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Attention Orlando Florida Cachers


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I am contacting you on behalf of Orange County Florida Sheriffs Department and Equusearch of Texas.


Orange County:

Contact: 911 / 1-800-423-8477




Contact: Hellen Davis - 830-660-8711




A local cacher kindbus (Stuart & Nancy of Winter Park Florida) were out caching September 4, 2008 and stumbled into a search area.

Cache Log:

GCTNC6 Traditional Cache Are You Kidding... A Lake?

September 4 by kindbus (5 found)


I visited (GCTNC6) after a long day of work. As I drove down the road I saw a bunch of search and rescue personnel on the side of the road. I stopped and said howdy and told them I was a geo cache hunter and they had no idea what that was so I explained and told them i was going to search on the other side but I didn't want to bother them so I would try later. They called the captain over, and he wanted me to search for it with one of his men. Back in the truck I drive back towards it and start to stop and he said "you can probably get closer going around that way". I followed the gps, parked and got out with my handheld. Following the gps. and there was the cache, laying by the tree with orange flags and police tape around it, awaiting its journey to Orange County's Police Lab. I showed him the print out with some logs and the coordinates on it and told him I could most likely tell him who signed the log book last.... The guy with me let me sign the log, and I pulled out two coins that I showed to the rest of the searchers, then we stashed the cache where he said it was found. And he picked the grass back up so it looked like no one was there.

Back across the road and some show and tell to the search crew, and they left the cache site unflagged saying " one less thing to waste time on, we will leave it there". I was pleased that they didn't take it. The childrens toys in there worried them since they were searching for Kaylee. I will log the two coins ( only one of which was in the inventory ). I would assume the other is still there (there was alot of stuff ) In memory of the event I did stash a "Sheriffs Posse 70's Mardi Gra Coin in there.


Because the one of the coins retrieved was ours we contacted them. Everglades National Park Round Geocoin

He told me that the Orange County Sheriff and Equusearch would like to get the word out to local cachers. So that if they found anything suspicious they could report it to them directly. In speciffic childrens clothing or fresh digs or anything else that looked suspicious. This is an all out effort to locate Caylee Anthony.


Kindbus is very new to the sport and had no idea how to go about getting the information out and asked if I could help.


This is why I am making the post.

Thank you for any assistance.


If your an Orlando Cacher that has hides in the search area woods/lakes there has been a request/suggestion to pull those caches temporarily so investigators don't waste valuable time on them. Although they are aware of the potential of Geocaches being in the area they can not distinguish them all nor is it possible for all volunteered to be notified. If they find it, they will remove it and take it to the lab. They are not going to contact you or Groundspeak wasting more time salvaging/saving it. It will be gone for good.


They can use volunteers if you think you would like to volunteer:

Contact Texas EquuSearch toll free (877)270-9500 website: http://www.texasequusearch.org/index.html


Any volunteers for the search on Caylee Anthony can meet at the command center located at: 6317 McCoy Rd., Orlando, FL 32822. Time to show is 8:00am Saturday. All volunteers must bring a photo ID and fill out a volunteer form. You should call 1st to make sure of meeting times and locations.


The Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Sheriff Kevin Berry, has contacted Tim Miller EquuSearch and requested that we stay on the search for Caylee.


Our search is still continuing, but we are in need of all resources, ATV’s, horses, boats and foot searchers.


The Command Center will now be located at:

6317 McCoy Rd., Orlando, FL 32822

All searcher that are currently out, please go to the new location.


Sheriff's Department




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