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COINTEST: Todies Wild Ride!

Rockin Roddy

Recommended Posts

Posted (edited)

Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness


1) Crowesfeat30

1) Todies Wild Ride: For my brother Tom

2) Todies Wild Ride: For my brother Jim

3) Todies Wild Ride: In Memory of Bob & Buzzy



2) Usyoopers

4) Todie's Wild Ride:Can You See Me Now?

5) Todie's Wild Ride; Lettuce Stay Safe

6) Todie's Wild Ride: Safety First

7) Todie's Wild Ride: Easy Bicycle Tips

8) Todie's Wild Ride: Be A Safe Biker!

9) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Safety Tips

10) Todie's Wild Ride:For the Love of Safety!

11) Todie's Wild Ride:Safety First!

12) Todie's Wild Ride: Visibility Helps!

13) Todie's Wild Ride:Share the Road!

14) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers talk to the motorists

15) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Smart!

16) Todie's Wild Ride- Bicycle Safety Tips

17) Todie's Wild Ride: The Stakes are High!

18) Todie's Wild Ride: Can we share the road?

19) Todie's Wild Ride: For the Record-

20) Todie's Wild Ride:Motorcycle Awareness

21) Todie's Wild Ride: Betting on Safety

22) Todie's Wild Ride: When crashes might occur...

23) Todie's Wild Ride: Why don't they see me?

24) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers harping on safety

25) Todie's Wild Ride:advice from usyoopers

26) Todie's Wild Ride: Awareness!

27) Todie's Wild Ride: Stay Alert!

28) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers talk about motorcycle safety

29) Todie's Wild Ride: Time to Ride Safely

30) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers' visibility tips

31) Todie's Wild Ride: Watch out for motorists!

32) Todie's Wild Ride:usyoopers want you safe!

33) Todie's Wild Ride: Don't get in a Pickle!

34) Todie's Wild Ride: Some Tricks to keep you Safe!

35) Todie's Wild Ride: Attention all Motorists!

36) Todie's Wild Ride: A safety message-

37) Todie's Wild Ride: 3 Tips for Drivers

38) Todie's Wild Ride: Ain't Life Sweet!

39) Todie's Wild Ride: Calling for Safety

40) Todie's Wild Ride: When crashes may occur

41) Todie's Wild Ride: Small steps for safety

42) Todie's Wild Ride: The Key to Safety

43) Todie's Wild Ride: Drive to Survive

44) Todie's Wild Ride: Ready to Ride?

45) Todie's Wild Ride: Celebrate the Safe Ride

46) Todie's Wild Ride: I'ld rather be biking!

47) Todie's Wild Ride: Where is the No-Zone?

48) Todie's Wild Ride: Triple Wisdom

49) Todie's Wild Ride: Dealing you a safety tip

50) Todie's Wild Ride: Drive to Survive

51) Todie's Wild Ride:How Close is To Close?

52) Todie's Wild Ride: Sweet Idea's For You

53) Todie's Wild Ride: Share your tips!

54) Todie's Wild Ride: Common Sense

55) Todie's Wild Ride: Is your bike up for the job?

56) Todie's Wild Ride: Happy Riding!

57) Todie's Wild Ride: Wear that Helmet!

58) Todie's Wild Ride: Practice!

59) Todie's Wild Ride: Protect Yourself!

60) Todie's Wild Ride: Where are you?

61) Todie's Wild Ride: 7 Safety Tips

62) Todie's Wild Ride: Tips from usyoopers

63) Todie's Wild Ride: The Roads can be Scary!

64) Todie's Wild Ride: Be Aware of Where You are

65) Todie's Wild Ride: Use Your Head!

66) Todie's Wild Ride: Tips To Get Ready To Ride

67) Todie's Wild Ride: No Beans About It......Safety First!

68) Todie's Wild Ride: Listen Up Bikers

69) Todie's Wild Ride: Intersection Safety

70) Todie's Wild Ride: IBNOT crashen!

