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Pororoca Endless Wave ~ Swim With the Dolphins


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Somehow, I missed out on trading for one of these at GCF. Will have to keep an eye out for the sale.


LOL! I even showed you the coin! :D


Wow. I had too many martini's on Saturday..... :)


I was lucky enough to get one at GCF!

I saw the sale today and could not resist ordering a few more.

Vanelle, I also picked one up for you today. :D

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I'm new at this so I don't know all the secret code. I'd like one but I want the bottom left one in the triangle, the darker silver. What code does that correspond to? AG, AS? I'm assuming it's not two-toned.


AG = Antique Gold

AS = Antique Silver (The one you want)


If you click on the link, they are placed as the one shown on the forum.

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I'm new at this so I don't know all the secret code. I'd like one but I want the bottom left one in the triangle, the darker silver. What code does that correspond to? AG, AS? I'm assuming it's not two-toned.


AG = Antique Gold

AS = Antique Silver (The one you want)


If you click on the link, they are placed as the one shown on the forum.


Wooo, thanks so much! I ordered one. When did Paypal decide the Canadian dollar was worth so much less than the American dollar! I miss the days when they were equal.

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The gold looked the best to me, but I just had to buy all three!


If it sold out so fast, I have a feeling there is someone out there who has hoarded a small pile to sell for double price just a week after they first appeared in the store. ;)


Here I go, stalking the shipping & receiving center again. Sooner or later I'm going to be banned from that wing.


Thanks for a beautifully designed coin, avro!

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When I visited the Amazon the guide told me about the Pororoca or Endless Wave that comes each morning up the Amazon river early in the year. I was intrigued by the phenomenon called a tidal bore, so I looked it up on the internet when I got home. I forgot about until recently when I saw a documentary about some surfers who surfed it. The record is 12.5 km (he surfed for 37 minutes!) ~ it is said to be very lucky if you get dolphins swimming along side you.


Sorry about the bad photos, they came from the mint.







Regular Edition Gold is Available: HERE

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