yet received

3. holazola, 2 coins, not yet received (also ordered 6/20) = 103 days


Name of coin: Titanic remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: _June 20, 2008

Shipment Due Date: dunno, presales ended 7/4

1. CLAMM, 3 requests for a refund ignored - 2 emails sent via a reply from their store invoice; the third through their Contact Information on their website

2. TeamAmaroo, 2 coins, not yet received

3. holazola, 2 coins, not yet received (also ordered 6/20) = 103 days

4. Sunrayers, 9 coins-Not Yet Received (ordered 6/20)


Name of coin: Lady Luck remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: 6/20/2008

Shipment Due Date: N/A


Ordered by: 1. C A Royal Flush - Not yet received - no response to email requesting refund


2. dannable. 10 coins. Not received yet, no response to e-mails.


There has been an update from GeoCoin Design about the Titanic Geocoins in this thread. I sent Jim a message and pointed him to this thread to update everyone, but as he is probably busy, I am updating you here.


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received

2. AtlantaGal, not received

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received

2. AtlantaGal, not received

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


4. Vanelle, not received


Name of coin: Lady Luck remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: 6/20/2008

Shipment Due Date: N/A


Ordered by:

1. C A Royal Flush - Not yet received - no response to email requesting refund

2. dannable. 10 coins. Not received yet, no response to e-mails.


3. Geocaching-Geckos, not yet received, no refund given as yet.


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received

2. AtlantaGal, not received

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


4. Vanelle, not received



Last update on the site 23 Oct


"Oct 23rd update as follows....

I have been told the Pirate Treasure coins will ship this week.


The Dragonfly 2008 should follow shortly as we have placed a hold on future coins with this mint until the Pirate and Dragonfly 2008 coins have shipped."


Guess that means they should be in my letterbox within a week.

Takes approx 10 to 14 days mail from US to NZ.


I'm trying to remain positive about this one - had no problems in the past. :unsure:

Posted (edited)

Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


4. Vanelle, not received


5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08


Combining the 2008 Dragonfly coins to 1 list per Eartha's instructions in post 1. Please keep the coin on 1 list so Eartha can see how many people have added their name, without her having to go through the whole thread and to count them. Thanks :laughing:

Edited by kehunt64

Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


4. Vanelle, not received


5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08


Combining the 2008 Dragonfly coins to 1 list per Eartha's instructions in post 1. Please keep the coin on 1 list so Eartha can see how many people have added their name, without her having to go through the whole thread and to count them. Thanks ;)


7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


4. Vanelle, not received


5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08


Combining the 2008 Dragonfly coins to 1 list per Eartha's instructions in post 1. Please keep the coin on 1 list so Eartha can see how many people have added their name, without her having to go through the whole thread and to count them. Thanks ;)


7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


4. Vanelle, not received


5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08


Combining the 2008 Dragonfly coins to 1 list per Eartha's instructions in post 1. Please keep the coin on 1 list so Eartha can see how many people have added their name, without her having to go through the whole thread and to count them. Thanks ;)


7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly blue and Yellow wings

Blue Swag Bus

Pirate Treasure Antique Gold

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: unknown


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


4. Vanelle, not received


5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08


Combining the 2008 Dragonfly coins to 1 list per Eartha's instructions in post 1. Please keep the coin on 1 list so Eartha can easily see how many people have not received their coins. If you have not received your 2008 Dragonfly coins, just "reply" to the latest post on this list, add your name and number it Thanks :unsure:


7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08


10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


4. Vanelle, not received


5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08


Combining the 2008 Dragonfly coins to 1 list per Eartha's instructions in post 1. Please keep the coin on 1 list so Eartha can easily see how many people have not received their coins. If you have not received your 2008 Dragonfly coins, just "reply" to the latest post on this list, add your name and number it Thanks :unsure:


7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08


10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08


11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem :D )


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


4. Vanelle, not received


5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08


Combining the 2008 Dragonfly coins to 1 list per Eartha's instructions in post 1. Please keep the coin on 1 list so Eartha can easily see how many people have not received their coins. If you have not received your 2008 Dragonfly coins, just "reply" to the latest post on this list, add your name and number it Thanks :unsure:


7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08


10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08


11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem :D )



12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08


Name of coin: Lady Luck remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: 6/20/2008

Shipment Due Date: N/A


Ordered by:

1. C A Royal Flush - Not yet received - no response to email requesting refund

2. dannable. 10 coins. Not received yet, no response to e-mails.