71) Todie's Wild Ride: An Elephant Never Forgets Safety

72) Todie's Wild Ride: 4 Easy Safety Tips

73) Todie's Wild Ride: Rules of the Road

74) Todie's Wild Ride: Read All About It!!

75) Todie's Wild Ride-I Found The Secret

76) Todie's Wild Ride-5 Ways To Dump Your Bike

77) Todie's Wild Ride: When You Are On The Road

78) Todie's Wild Ride-How To Be A Super Biker

79) Todie's Wild Ride-Where Are Your Toes?

80) Todie's Wild Ride- 5 More Ways To Dump Your Bike

81) Todie's Wild Ride- A Tip For The car Drivers Out There

82) Todie's Wild Ride- Listen To The Goblin!

83) Todie's Wild Ride-Even More Ways To Dump Your Bike

84) Todie's Wild Ride-Usyoopers Here With A Few Safety Tips

85) Todie's Wild Ride-10 Safety Tips From Usyoopers

86) Todie's Wild Ride 10 Things Usyoopers Wants All Car And Truck Drivers To Know

87) Todie's Wild Ride-Pre Tip Trips

88) Todie's Wild Ride-Tips For That Highway Ride

89) Todie's Wild Ride-Rolling Stop Kills...Practice Stopping



3) Solan109

90) Todie's Wild Ride



4) Rockin Roddy

91) Todie's Wild Ride: Are You Paying Attention?

92) Todie's Wild Ride: Be aware of bikes!

93) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Save Lives

94) Todie's Wild Ride: Bikes have rights too!

95) Todie's Wild Ride: Look for bikes!!

96) Todie's Wild Ride: Maintain Your Bike

97) Todie's Wild Ride: Please Arrive Safely

98) Todie's Wild Ride: Please drive carefully!

99) Todie's Wild Ride: Protect yourself!

100) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride Defensively

101) Todie's Wild Ride: Slow down!

102) Todie's Last Ride!

103) Todie's Traveling Gold

104) Sally's TRIBUTE to Tod Copper!



5) TeamAmaroo

105) Todie's Wild Ride: Driving Tips 1-4

106) Todie's Wild Ride: Driving Tips 5-8

107) Todie's Wild Ride: Driving Tips 9-12

108) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice



6) carrye66

109) Todie's Wild Ride




7) Maine Family

110) Todie's Wild Ride: In Loving Memory

111) Todie's Wild Ride: Remembering Tod

112) Todie's Wild Ride: Sharing The Road

113) Todie's Wild Ride: The Biker

114) Todie's Wild Ride: Don't Let This Happen To You

115) Todie's Wild Ride: Share the Road

116) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness

117) Todie's Wild Ride: Spreading Bike Awareness

118) Todies Wild Ride! Please Pay Attention

119) Todies Wild Ride: Ten Commandments

120) Todie's Wild Ride: Paying It Forward For Bike Awareness

121) Todie's Wild Ride: Accidents Can Be Prevented By Paying Attention

122) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice And Please Pay Attention

123) Todie's Wild Ride: Let's Make 2009 A Safer Year On The Road

124) Todie's Wild Ride: Stay Safe

8) xboxcrazy33

125) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Awareness Geocoin

126) Todie's Wild Ride: Please Pay Attention!



9) Nurse Nanna

127) Todie's Wild Ride: my friend

128) Todie's Wild Ride




10) LadyBee4T

129) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride Safe

130) Todie's Wild Ride: Be Aware

131) Todie's Wild Ride: This One's For Patrick

132) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Protect Your Head

133) Todie's Wild Ride: Save A Life, Look Twice!!

134) Todie's Wild Ride: Be Watchful

135) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Are Cool!

136) Todie's Wild Ride: Biker Awareness Around the World

137) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Are a Biker's Best Friend

138) Todie's Wild Ride: Biker Awareness Across the USA

139) Todie's Wild Ride-Wear Your Helmet When Rididng--Portez Votre Casque en Montant



11) puzzlefam

140) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Awareness Geocoin




12) mousekakat

141) Todie's Wild Ride! Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin

142) Todie's Wild Ride! Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin

143) Todie's wild ride!




