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Dragonfly Talisman Geocoins trackable w/ icon


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Posted (edited)

Dragonfly Talisman Geocoin


Dragonfly meaning 'Illusion'. Dragonfly is a magical creature that of the dreamtime. The iridescence of its wings reminds us of the colors not found in our everyday experience. Dragonfly brings wisdom and enlightenment and communications from the elemental world: air, fire, water, and earth.


The Dragonfly Talisman is a intricate, hand drawn design that is representative of a 'good luck' charm or piece. This coin is meant to be a fun blend of the illusion one sees when geocaching and a 'lucky charm' to help us see past the illusion and find the geocache. This is a symbolic geocoin and as usual; I choose to use nature and her creatures as my inspiration. In my experience of geocaching; the journey and the beauty that you find along the way is what makes the experience a magical one. I know what this design means to me but I hope that when you see it or hold it, you find the meaning for yourself. Maybe it's just another pretty coin to you or the dragonfly symbolizes something special; it is up to you to find it <_<


Introducing the Dragonfly Talisman Geocoin


Available for purchase on (Friday) September 5th, 8:00 am MST (Montana time).


$9.85 a piece


1.75", 3 gems, 3D front & 2D back, Trackable w/ unique icon. Mahalo to mauison for the icon :anibad:


Icon: DragonflyTalisman32x32Icon.GIF


100 of each coin were made, there will be a remint down the road in two-tone metals (possibly October - to be determined).


Trackable on coincodes.com


Here is a link to the coin information page: http://tsunrisebey.googlepages.com/dragonflytalismangeocoin


Sales links will be posted shortly before the sale begins but most of you know where to find the webstore anyhow :rolleyes: This will be the first big sale through the webstore so my suggestion is to give the web store a 'test run' because this store is set up a bit differently than most of you are used to. We've worked through most of the issues and most errors are made because of an unchecked box. You can do a test run by going to the 'PIN' section and use the 'test' product to go through the entire system, just ignore any inovice you receive, I'll know what you are doing. At the time of the sale, I won't be able to assist you due to being busy initially. Please be patient on this first go 'round :ph34r:


The colors turned out much more vibrant than I can show on the pictures but most of you are familiar with how translucents look in person. They turned out really nice and I'm very happy with them. This is the first time I gave each version a name; dorkfish and I were joking while chatting the other night and we decided I should 'name' the coins for fun. Trust me my names are better than the ones she came up with, lol.


* Ocean Mist-Antique Silver with 3 clear gemstones-this is my favorite!*



* Steel Viking (yup a football reference)-Nickel with 3 purple gemstones-this is my favorite!*



* Nutella :unsure: -Antique Copper with 3 black gemstones-this is my favorite! (looks kinda chocolatey)*



* Crimson-Antique Copper with 2 red/1 green gemstones-this is my favorite! (looks more dark red and like a forest green (translucents) than the pic shows).


Edited by tsunrisebey

Thanks for the compliments all, much appreciated!


I realize that the time is an odd one on a weekday and normally I wouldn't schedule a sale on a weekday during work hours (US) but since it's the first big sale with a new webstore, I kinda wanted to allow myself a buffer without the mad rush in case there are unforeseen problems. This won't be the 'norm' in the future as I'll make it more time/date friendly to all, it's kind of a 1-time thing so I can hopefully stay on top of things while I see how this all goes.




Question: If you're doing a timed sale will you be limiting the number of coins per customer per login? I'd hate to have to crawl out of bed before 6 ayem only to do battle with the market makers.


BTW: Another awesome critter for your portfolio.


I think I've been banned from buying any more geocoins. It looks like I may have to trade for this one because I am really in love with it. Or maybe, just maybe I can beg and plead with RW to let me purchase this pretty pretty coin. Maybe he'll take pity on me since the dentist will be numbing half of my mouth on Monday to do some work. lol!

Thanks for the compliments all, much appreciated!


