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Events for International Earthcache Day 2008

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Thought I would start things off here by sharing our event in celebration of International Earthcache Day 2008: Earthcaching 101


While we don't pretend to be experts on the subject we will be sharing the basic information about earthcaching.


I affirmed with one of our Michigan geocache reviewers that as long as finding caches isn't a requirement of logging the event it is fine to talk about seeking caches. Finding caches just can't be the sole reason for the event. I took the extra step by specifically mentioning that we will go for the earthcaches after the event.



AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI


Thought I would start things off here by sharing our event in celebration of International Earthcache Day 2008: Earthcaching 101


While we don't pretend to be experts on the subject we will be sharing the basic information about earthcaching.


I affirmed with one of our Michigan geocache reviewers that as long as finding caches isn't a requirement of logging the event it is fine to talk about seeking caches. Finding caches just can't be the sole reason for the event. I took the extra step by specifically mentioning that we will go for the earthcaches after the event.



AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI


Good initiative. Pity its so far away. I would attend for sure.


Thought I would start things off here by sharing our event in celebration of International Earthcache Day 2008: Earthcaching 101


While we don't pretend to be experts on the subject we will be sharing the basic information about earthcaching.


I affirmed with one of our Michigan geocache reviewers that as long as finding caches isn't a requirement of logging the event it is fine to talk about seeking caches. Finding caches just can't be the sole reason for the event. I took the extra step by specifically mentioning that we will go for the earthcaches after the event.



AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI


Good initiative. Pity its so far away. I would attend for sure.


I should do one in my area and invite all my students. I was planning to do one at a local park and have the kids research and document a new earthcache during the event but someone beat me to that particular topic in that park.


I notice you say your talk will include: "Earthcaching Kits (what they might contain)."


Are you thinking of things to help find/record/measure the answers to the questions, such as note pad, camera, measuring tape, level, cup, stop watch or watch with second sweep hand, compass, etc? Good idea, if so!


I notice you say your talk will include: "Earthcaching Kits (what they might contain)."


Are you thinking of things to help find/record/measure the answers to the questions, such as note pad, camera, measuring tape, level, cup, stop watch or watch with second sweep hand, compass, etc? Good idea, if so!


That is exactly right.



AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI


If anyone wants to run some form of EarthCache event on International EarthCache Day (12 Oct), I am willing to provide them with a small number of white EarthCache pins to distribute to the participants.


To get these, what I will need is an email (earthcache@geosociety.org) telling me the details of the event (time and place), what will be the focus of the event and the number of expected people. I will also need your mailing address so I can send the pins.


This offer will last only while I have a supply of pins (its a limited number) and pins not handed out would need to be returned.

Posted (edited)

Since I have been having sooo many folks trying to log my ECs without the required photo lately....


I was thinking about waiving the photo requirement for one week from the 12th to the 18th. I'd post a note on each of my ECs a few days prior to the date....


Possible text for the note:

"In celebration of International EarthCache day I will be waiving the photo requirement on all of my EarthCaches for one week. To qualify for this special logging event you must log your find from Oct 12th to the 18th. No logs without a photo will be accepted if posted after the 18th (even if you back date the find). Now get out and explore your world!"


If anyone wishes to join this campaign please feel free to use the same text....

Edited by Lostby7

Since I have been having sooo many folks trying to log my ECs without the required photo lately....


I was thinking about waiving the photo requirement for one week from the 12th to the 18th. I'd post a note on each of my ECs a few days prior to the date....



What would be the purpose of doing that?

Posted (edited)

Since I have been having sooo many folks trying to log my ECs without the required photo lately....


I was thinking about waiving the photo requirement for one week from the 12th to the 18th. I'd post a note on each of my ECs a few days prior to the date....



What would be the purpose of doing that?

To allow those without cameras or computer savvy to log the finds...you'd be amazed how many people can't figure out how to upload a pic....

Edited by Lostby7

12 October 2008. The day dawned late and grey… and misty…and muggy. Was St. Peter about to spoil EarthCache Day 2008 – Pt edition? We would find out in approximately two hours.

