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PNW Geocacher and Caching Stats


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Do any of you know where I can find stats on caching in the PNW? For example #: cachers, hides, finds, events, etc?


I wonder if I can contact Groundspeak...



You might start with Cacherstats: http://www.cacherstats.com/LocationIndex.html


It has finds by cacher. Hides and Events might be harder and may involve just a search of individual profiles.


Another resource would be It's Not About the Numbers: http://www.itsnotaboutthenumbers.com/

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Bear in mind the numbers are subjective. Not everybody subscribes to either.

For It's Not About the Numbers, that's a true statement.


However, the Cacherstats site is independent and pulls the numbers from peoples profiles somehow.


Actually it is a select number of caches. The logs are down loaded and the cacher/counts are extracted from that information. First question on the FAQ on the top level page. For the list of selected caches there is a link near the top of the top level page.



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You might start with Cacherstats: http://www.cacherstats.com/LocationIndex.html


That's handy!

For rank as far as how long a cacher has been around you can either mouse over their cacher name or right click on it and select properties to see where they fall in order of joining. ie. I am #4497.

I'm not seeing that. The only thing in properties I see from the cacher name is a link to the person's geocaching.com profile. :rolleyes:

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You might start with Cacherstats: http://www.cacherstats.com/LocationIndex.html


That's handy!

For rank as far as how long a cacher has been around you can either mouse over their cacher name or right click on it and select properties to see where they fall in order of joining. ie. I am #4497.

I'm not seeing that. The only thing in properties I see from the cacher name is a link to the person's geocaching.com profile. :rolleyes:

I think Eraseek means here...


Hover over my name on the left...you should see ID #287587...

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You might start with Cacherstats: http://www.cacherstats.com/LocationIndex.html


That's handy!

For rank as far as how long a cacher has been around you can either mouse over their cacher name or right click on it and select properties to see where they fall in order of joining. ie. I am #4497.

I'm not seeing that. The only thing in properties I see from the cacher name is a link to the person's geocaching.com profile. :rolleyes:

I think Eraseek means here...


Hover over my name on the left...you should see ID #287587...

Nope, all I see is a finger-pointing hand. Maybe it doesn't like Firefox.

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You might start with Cacherstats: http://www.cacherstats.com/LocationIndex.html


That's handy!

For rank as far as how long a cacher has been around you can either mouse over their cacher name or right click on it and select properties to see where they fall in order of joining. ie. I am #4497.

I'm not seeing that. The only thing in properties I see from the cacher name is a link to the person's geocaching.com profile. :rolleyes:

I think Eraseek means here...


Hover over my name on the left...you should see ID #287587...

Nope, all I see is a finger-pointing hand. Maybe it doesn't like Firefox.


Look at your status bar at the bottom of your browser while you hover...you should see something like:



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Look at your status bar at the bottom of your browser while you hover...you should see something like:



Oh! Duh... :)

Don't feel bad, I didn't understand what they were trying to say, either. Mainly because the right-click thing doesn't work for me. But mouse-over works fine, and I see the info in the bottom status bar, now that they clarified where to look. I'm 94792. Thanks, folks!

Edited by hydnsek
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Look at your status bar at the bottom of your browser while you hover...you should see something like:



Oh! Duh... :)

Don't feel bad, I didn't understand what they were trying to say, either. Mainly because the right-click thing doesn't work for me. But mouse-over works fine, and I see the info in the bottom status bar, now that they clarified where to look. I'm 94792. Thanks, folks!

One other thing about this UserID, if you use GSAK that number is what you enter to let GSAK know which caches are the ones you own. It's more accurate than using your geo-name.

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Look at your status bar at the bottom of your browser while you hover...you should see something like:



Oh! Duh... :)

Don't feel bad, I didn't understand what they were trying to say, either. Mainly because the right-click thing doesn't work for me. But mouse-over works fine, and I see the info in the bottom status bar, now that they clarified where to look. I'm 94792. Thanks, folks!

One other thing about this UserID, if you use GSAK that number is what you enter to let GSAK know which caches are the ones you own. It's more accurate than using your geo-name.

Very interesting there 287587 and kinda fun mousing over all the different users on the forums. :anicute:

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