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Its Me The Geoman

The Geoman

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Posted (edited)

Hey fellow geocachers, I am the Geo Man.

Thought I would drop in and say hello. First off thanks for all the cool coments.

Let me start by saying I'm somewhat new to geocaching and quite frankly i love it.

To answer some of the questions, i'm still learning about how to use this site and all its language. For me thats going to be some of the fun of this show I will always be learning.

I have been adventure traveling for fifteen years with many adventures under my belt.

This lifestyle can be hard and along with it the language, so I will be more aware of what i say.

The caches themselves are amazing you guys and gals amaze me with your ingenuity and skill at hiding them.

I have always been a naturalist and bring it into every element of my life. So it seems appropriate to involve it here. Education is the key to understanding our environment and the creatures it supports including US.

I wish to incorporate some of my travel adventures with geocaching, so watch to see how the episodes change in intensity.Things can get a little crazy.

Getting lost in the wilderness is not uncommon. Can I make some humor from some bad batteries or a wrong turn? Hmmmm lets find out.

Your comments are very appreciated and will help me give you a better geocaching show.

Edited by The Geoman

I was wondering whether we'd hear from you or just from "them". Good to see you here in the forums. Too bad the other thread got closed, but hopefully Groundspeak will see some benefit to allowing the mods to re-open it.


I'd love to see your show make it to TV, I think there's a lot of potential entertainment value there. Heaven knows I've been on a few geocaching adventures that would have made for excellent television...


From the videos I would have thought you'd been geocaching for a while. You certainly seemed knowledgeable about the hobby, although carrying a set of fresh batteries is pretty much #2 on the geocacher's list... #1 being get the coordinates right. ;)


I definitely enjoyed watching you do your thing, and it's obvious that being outdoors isn't something new to you. Newbies don't typically jump off the trail towards a passing snake. :cry:


Is the idea to take the show around the world, across the country, or mostly to hang out in the South East?


Whatever you come up with, I hope I have the opportunity to watch future episodes. If you make it to Pennsylvania I'd love to take you out caching sometime. But I'll bring the batteries. :D


Howdy Geoman!

I too am new to Geocaching and love every minute of it. You're show is great and a breath of fresh air in an abysmal pool of poor geocaching videos. For those who havn't seen his show yet go to:

Keep up the great work!

Posted (edited)

I was wondering whether we'd hear from you or just from "them". Good to see you here in the forums. Too bad the other thread got closed, but hopefully Groundspeak will see some benefit to allowing the mods to re-open it.


I'd love to see your show make it to TV, I think there's a lot of potential entertainment value there. Heaven knows I've been on a few geocaching adventures that would have made for excellent television...

Amazingly, although you would not expect it in this day and age, there are some of us who are not psychic, and who are not able to read crystal gazing balls, and also do not have access to the Database of the Entire Geo World running on six tandem supercomputers at CIA headquarters, and worse, we do not even have subscriptions to Weekly World News (which has access to even more information, of course, than does the aforementioned CIA database running on the supercomputer array). So, I have a favor to ask you:


For those of us in the aforementioned category, that is, those of us'uns who are not psychic, and who are not able to read crystal gazing balls, and also do not have access to the Database of the Entire Geo World running on six tandem supercomputers at CIA headquarters, and worse, who, due to our penury and our bullheadeness, do not even have subscriptions to Weekly World News, will someone please tell us dummies what the heck you mean by the following passage:

I was wondering whether we'd hear from you or just from "them". Good to see you here in the forums. Too bad the other thread got closed, but hopefully Groundspeak will see some benefit to allowing the mods to re-open it.

wherein the poster speaks as if s/he has heard of the OP from elsewhere, and speaks in very ambiguous terms of a mysterious "...thread that got closed". Well, what thread, where, and closed by whom and what, and for what reason? And who is "you", and who or what is "them"?


And, I am a bit afraid to ask, but.... what "show" is it to which you are referring? I do hope that our forum thread conversations have not veered into the realms of nude cross-dressing "fashion shows" again, as they did last month! sigh....! ;):cry:


Where is Sioneva when I need her? Normally when I get confused, I just ask her, and she explains everything to me, as I am a bit simple-minded. And she also gives me the keys to the missile silos on the two Air Force bases in Nebraska, so that I can hide those extreme geocaches there....

Edited by Vinny & Sue Team

If you ever want to do a show in the SW Georgia area TeamAtlas and I could be the studio audience!


Thought the show was great by the way...those pesky coordinates have messed me up before too.


Please, you need permission before you promote your stuff on this web site. Once you get permission, we will be happy to let the conversation (promotions) continue. Use contact@geocaching.com



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