I realize that the time is an odd one on a weekday and normally I wouldn't schedule a sale on a weekday during work hours (US) but since it's the first big sale with a new webstore, I kinda wanted to allow myself a buffer without the mad rush in case there are unforeseen problems. This won't be the 'norm' in the future as I'll make it more time/date friendly to all, it's kind of a 1-time thing so I can hopefully stay on top of things while I see how this all goes.




No worries! This is perfect for me! I will be up & waiting! :rolleyes: Hope I don't get frozen out! <_<




:rolleyes: Dag nabbit... you're wanting me to call in sick or really late to order these right? :ph34r:

I highly doubt any will be left for sale by the time I get off work... I'll just have to beg, borrow, plead for somone to order me a few... <_<


:unsure: ...just makes me want to go kick the dog!




(just kidding about the 'kicking the dog' part... I don't need PETA on my front steps... :anibad: )


Thanks for the compliments all, much appreciated!


I realize that the time is an odd one on a weekday and normally I wouldn't schedule a sale on a weekday during work hours (US) but since it's the first big sale with a new webstore, I kinda wanted to allow myself a buffer without the mad rush in case there are unforeseen problems. This won't be the 'norm' in the future as I'll make it more time/date friendly to all, it's kind of a 1-time thing so I can hopefully stay on top of things while I see how this all goes.




Question: Does our registration info hold from the test? Cause typing all that info will be a PITA. Be nice if that is now stored.


Shirt!!! I will be in an airplane flying over Colorado when these go on sale. Perhaps once I land in SLC I might be able to get online and buy one of each. I am super psyched to be going to Geo Rendezvous, but depressed I might not get any of you newest design. Oh well.. Hey Steph..ya want me to tie you some more Flies??


Beautiful, striking, gorgeous, stunning and they take my breath away. I get to see Karma in 3 days.. I'll find out what names she was suggesting.LOL



Posted (edited)

Question: If you're doing a timed sale will you be limiting the number of coins per customer per login? I'd hate to have to crawl out of bed before 6 ayem only to do battle with the market makers.


BTW: Another awesome critter for your portfolio.


No not at this time. You're only an hour in time behind me, wake up at 6:45 ;)



Question: Does our registration info hold from the test? Cause typing all that info will be a PITA. Be nice if that is now stored.


Well that depends, if you created a nickname and password, then all you information is stored then no need to retype everything out again :D


Some webstore tips (I'll post this on the webstore also) The store uses what is called Cold Fusion coding, so it's not quite as intuitive to use for those who aren't web savvy. There might be a small learning curve for some, lol.


1. If you have already created a nickname and password (which can be done by ordering using the 'test' product under the 'PINS' section). All you need to do when placing an order is;


a.) put the product in your cart

b.) click 'Proceed to checkout'

c.) You should see the 'Are you already a registered customer?' "CLICK HERE TO LOAD YOUR INFORMATION". Click that button, do NOT fill in all your information again.

d.) You will be brought to the 'Registered customer login' page, fill in your nickname and password.

e.) All your billing/shipping information will be brought up and you can verify that info.

f.) continue on through the checkout process.


You can test this to make sure it works for you by going to the 'PINS' section and ordering the 'test' product. I delete all the test orders from the system since I know you're testing the system.


I highly recommend testing the system so you know how to proceed come sale time. I'll be around most of the day today and tomorrow, so for anyone who has problems, I can help guide you through the process if you have problems. There have been a number of people who have needed help. I don't want anyone too frustrated with the process, it just slightly confusing for some people. There is a customer service link on the webstore and you can use that to send me an email easily while on the site.



Edited by tsunrisebey
Posted (edited)

Did you want us to go through with our paypal payment?


Never mind, Just checked mail and there was your invoice that we were supposed to ignore!

Edited by fairyhoney
Posted (edited)

6:00 a.m. Eastern? Ouch. Any possible way you can save mine until about 8:30 a.m.? :D


Lol..... it will be 10:00 am Eastern, I'm 2 hours behind you (quit confusing people). It will already be tomorrow in some areas of the world, so they have to go back in time through some sort of time travel device. ;)

Edited by tsunrisebey

6:00 a.m. Eastern? Ouch. Any possible way you can save mine until about 8:30 a.m.? :D


Lol..... it will be 10:00 am Eastern, I'm 2 hours behind you (quit confusing people). It wll already be tomorrow in some areas of the world, so they have to go back in time through some sort of time travel device. ;)


Oh goodness, Thank the good Lord there are smart people out there to help me.

