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MISSION: Spooky Halloween Mission Enter Here!


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Did someone say Halloween Mission?



ATTENTION ALL GOBLINS, WITCHES, GHOSTS AND CREATURES OF THE NIGHT! Read all directions carefully or the following story may happen to you!



While a geocoin collector slept, a spider crawled across his face. it stopped for several minutes and then crawled off. In the morning he woke up and noticed a red spot on his face. He asked his wife what the red spot was and she told him she thought it was a spider bite and that it would go away on its own but not to scratch it. A couple days went by and he noticed the red spot getting larger and he started to worry. He showed his wife again and she told him not to worry about it because that was normal for a spider bite. A couple more days went by and the red spot was larger much larger like a huge boil on his face. he became increasingly worried and showed his wife again. His wife said she'd make him a doctor's appointment to get it looked at. The geocoin collectors wife told him the doctor could see him the next day. That evening he took a long, hot shower when the large red boil burst and he noticed hundreds of baby spiders crawling all over his face and floating down the drain.



The Halloween Mission


1. You must be willing to mail 2 trackable, unactivated geocoins to a participants


2. You must be a registered member of the Groundspeak forums and in good standing within the community.


3. You must provide your full name and address to receive a mission from another participant.


4. Geocoin packages should be mailed no later than : October 14th, 2008 and earlier for packages going overseas.


5. Report your Mission status in this thread.


THIS MISSION WILL BE SEPARATED INTO 3 CATEGORIES; 1 FOR CHILDREN, 1 FOR ADULTS, 1 FOR PETS! Each category will be paired with the same category (child/child, pet/pet, adult/adult).


Please copy and paste the following format into you email and send the the email address below (please do not send it to my geocaching account.)


Email: HalloweenMission@gmail.com


1. Geocaching Name/(and indicate if this is an adult/child/pet)


3. Are willing to ship outside of your Country (Yes/No).

(If you have more than 1 mission, please repeat this format for each mission)



**Mission names/addresses will be emailed to you starting September 17th, 2008 (please be patient while I work through the mission names.

**Please mark you package so the receiver knows it's a Halloween Mission. Treat your Mission person the way you would like to be treated.

**Do not ask to be paired with other participants, they will be matched randomly.


PLEASE report the Following in this Thread on your Progress


1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

Edited by tsunrisebey
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Mission #1


Bella/Pet African Grey of sweetlife

1. Participating- Wednesday August 27, 2008/email sent

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Mission #2

Valarie of sweetlife


1. Participating- Wednesday August 27, 2008/email sent

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


Mission #3

Barry of sweetlife


1. Participating- Wednesday August 27, 2008/email sent

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received

Edited by sweetlife
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We are in.


grodan - adult "swamptoad"

1. Participating -yes, e-mail sent aug 27

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


fiabus - adult "bigfoot"

1. Participating - yes, e-mail sent aug 27

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Johanna - child "juvenil witchwannabee" age 5

1. Participating - yes, e-mail sent aug 27

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Thanks for holding this mission.

grodan Karin

Edited by grodan & fiabus
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I'm in!



Spooky Halloween Mission(Adult)

1. Participating - 8/27/2008

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Spooky Halloween Mission(Pet)

1. Participating - 8/27/2008

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Spooky Halloween Mission(Pet)

1. Participating - 8/27/2008

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!

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Chilling Chuck (adult zombie)

Spooky Halloween Email Sent - 27/08/08

Spooky Halloween Name Received - NO

Spooky Halloween Mission Sent - NO

Spooky Halloween Mission Received - NO


Eerie Esther (adult banshee)

Spooky Halloween Email Sent - 27/08/08

Spooky Halloween Name Received - NO

Spooky Halloween Mission Sent - NO

Spooky Halloween Mission Received - NO


Jugular Jonathan (wee little vampire -- 3 yrs)

Spooky Halloween Email Sent - 27/08/08

Spooky Halloween Name Received - NO

Spooky Halloween Mission Sent - NO

Spooky Halloween Mission Received - NO


Alarming Anika (wee little ghoul -- 2 yrs)

Spooky Halloween Email Sent - 27/08/08

Spooky Halloween Name Received - NO

Spooky Halloween Mission Sent - NO

Spooky Halloween Mission Received - NO

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OK I am in, it has been a while


summerandnana - ADULT

1. Participating - Yes, email sent

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


I do not have a seek list but many of you know that I love micros and halloween stuff of course. But in the end it is just fun to get a package in the mail:)



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Email sent for two missions:


First mission:


1. Participating: Yes. Email sent 28/08/08 for one ADULT.

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received:


Second mission:


1. Participating: Yes. Email sent 28/08/08 for one DOG.

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received:


Thanks for organising this mission Tsun!


Ali :laughing:

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1. Participating: Yes! email sent 08/28/08. (pet category)

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Mom (Mrs. DaFunkyFrogs) gave me permission to join this mission, I hope I'm in good standing here (I DO have 4 legs to stand on) so I will be accepted. I don't post much because Mom & Dad are REALLY stingy with their computers. :laughing:

Edited by PrincessSweetPea
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Mission #1 - Adult

1. Participating: - Email sent 08/27/08

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!


Now Steph, you are a bad woman, why would it have to be a spider story? Why couldn't it have been an extra spooky fluffy little kitten story? I am now inspecting every square inch of my skin..... :laughing::D

Edited by Cheesy pigs
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