3. Geocaching-Geckos, not yet received, no refund given as yet.


4. Sweetlife not yet recieved and no refund either


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008


4. Vanelle, not received


5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08


Combining the 2008 Dragonfly coins to 1 list per Eartha's instructions in post 1. Please keep the coin on 1 list so Eartha can easily see how many people have not received their coins. If you have not received your 2008 Dragonfly coins, just "reply" to the latest post on this list, add your name and number it Thanks :)


7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08


10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08


11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem :D )



12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08


13. Nashuan - Dragonfly 2008 sets not received. Pd $161.25 on 5/27/08 (also pd $119.30 on 5/30/08 for Pirate Treasure coins - not received)


Name of coin: 2008 Pirate Treasure Coin

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 8/13/08

Shipment Due Date: Unknown


2) Nashuan pd $119.30 on 5/30 for Pirate Treasure coins - not recieved (Also pd $161.25 on 5/27 for 2008 Dragonfly coin sets - not received)


Updating to clear up all the quotes --


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008

4. Vanelle, not received

5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08

7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08

10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08

11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem :P )

12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08

13. Nashuan - Dragonfly 2008 sets not received. Pd $161.25 on 5/27/08 (also pd $119.30 on 5/30/08 for Pirate Treasure coins - not received)


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008

4. Vanelle, not received

5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08

7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08

10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08

11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem :P )

12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08

13. Nashuan - Dragonfly 2008 sets not received. Pd $161.25 on 5/27/08 (also pd $119.30 on 5/30/08 for Pirate Treasure coins - not received)

14. Penny and Kona - Dragonly 2008: 1 set and extras of each not received. Paid: too much Paid when: 27 May 2008, and I still have original email receipts and an order number to prove it.


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008

4. Vanelle, not received

5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08

7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08

10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08

11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem :huh: )

12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08

13. Nashuan - Dragonfly 2008 sets not received. Pd $161.25 on 5/27/08 (also pd $119.30 on 5/30/08 for Pirate Treasure coins - not received)

14. Penny and Kona - Dragonly 2008: 1 set and extras of each not received. Paid: too much Paid when: 27 May 2008, and I still have original email receipts and an order number to prove it.

15. gardengorilla, not received paid sometime in April...


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008

4. Vanelle, not received

5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08

7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08

10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08

11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem :D )

12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08

13. Nashuan - Dragonfly 2008 sets not received. Pd $161.25 on 5/27/08 (also pd $119.30 on 5/30/08 for Pirate Treasure coins - not received)

14. Penny and Kona - Dragonly 2008: 1 set and extras of each not received. Paid: too much Paid when: 27 May 2008, and I still have original email receipts and an order number to prove it.

15. gardengorilla, not received paid sometime in April...

16. hitechman, paid June 1, 1 set, have all e-mails and receipts


Name of coin: Titanic remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: _June 20, 2008

Shipment Due Date: dunno, presales ended 7/4


1. CLAMM, 3 requests for a refund ignored - 2 emails sent via a reply from their store invoice; the third through their Contact Information on their website

2. TeamAmaroo, 2 coins, not yet received

3. holazola, 2 coins, not yet received (also ordered 6/20) = 103 days

4. Sunrayers, 9 coins-Not Yet Received (ordered 6/20)


(getting rid of quotations)


Name of coin: Lady Luck remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: 6/20/2008

Shipment Due Date: N/A


Ordered by:

1. C A Royal Flush - Not yet received - no response to email requesting refund

2. dannable. 10 coins. Not received yet, no response to e-mails.

3. Geocaching-Geckos, not yet received, no refund given as yet.

4. Sweetlife not yet recieved and no refund either


(clearing up quotations)


Name of coin: Lady Luck remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: 6/20/2008

Shipment Due Date: N/A


Ordered by:

1. C A Royal Flush - Not yet received - no response to email requesting refund

2. dannable. 10 coins. Not received yet, no response to e-mails.

3. Geocaching-Geckos, not yet received, no refund given as yet.

4. Sweetlife not yet recieved and no refund either

5. UncleJimbo - Not yet received - have not requested a refund


Name of coin: Lady Luck remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: 6/20/2008

Shipment Due Date: N/A


Ordered by:

1. C A Royal Flush - Not yet received - no response to email requesting refund

2. dannable. 10 coins. Not received yet, no response to e-mails.

3. Geocaching-Geckos, not yet received, no refund given as yet.

4. Sweetlife not yet recieved and no refund either

5. UncleJimbo - Not yet received - have not requested a refund

6. Sparticus06 - Not requested refund, giving a chance


Name of coin: Spiral Dragon

Name of Vendor: SoCal Geocoins

Date Ordered: ?????? Sometime ago through a Pre-sale on CoinTracking.com

Shipment Due Date: Wish I knew......


Ordered by: 1.Sparticus06 - Not yet received, emailed to find out what is going on Asked for refund if nothing is moving forward


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008

4. Vanelle, not received

5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08

7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08

10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08

11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem biggrin.gif )

12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08

13. Nashuan - Dragonfly 2008 sets not received. Pd $161.25 on 5/27/08 (also pd $119.30 on 5/30/08 for Pirate Treasure coins - not received)

14. Penny and Kona - Dragonly 2008: 1 set and extras of each not received. Paid: too much Paid when: 27 May 2008, and I still have original email receipts and an order number to prove it.

15. gardengorilla, not received paid sometime in April...

