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Halloween MB Ghost Coin - they are finally here!


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The coins are complete and I should have them in hand next week! Just thought I would drop a pic here for those of you who are interested in seeing how they look. The mint took the pictures (kinda bad quality pics but you'll get the idea!) Did a recount and we still have 18 chrome ones available.




Antique Silver LE's on the left and Chrome on the right




Do you KNOW if we will be getting these soon :) ?


These are en route to me as we speak! I expect them at the beginning to mid-week next week and will ship before the end of next week (probably the next day from when I get them as the envelopes are all ready!) I will post here when I receive them and when I send them out! (I'm really impatient while I wait to see them in the flesh....errr...metal!) Hope this is ok!


Do you KNOW if we will be getting these soon :) ?


These are en route to me as we speak! I expect them at the beginning to mid-week next week and will ship before the end of next week (probably the next day from when I get them as the envelopes are all ready!) I will post here when I receive them and when I send them out! (I'm really impatient while I wait to see them in the flesh....errr...metal!) Hope this is ok!




- patiently awaiting :D


Of course I must have jinxed it when i said i expected them this week cause now they still aren't here! Here's hoping they get tuesday (monday is thanksgiving((Canada)))...will drop a line here when they get here!


Coin package is still a no show. I have me provider checking to see if customs may have slowed the package down. MB cointest started in a new thread to pass the time! Sorry for the delay. :(


Coin package is still a no show. I have me provider checking to see if customs may have slowed the package down. MB cointest started in a new thread to pass the time! Sorry for the delay. :(


I guess we can't send these in our "secret" packages :) You can't help it. I still think it will be here before Halloween :D . - (if not, we won't hold it against YOU)


Coin package is still a no show. I have me provider checking to see if customs may have slowed the package down. MB cointest started in a new thread to pass the time! Sorry for the delay. :(


I guess we can't send these in our "secret" packages :) You can't help it. I still think it will be here before Halloween :D . - (if not, we won't hold it against YOU)


Thanx fairyhoney! :D I appreciate that!


I'm really frustrated because I really want the coins to get to everyone BEFORE Halloween! Next coin will be a reserve only and will only be sold when I have them in hand so I don't stress myself so much and keep everyone waiting!


are there any more of these coins left?


yes...we will have about 14 more ghost coins left when they get here! also 10 gold brick coins and 10 copper brick coins.



yes...we will have about 14 more ghost coins left when they get here! also 10 gold brick coins and 10 copper brick coins.


Wow, I really like this coin! Hope it is still possible to order, I'd like to buy 2 of them! I've send you a message with my contact info.




I received my coin last night. Great coin with a lot of detail! I had a lot of fun playing with the glow in the dark. For some reason I didn't realize the back glowed too! Very cool. I'm looking forward to the Christmas coin!


Still haven't gotten mine ... :o I guess I am tooo anxious, it is making the time go by slower. I wanted to mail some of these out to people so they got them by Halloween, guess they will get them a few days late. I'll keep waiting -- My mail lady thinks I'm nuts... HA



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