Posted (edited)

6:00 a.m. Eastern? Ouch. Any possible way you can save mine until about 8:30 a.m.? :D

Uh, wrong direction! ;)


Edited to say: Oops! Steph beat me to the punch!

Edited by MommyFinder
Posted (edited)

These are beautifully done. I've got a couple of coin collectors at work I'll have to show these to them and see if we can place an order without the boss looking :laughing:

Edited by nashuan

Wow, Steph. Those coins look beautiful. Thank goodness tomorrow is payday! P has to work 7-3, and I have class from 9-12 (eastern time), but I think I can duck out for a few minutes to place our order! How do you come up with so many great designs?!?!? When we get around to making our own coin, hopefully you can help us with the artwork and design!


I will be on a plane at the time of sales. Is there anyone willing to buy 2 of each coin for me? I will Paypal the money to you and pay a "buyers fee" plus shipping. I really would like to have these coins. Email my GC account please if you are willing to do this for me. Jodi

Posted (edited)

Available for purchase on (Friday) September 5th, 8:00 am MST (Montana time).


Great geocoins! But 8:00 am MST is 1.00 am here in the Netherlands. Please next time start selling around 15.00-18.00 am so that europeans who need there sleep can join in the fun. Confusing, is MST the same as MDT? Not to fast, just google and get the answer. Time to get a (double) cup of coffee!

Edited by Team Van Stoffelen
Posted (edited)

Available for purchase on (Friday) September 5th, 8:00 am MST (Montana time).


Great geocoins! But 8:00 am MST is 1.00 am here in the Netherlands. Please next time start selling around 15.00-18.00 am so that europeans who need there sleep can join in the fun. Confusing, is MST the same as MDT? Not to fast, just google and get the answer. Time to get a (double) cup of coffee!


What is 15.00-18.00 am? While I realize that my sale times are not always going to be convenient for everyone, it's impossible for me to be awake 24 hours a day for everyone B) I thought I explained the reason for the sale date/time in another post clearly. Everyonce in awhile I have to do what is best for myself, usually I'm very accomodating to others without regard to myself. Maybe you can find it in your heart to forgive me? :laughing:

Edited by tsunrisebey

Is there going to be a limit on how many of each can be purchased? I don't mean to be greedy, but some folks have mentioned they will have difficulties being online when the sale starts. I'd be willing to buy a set for someone as long as it doesn't mean I would lose out! :laughing:


Tsun... I am not complaining about the sales time. Actually it would be a perfect time for me ( I am a hour ahead of you). But since I am going to be on my way to GR I wanted to make sure I got my coins...I just can't miss ANY coins you put out there. I know I am spoiled huh!!! I wish you were going to be there. I'll just have to do e next contract in MONTANA! Jodi


I will be on a plane at the time of sales. Is there anyone willing to buy 2 of each coin for me? I will Paypal the money to you and pay a "buyers fee" plus shipping. I really would like to have these coins. Email my GC account please if you are willing to do this for me. Jodi


Email sent...

Tsun... I am not complaining about the sales time. Actually it would be a perfect time for me ( I am a hour ahead of you). But since I am going to be on my way to GR I wanted to make sure I got my coins...I just can't miss ANY coins you put out there. I know I am spoiled huh!!! I wish you were going to be there. I'll just have to do e next contract in MONTANA! Jodi




Let me talk with Rick and if he says I can I will try to purchase some coins for both of us. I'll be up before the sale time anyway since I have a stupid dentist appt. at 8:40am.


Is there going to be a limit on how many of each can be purchased? I don't mean to be greedy, but some folks have mentioned they will have difficulties being online when the sale starts. I'd be willing to buy a set for someone as long as it doesn't mean I would lose out! :laughing:


No there is not a set limit, I know a number of people who have asked others to buy for them because they are going to GRV or will be at work.

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