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Broken Explorist 400


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I was recently given a non-working Explorist 400 and asked if I could fix it. I don't know for sure how it broke. The person who asked me to look at it insists they didn't try a firmware update -- that it was working fine one day and not the next.


Details of problem


- Explorist 400 with serial number starting 013.

- Because it was bought at the same time as mine, I'm guessing it has (had) firmware 4.2.16 on it

- On power up, the entire screen goes black.

- Once on, it can only be turned off by pulling the battery.

- Powering it up holding Light+Enter brings up the "SOFTWARE UPLOAD MODE ACTIVE" screen.

- No other buttons / sequences seem to do anything.

- It does not mount as a mass storage device/disk drive when connected to a USB port

- It does not appear to be sending NMEA sentences to the USB port

- It will draw power from the USB port.


What I've tried so far:


1) I've tried every "special" key sequence I know, and the only one that seems to have any effect is the one that brings up the software upload screen -- which doesn't seem to do anything.


2) I made a guess that it may be in "power only" mode on the USB port. So I took my own Explorist and set it that way, then went step-by-step through the keystrokes to change the USB connection mode (repeating the exact key sequences/timing "blind" on the broken one). This didn't help.


What I haven't tried yet:


I believe there's a hidden RS232 mode on these (see notes at http://www.msh-tools.com/softw.html), but I don't have the inclination to build a special cable just to see if I can push new firmware that way.


I'm about to hand it back to and suggest he call Magellan's outstanding customer support hotline :anicute: at least he'll get a Triton 400 out of the deal.


But before I do that, can anyone think of other repair strategies?


Too bad, I think I've seen that type of thing when there was a problem with the SD format. You pull the SD card and it starts right up.... What about the possibility of the backlight burned out or whatever.... Did you try the left hand button to see if anything happens?


Looks like you've tried everything (and a little more) that I would have, Lee. Have you run this past the folks in the Yahoo Explorist Users group?

Posted (edited)

Oh well, I guess it's dead. Somewhere in my numerous attempts to get something useful at power-up, it's even lost the ability to go to the "Software Upload" screen. Not much of a loss there since that screen wasn't doing anything.


Magellan's outstanding customer support is shipping a Triton 400 as a replacement. Though I got an Return Authorization for the deceased unit, it wasn't really clear if I *have* to. The rep made it clear they'll ship the Triton immediately, and that they wouldn't repair or return the Explorist to me in any case...


Could keep it for parts, I guess -- never know when someone will need a spare keypad or LCD or battery or power cord...

Edited by lee_rimar


Magellan's outstanding customer support is shipping a Triton 400 as a replacement. Though I got an Return Authorization for the deceased unit, it wasn't really clear if I *have* to. The rep made it clear they'll ship the Triton immediately, and that they wouldn't repair or return the Explorist to me in any case...


Could keep it for parts, I guess -- never know when someone will need a spare keypad or LCD or battery or power cord...


Lee I had a Triton 400 shipped to me and they never got the Explorist 500 sent back to them. They gave me a location/company to return it to that I told Magellan I had already confirmed, on 2 separate phone calls to said company, was not taking returns of personal units, just bulk returns from places like Wallyword or Canadian Tire. Funny thing is even those large returns from those retail outlets had not been claimed by Magellan for over a year, they're just labelled in cases and sitting on shelves collecting dust. So the Magellan customer support doesn't just suck for us end users, but it appears, also sucks for their direct retailers and middle infastructure.


Nice to know they don't give a dadgum equally for anyone outside their corporate offices.

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