16. hitechman, paid June 1, 1 set, have all e-mails and receipts

17. FamiliaSilvestre, paid 5/28/08, 1 set plus S&H $74.25


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008

4. Vanelle, not received

5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08

7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08

10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08

11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem biggrin.gif )

12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08

13. Nashuan - Dragonfly 2008 sets not received. Pd $161.25 on 5/27/08 (also pd $119.30 on 5/30/08 for Pirate Treasure coins - not received)

14. Penny and Kona - Dragonly 2008: 1 set and extras of each not received. Paid: too much Paid when: 27 May 2008, and I still have original email receipts and an order number to prove it.

15. gardengorilla, not received paid sometime in April...

16. hitechman, paid June 1, 1 set, have all e-mails and receipts

17. FamiliaSilvestre, paid 5/28/08, 1 set plus S&H $74.25

18. ThePetersTrio paid for 5 coins on 5/26 for a total of $55.05 and coins were never received.


Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008

4. Vanelle, not received

5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08

7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08

10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08

11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem biggrin.gif )

12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08

13. Nashuan - Dragonfly 2008 sets not received. Pd $161.25 on 5/27/08 (also pd $119.30 on 5/30/08 for Pirate Treasure coins - not received)

14. Penny and Kona - Dragonly 2008: 1 set and extras of each not received. Paid: too much Paid when: 27 May 2008, and I still have original email receipts and an order number to prove it.

15. gardengorilla, not received paid sometime in April...

16. hitechman, paid June 1, 1 set, have all e-mails and receipts

17. FamiliaSilvestre, paid 5/28/08, 1 set plus S&H $74.25

18. ThePetersTrio paid for 5 coins on 5/26 for a total of $55.05 and coins were never received.

19. Whitby, not received, paid 6-4-08 $78,80


Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008

4. Vanelle, not received

5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08

7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08

10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08

11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem biggrin.gif )

12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08

13. Nashuan - Dragonfly 2008 sets not received. Pd $161.25 on 5/27/08 (also pd $119.30 on 5/30/08 for Pirate Treasure coins - not received)

14. Penny and Kona - Dragonly 2008: 1 set and extras of each not received. Paid: too much Paid when: 27 May 2008, and I still have original email receipts and an order number to prove it.

15. gardengorilla, not received paid sometime in April...

16. hitechman, paid June 1, 1 set, have all e-mails and receipts

17. FamiliaSilvestre, paid 5/28/08, 1 set plus S&H $74.25

18. ThePetersTrio paid for 5 coins on 5/26 for a total of $55.05 and coins were never received.

19. Whitby, not received, paid 6-4-08 $78,80

20. Sunrayers: Order #5008 date 5/27/08 2 sets of Dragonfly coins $107.70 + Order# 4952 date 5/24/08 Pirate coins $60.57

Posted (edited)

Name of coin: 2008 Dragonfly

Name of Vendor: AEToys

Date Paid: 5/27/08

Shipment Due Date: Who the heck knows


Ordered by:

1. yalehockeymom, not received, pd 5-27-08

2. AtlantaGal, not received, pd 5-27-08

3. kehunt64 , not received pd. 8-13-2008

4. Vanelle, not received

5. rivercity, not received, pd 3-2-08

6. fairyhoney, not received, pd 3-2-08

7. GeoKs, not received, pd 5/27/08

8. LionsLair, not recieved, paid 5/26/08

9. RSFish1, not received, Paid 5/27/08

10. pingos, not received, paid 5-27-08

11. Steel City Babes, not received, Paid 8/13/08 and 8/20/08(Don't ask...as you can see I have a problem biggrin.gif )

12. Sweetlife not recieved and paid for 5-27 08

13. Nashuan - Dragonfly 2008 sets not received. Pd $161.25 on 5/27/08 (also pd $119.30 on 5/30/08 for Pirate Treasure coins - not received)

14. Penny and Kona - Dragonly 2008: 1 set and extras of each not received. Paid: too much Paid when: 27 May 2008, and I still have original email receipts and an order number to prove it.

15. gardengorilla, not received paid sometime in April...

16. hitechman, paid June 1, 1 set, have all e-mails and receipts

17. FamiliaSilvestre, paid 5/28/08, 1 set plus S&H $74.25

18. ThePetersTrio paid for 5 coins on 5/26 for a total of $55.05 and coins were never received.

19. Whitby, not received, paid 6-4-08 $78,80

20. Sunrayers: Order #5008 date 5/27/08 2 sets of Dragonfly coins $107.70 + Order# 4952 date 5/24/08 Pirate coins $60.57

21. Pabloturtle, not received, paid 5/27/2008

Edited by kehunt64
Posted (edited)

Name of coin: Lady Luck remint

Name of Vendor: GeocoinDesign

Date Ordered: 6/20/2008

Shipment Due Date: N/A


Ordered by:

1. C A Royal Flush - Not yet received - no response to email requesting refund

2. dannable. 10 coins. Not received yet, no response to e-mails.

3. Geocaching-Geckos, not yet received, no refund given as yet.

4. Sweetlife not yet recieved and no refund either

5. UncleJimbo - Not yet received - have not requested a refund

6. Sparticus06 - Not requested refund, giving a chance

7. Dusty Springfield 20 coins. Not Yet received (Ordered 6/23)

Edited by Jackalgirl

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