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Thanks, But No Thanks!


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Posted (edited)

Ever heard of the saying: "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!"?


Someone, whoever you are, is responsible for the following E-Mail message, and he/she has wasted their time and monies on something that is of no value to me.



This is an automated message from Geocaching.com


Greetings from Groundspeak.


Thanks for supporting the Geocaching.com web site! This is a quick note to let you know your premium membership has been activated.


Unlike PayPal Memberships, there is nothing you need to do to set up your membership.


You can now visit your "my cache page" and start using Pocket Queries and other premium member features.


Let us know if you have any questions or issues.




The Groundspeak Team



To bad you can't get a refund!


The only benefits to this "upgrade" are functions that I do not use now nor plan to use in the near future, i.e. bookmarks, queries et cetera. I am quite happy plodding along with my antique Garmin GPS and printing my caches.


BTW! If you thought that I could not afford to pay for my own "upgrade", then you are sadly mistaken. As a matter of fact, I bought my home with cash(no mortgages), all the things in my home with cash and all my bills paid with cash every month. Furthormore, I don't have to "work" anymore and my time is used in whatever manner I choose. Money is not an issue!


I will not be returning to this forum in the near future, since there are still those out there that find it necessary to find fault with anything and everthing that doesn't fit into their narrow interpretation of what they think a (geo)cacher should be.




P.S. Attention Moderator: You may close this thread at your own discretion, or leave it open for the FLs to rant, rave and ridicule as they do so well.

Edited by Fledermaus
Posted (edited)

Ever heard of the saying: "You can't make a silk purse out of a sou's ear!"?


Someone, whoever you are, is responsible for the following E-Mail message, and he/she has wasted their time and monies on something that is of no value to me.



This is an automated message from Geocaching.com


Greetings from Groundspeak.


Thanks for supporting the Geocaching.com web site! This is a quick note to let you know your premium membership has been activated.


Unlike PayPal Memberships, there is nothing you need to do to set up your membership.


You can now visit your "my cache page" and start using Pocket Queries and other premium member features.


Let us know if you have any questions or issues.




The Groundspeak Team



To bad you can't get a refund!


The only benefits to this "upgrade" are functions that I do not use now nor plan to use in the near future, i.e. bookmarks, queries et cetera. I am quite happy plodding along with my antique Garmin GPS and printing my caches.


BTW! If you thought that I could not afford to pay for my own "upgrade", then you are sadly mistaken. As a matter of fact, I bought my home with cash(no mortgages), all the things in my home with cash and all my bills paid with cash every month. Furthormore, I don't have to "work" anymore and my time is used in whatever manner I choose. Money is not an issue!


I will not be returning to this forum in the near future, since there are still those out there that find it necessary to find fault with anything and everthing that doesn't fit into their narrow interpretation of what they think a (geo)cacher should be.




P.S. Attention Moderator: You may close this thread at your own discretion, or leave it open for the FLs to rant, rave and ridicule as they do so well.


Two quotes from olde tymey FL's


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Kinda Yinny.... :rolleyes:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln

Kinda Yangy... <_<



"Ummm, buh bye." :unsure: Snoogans



Edited by Snoogans
Posted (edited)

Not all of Fled's rant made much sense to me, but all I can say to him is:

"Goodbye, and thank you for being such a clear example for the rest of us of the fruits of hanging out in the deeper end of the pit wherein lurks bitterness, overriding sense of self-entitlement, lack of gratitude, lack of appreciation, and needing to blame others."

Edited by Vinny & Sue Team

Must have been one of those dratted Forum Lizards again.


Vinnnnny, you promised to stop giving your pets access to your credit cards, after that last shipment arrived - it wouldn't fit in my kitchen! ;)


Ever heard of the saying: "You can't make a silk purse out of a sou's ear!"?


Someone, whoever you are, is responsible for the following E-Mail message, and he/she has wasted their time and monies on something that is of no value to me.



This is an automated message from Geocaching.com


Greetings from Groundspeak.


Thanks for supporting the Geocaching.com web site! This is a quick note to let you know your premium membership has been activated.



Whoa, THAT'S funny. Whoever did that, thank you for the smilie today

I'm not sure what that rant was all about? ;):D:D
I think it's an object lesson on the importance of being gracious when presented a gift, even if the gift is an unwanted thing.


That being said, does anyone know what a 'sou' is? A google search turned up only a kind of pastry or a gold coin. If someone wishes to give me either pastries or gold coins I promise that I will show proper gratitude.


Ever heard of the saying: "You can't make a silk purse out of a sou's ear!"?


Someone, whoever you are, is responsible for the following E-Mail message, and he/she has wasted their time and monies on something that is of no value to me.



This is an automated message from Geocaching.com


Greetings from Groundspeak.


Thanks for supporting the Geocaching.com web site! This is a quick note to let you know your premium membership has been activated.


Unlike PayPal Memberships, there is nothing you need to do to set up your membership.


