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Option to change date format

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I can see that in 'edit profile', there is an option to switch between imperial and metric, but I can't find anything relating to the date format. I keep getting thrown by the MM/DD/YY as I'm British and have always been used to DD/MM/YY. Would it be possible to have an option to switch this round?




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This has been brought up many times. Always a lively discussion. :cry:


I think the answer is in the works with the upcoming redesign of the site. Something like 28-Aug-2008 - most everybody can read that format. I could be wrong though.


I did try search for existing posts, but it timed out 3 times on me ;)

It's nice to know it has been brought up before though - I think having the option of a different format would be welcomed by some.

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I vote for the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD


Being the easily confused person I am, I would still end up getting the MM-DD / DD-MM bit mixed up.

I think that since there are so many different formats in use, the option to choose your own format would be better than trying to settle on a universal format :unsure:

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