The previous days had been a hive of activity preparing the field guides for the 51 “will attend”, printing them and getting some “goodies” for (some of) the kids on site. On the day and because of St. Peter’s quirks we had to hunt for our weatherproof jackets as well about an hour and a half before kickoff time.

Getting to Ground Zero meant having to circumvent the Marginal road due to the Estoril Triathlon that would take place that morning.

At GZ the die hard cachers and the other half of the organisation waited patiently for everyone to arrive. The surprise was that in spite of a possible wet morning, ever more cars kept arriving and out of those ever more cachers and other interested muggles kept streaming out of them.

With ten minutes to go before kick off, St Peter opened up the flood gates and a heavy rain fell sending the die hard into the Cresmina Fort and the less brave scurrying for their cars. Some still considered abandoning the event but a clearer southern sky persuaded them that good times (and weather) was still ahead.

The geological explanations at stops one, two and three took place under this heavy rain with people huddled in groups under umbrellas, rock outcrops or under the hoods of their weatherproof jackets. The kids seemed not to mind the rain at all. Why do adults?

Prof. Paulo Fonseca kept the audience enthralled with explanations of dykes, sills, transition zones, marine platforms, gastroliths and other fossil remains and the cachers eagerly taking notes; as best as possible on wet paper, and getting the solutions to the various earthcaches along the route.

The walk along the Guincho road must have raised a few eyebrows amongst the passers by. Would you be surprised with about a hundred people filing by in the midst of a heavy downpour?

At the Praia Grande do Guincho, St Peter, having exhausted his reserves of H2O, let up on the rain and the traverse across the wet sand to an extinct volcano was done under a much more jovial mood. Of course amongst every group there were those that questioned whether a volcano did really exist on the spot – geologist’s fairy tales?

Into the contact metamorphic zone of the limestones the group waded flanked by angry sea on one side and green, peaceful mountains on the other and bubbling geology at our feet- dykes, the principle of intrusion, the x-dykes (how do they form?) and the sills in the now grey limestones in the scarps of the mountain. Hanging valleys? Wow!

At approximately half past one the still strong, and thirsty for science, group arrived at the final “observation platform” to view the dykes and sills in the mountain side with Sintra (s.l.) looming above.

From the positive comments received in situ I would say that the event was a success (and something to be repeated?)


Follow the link to the logs and pics


ps. this is a copy of another post in these forums.


Our EarthCache 101 event was a big hit. Sunny skies and about 80 degrees, spectacular weather for October in mid Michigan!


We didn't get as many to attend as we hoped, but those that did were attentive and asked great questions.


Our caravan to 3 nearby EarthCaches afterwards was a success also.


Thank you Geoaware for the white EarthCache pins, everyone was very appreciative when they were handed out.


Here are links to the event and EarthCaches we visited (great pics there too):


EarthCaching 101

Grand Rapids Gypsum Mines

Grand Rapids Gage Station

The "Grand" Rapids


Deane & Linda

AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI


I hoted an EarthCaching 101 Event called EarthCaches Rock:



Sunday October 19th near Bluffton Iowa.


It was amazing, we had EarthCachers from 4 different States show up, about 20 people total. I had a question and answer session followed by a guided tour to two local EarthCaches. I had such positive feed back, that I'm planning on making this Event semiannual, as well as hosting an EarthCaching 201 Event next year. The 201 will be showing people unique areas and what it takes to develop EarthCaches in those areas.






I hoted an EarthCaching 101 Event called EarthCaches Rock:



Sunday October 19th near Bluffton Iowa.


It was amazing, we had EarthCachers from 4 different States show up, about 20 people total. I had a question and answer session followed by a guided tour to two local EarthCaches. I had such positive feed back, that I'm planning on making this Event semiannual, as well as hosting an EarthCaching 201 Event next year. The 201 will be showing people unique areas and what it takes to develop EarthCaches in those areas.


Great to see the kids there.

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