You can now visit your "my cache page" and start using Pocket Queries and other premium member features.


Let us know if you have any questions or issues.




The Groundspeak Team



To bad you can't get a refund!


The only benefits to this "upgrade" are functions that I do not use now nor plan to use in the near future, i.e. bookmarks, queries et cetera. I am quite happy plodding along with my antique Garmin GPS and printing my caches.


BTW! If you thought that I could not afford to pay for my own "upgrade", then you are sadly mistaken. As a matter of fact, I bought my home with cash(no mortgages), all the things in my home with cash and all my bills paid with cash every month. Furthormore, I don't have to "work" anymore and my time is used in whatever manner I choose. Money is not an issue!


I will not be returning to this forum in the near future, since there are still those out there that find it necessary to find fault with anything and everthing that doesn't fit into their narrow interpretation of what they think a (geo)cacher should be.




P.S. Attention Moderator: You may close this thread at your own discretion, or leave it open for the FLs to rant, rave and ridicule as they do so well.


Man can you say ungrateful? Even if someone gave me a GIFT I would not use, I would still say thank you and move on. And what is the rest of that all about??


""I even paid for my house with cash".....like we really care about that.



Shouldn't it say "with cache"??


I turned this up:


To this day, sou is used as slang a small coin of little value, as in sans le sou. "I'm broke", "without money". It is also a slang term for the Canadian cent (standard French, cent).

Someone, whoever you are, is responsible for the following E-Mail message, and he/she has wasted their time and monies on something that is of no value to me.
Whoa, THAT'S funny. Whoever did that, thank you for the smilie today
I've seen people spend far more money on pranks that were far less entertaining. Maybe the time and money wasn't wasted after all...
Someone, whoever you are, is responsible for the following E-Mail message, and he/she has wasted their time and monies on something that is of no value to me.
Whoa, THAT'S funny. Whoever did that, thank you for the smilie today
I've seen people spend far more money on pranks that were far less entertaining. Maybe the time and money wasn't wasted after all...


If it was me, I would have only paid a month. Then inflater dude would be getting bumped to renew in about 3 weeks! Can't wait for the next thread.



I turned this up:


To this day, sou is used as slang a small coin of little value, as in sans le sou. "I'm broke", "without money". It is also a slang term for the Canadian cent (standard French, cent).


I think the OP meant sow, since they're trying to pull off an old cliché.


The proper cliché for this post would be, "Don't cast pearls before swine."


But it's great that the OP can brag about their finances with such passion that any gifts are seen as an insult to their ability to purchase things for themselves. That's really wonderful for them to be in such a position. As a family of six in this economy, things are tight for us but even if they weren't, I wouldn't turn my nose up at a $30 gift. My mama raised me better than that.


I wonder if the OP can take some of their limitless wealth and purchase themselves a dictionary so they'd know the difference between sou and sow.


- Elle




You know what I hate? All the swag this site sells. Stupid swag-selling commercializing website, swag lizards wrecking the whole game! I can play this game without all the crap they sell here. Travel bugs, hats, coins. All junk!










/goes to check mailbox


Based on a quick look at their home page, the OP has some issues with both the GS forums, and Groundspeak itself. That aside, the "bat" signature, location of Transylvania, and occupation of Fluidic Control Specialist shows that he has a sense of humor. ;)


Not all of Fled's rant made much sense to me, but all I can say to him is:

"Goodbye, and thank you for being such a clear example for the rest of us of the fruits of hanging out in the deeper end of the pit wherein lurks bitterness, overriding sense of self-entitlement, lack of gratitude, lack of appreciation, and needing to blame others."


May the roads near his house be paved with premium member only caches.


So Fledermaus,


Would you consider yourself a "freeloader with money?" Be sure thank all the premium members that have financed your entertainment for the past seven years.


I think it was a cool gift.


My owner keeps promising that he'll make me a premium member, but all I got was a handful of dog bones. I wonder if I used FL's tactic and bemoaned PM's...if my human would then make me a PM too.


For those thinking my ear would make a good purse...just try it bub.

Posted (edited)


Man can you say ungrateful? Even if someone gave me a GIFT I would not use, I would still say thank you and move on. And what is the rest of that all about??


""I even paid for my house with cash".....like we really care about that.



Shouldn't it say "with cache"??


I think I can. I know for sure I can say TOOL!


edit: At least now he/she/it shouldn't feel bad about having logged those members only caches...

Edited by OzzieSan

I will not be returning to this forum in the near future, since there are still those out there that find it necessary to find fault with anything and everthing that doesn't fit into their narrow interpretation of what they think a (geo)cacher should be.


I give it a "3".


It has a rhythm, but you really can't dance to it.


I will not be returning to this forum in the near future, since there are still those out there that find it necessary to find fault with anything and everthing that doesn't fit into their narrow interpretation of what they think a (geo)cacher should be.


I give it a "3".


It has a rhythm, but you really can't dance to it.


I don't know that I see why you are so upset. I mean, even if you don't use it I would think you would be flattered to think that someone thinks highly enough of you to give you a gift! Heck, If someone gave it to me I would post in the forums a big thank you even if I didn't use it.


I guess I just don't understand


So Fledermaus,


Would you consider yourself a "freeloader with money?" Be sure thank all the premium members that have financed your entertainment for the past seven years.


Exactly! ;)


Feel free to transfer that extra year's worth of membership to me.

I'll even say "Thank you"!

Posted (edited)

Not really a geocide...nor is it really a forumcide...




Somehow a gift that someone gave seems to be an insult...

(Nevermind...I just saw geobain's post...that could explain things...)




On a side note...I wish more people would offend me by sending free stuff my way...


Edited by ArcherDragoon

So let me see if I follow all of this. The op wished to insult the good old boy club of premium members, on an individual basis, because they have access to a few more caches than the op. When the op asks for opinions of his planned insult he becomes indignant that most premium members are not only un-insulted, but some were helpful in suggesting how to accomplish his stated goal of no premium member’s allowed caches. Were there snarky replies and humorous jabs at the op’s expense? Absolutely! And imo deservedly so.

So obviously when he receives an automated email for renewal, it was a retaliatory strike from some unknown, individual, member of the good old boys club who desperately needed to claim the smiley on his planned caches and sought to coerce him to the dark side and the horrors of premium membership thereby giving up his plan of world domination by NPM caches. Are there snarky replies and humorous jabs at the op’s expense? Absolutely! And imo deservedly so.

If you can’t handle having your feathers ruffled, don’t set yourself up as a duck in a shooting gallery. Not only has he set himself up but he is “allowing” the moderator to keep this thread open so that the Forum Lizards can continue to take potshots at him in his presumed perpetual absence. Myself, I could use some target practice, hence this post. I do know that like a shooting gallery target, the op is just out of sight waiting to rise up and get in front of our sights again.


Bad lizard, bad lizard,

I should have read the original post a bit closer. Someone did, not only invite, but pay for his admission to the good old boy club. Well, it seems The dark side had no pull on him then. He is still free to populate the landscape with npm caches.


Bad lizard, bad lizard,

I should have read the original post a bit closer. Someone did, not only invite, but pay for his admission to the good old boy club. Well, it seems The dark side had no pull on him then. He is still free to populate the landscape with npm caches.

Should a premium member be allowed to create 'no premium members allowed' caches? How would he make his maintenance logs? Sock Puppet?

...I will not be returning to this forum in the near future, since there are still those out there that find it necessary to find fault with anything and everthing that doesn't fit into their narrow interpretation of what they think a (geo)cacher should be....


That my friend is the chief complaint I've heard about you from a cacher or two. It rather sucks when folks do that doesn't it?


Bad lizard, bad lizard,

I should have read the original post a bit closer. Someone did, not only invite, but pay for his admission to the good old boy club. Well, it seems The dark side had no pull on him then. He is still free to populate the landscape with npm caches.

Should a premium member be allowed to create 'no premium members allowed' caches? How would he make his maintenance logs? Sock Puppet?


I was wondering that, too! He'll have to go through and delete his own logs after he makes them, just on priciple, you know...


So Fledermaus,


Would you consider yourself a "freeloader with money?" Be sure to thank all the premium members that have financed your entertainment for the past seven years.

Very well put! Thank you for putting that so eloquently and concisely! Sometimes, in the flaming drama of Fled's posts, we forget the most basic fact, namely, that the Premium Membership level and population that he has been attacking all along is precisely that which supports the site which has been extending all sorts of free services to him for years! Amazing!


I'm not premium yet, but will be after rent's paid! (Kinda excited about it, really.)

Too bad you have those bags and bags of available cash, yet refuse to pay to help support an activity that you enjoy.

I don't really get it. But I'm not rich - what do I know? :D


Kinda nice, though, that the person who paid for your membership ticked you off so badly.

Mission accomplished, eh? ;)


If you can’t handle having your feathers ruffled, don’t set yourself up as a duck in a shooting gallery.


Oh, oh, oh.................


Oh, how I wish I'd said that.

Posted (edited)

If you can’t handle having your feathers ruffled, don’t set yourself up as a duck in a shooting gallery.

That would be a heck of a sig line!

Edited by Moose Mob

Just a note - the OP has edited his original post, so evidently, he is following this thread. I'm still not sure why he's calling himself a sow's ear, but I suppose it is better than being the listening appendage of a tiny coin?


You could always make matching donation to charity of your subscription!!

This would indicate what a generous and considerate person you are and how you wish to help people less fortunate than yourself.


Hi FM. (It has already been established that you are watching this thread.) I see you are still listed as a PM. If you contact Groundspeak I am sure they would be happy to cancel that for you.


Happy caching.



I'd take it so I can add on to my subscription I have now and save me some on renewing. (Which I do plan on doing).

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