13) 8ball9ball

144) Todie's Wild Ride; Safety First

145) KES;Todie's Wild Ride




14) Pushing Tin

146) Todie's Wild Ride: Live to ride, Ride to live





147) Todie's Wild Ride: We are all equal on the road!!!

148) Todie's Wild Ride: safety comes first!

149) Todie's Wild Ride: "Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life"

150) Todie's Wild Ride: No more blood on the roads!

151) Todie's Wild Ride: I saw you...but you didn't see me!! ...The Biker poem!!!

152) Todie's Wild Ride: Bikes Have Every Right A Car Does, Please Share The Road!

153) Todie's Wild Ride: Stop driving Distracted, Look For Bikes!

154) Todie's Wild Ride:Bike Awareness (Greece)

155) Todie's Wild Ride-Look Twice For Bikes, Respect All Who Are Sharing The Road With You!

156) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice For Bikes! Gatoulis :-)




16) Sivota

157) Todie's Wild Ride; Bike Awareness geocoin (NL)

1587) Todie's Wild Ride; Flower of Life (NL)

159) Todie's Wild Ride; Real Adventurer Geocoin (NL)

160) Todie's Wild Ride; Look Twice For Bikes

161) Todie's Wild Ride, You Could Save A Life (NL2) Geocoin

162) Todie's Wild Ride; Dutch Geocoin 2006

163) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life Geocoin (NL4)

164) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life Geocoin (NL3)

165) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life Geocoin (NL5)

166) Todie's WIld Ride; Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life Geocoin (NL6)

167) Todie's Wild Ride; "Rolling Stops Kill"! Geocoin (NL)




17) fossillady

168) Todie's Wild Ride: Mountain roads




18) SgtMikal

169) Todie's Wild Ride - SgtMikal

170) Todie's Wild Ride: SgtMikal's Signal Geocoin-Apr 06




19) A Mitt

171) Todie's Wild Ride: Terry's coin

172) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Awareness



20) sdkonkle

173) Todie's Wild Ride: The Biker Poem

174) Todie's Wild Ride: Following Distance




175) Todie's Wild Ride: Reminder on a Red Bike

176) Todie's Wild Ride: Wear Gloves




22) Kohavis

177) Todie's Wild Ride - Kohavis Sidecar




23) MrHollick

178) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Save Lives



24) hiker24

179) Todie's Wild Ride: 10 Commandments of Geo-Caching




25) fairyhoney

180) Todies Wild Ride - Fairyhoney's "TEN Commandments of Biking

181) Todie"s WILD Ride - Fairyhoney's Be AWARE




26) TropicalParadise

182) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness

183) Todie's Wild Ride: Watch The Road!!



27) surteb

184) Todie's Wild Ride: Protect Your Head

185) Todie's Wild Ride: Shine the Light

186) Todie's Wild Ride: Share The Road

187) Todie's Wild Ride: Bicycles Are Vehicles Too!



28) geO_Kacher

188) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Helmet Safety



29) dhenninger

189) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness - Look Twice, Save a life




30) labrat_wr

190) Todie's Wild Ride: Spinning Wheels



31) Team Vorvik

191) Todie's Wild Ride : New York USA to York UK



192) Todie's Wild Ride: DJ.J.ROCK'S Can We Slow Down!?!?

193) Todie's Wild Ride-DJ.J.ROCK'S Why Didn't I See That Motorcycle?

194) Todie's Wild Ride: DJ.J.ROCK'S SAVE A BIKER!!!!




195) Todie's Wild Ride - see motorcycles!

196) Todie's Wild Ride - low sun



34) Zarya.

197) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence

198) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Idaho~

199) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Maine~

200) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Canada~

201) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Singapore~



35) DaFunkyFrogs

202) Todies Wild Ride

203) Todies Wild Ride Toward The Sunset

204) Todies Wild Ride-Come Home Safe

205) Todie's Wild Ride...Helmets Save Lives



36) scottch

206) Todie's Wild Ride: Safety Tips for Car Drivers



37) burgessfour

207) Todie's Wild Ride-Lets Drive Safely

208) Todie's Wild Ride-Always Look Twice

209) Todie's Wild Ride-For Bike Awareness

210) Todie's Wild Ride-Rolling Stops Kill 2

211) Todie's Wild Ride-Rolling Stops Kill

212) Todie's Wild Ride-Watch Your Speed

213) Todie's Wild Ride-Don't Talk, Just Drive

214) Todie's Wild Ride- Look Twice, Save Lives!!!

215) Todie's Wild Ride--Travel Safely

216) Todie's Wild Ride-Safety Tips For Drivers

217) Todie's Wild Ride-Look Twice And Save A Life

218) Todie's Wild Ride:Pick To Drive Safe 1

219) Todie's Wild Ride-Pick To Drive Safe 2

220) Todie's Wild Ride-Pick To Drive Safe 3

221) Todie's Wild Ride-Pick To Drive Safe 4

222) Todie's Wild Ride-Travel Safe

223) Todie's Wild Ride!!!




38) DreamteamOS

224) Todie's Wild Ride - Open your eyes




39) LionsLair

225) Todie's Wild Ride: awareness for motorcyclist sharing the roadways!

226) Todie's Wild Ride: awareness for motorcyclist sharing the roadways!!



40) Gyzy

227) Todie's Wild Ride: Gyzy's Adventure



41) Voyageurs60

228) Todie's Wild Ride Motorcycle Awareness Geocoin



42) JohnMac56

229) Todie's Wild Ride: Never Ride Faster Than Your Angel

230) Todie's Wild Ride: Stop Driving Distracted, look For Bikes

231) Todie's Wild Ride: Become More Aware Of Motorcyclists

232) Todie's Wild Ride: Check Your Blind Spot

233) Todie's Wild Ride: Save A Biker

234) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice, Save A Life

235) Todie's Wild Ride: Why didn't I See That Motorcycle?

236) Todie's Wild Ride: The SEE System

237) Todie's Wild Ride: Scooters Are Bikes Too....

238) Todie's Wild Ride: Cars Are Not Toys!

239) Todie's WIld Ride: Yellow Lights Do Not Mean Speed Up...



43) 501_Gang

240) Todie's Wild Ride: Rolling Stops Kill




44) cainrcc

241) Todie's Wild Ride



45) Amber Alert

242) Todie's Wild Ride: Amber say's DRIVE RESPONSIBLY Geocoin



46) MustangJoni

243) Todie's Wild Ride - #1 of Ten Tips Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

244) Todie's Wild Ride - #2 of Ten Tips Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

245) Todie's Wild Ride - #3 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

246) Todie's Wild Ride - #4 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

247) Todie's Wild Ride - #5 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

248) Todie's Wild Ride - #6 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

249) Todie's Wild Ride - #7 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

250) Todie's Wild Ride - #8 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

251) Todie's Wild Ride - #9 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

252) Todie's Wild Ride - #10 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know



47) zoesbrother

253) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets

254) Todie's Wild Ride: Please wear a Helmet

255) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmet

256) Todie's Wild Ride: How To Fit A Helmet

257) Todie's Wild Ride: Casque de sensibilisation en France



48) Hedge Hopper

258) Todie's Wild Ride



49) fingers crossed

259) Todie's Wild Ride: Extra Extra!

260) Todie's Wild Ride: Princess Butterfingers

261) Todie's Wild Ride: Hawkeyez on the road

262) Todie's Wild Ride: PBF's Wish



50) grodan & fiabus

263) Todies Wild ride!!: grodan & fiabus and Simon Says, look twice, save lives!!



51) wavesprite

264) Todie's Wild Ride - AnakinAustin

265) Todie's Wild Ride: grodan & fiabus The Biking Nerd




266) Todie's Wild Ride - Staying Safe



53) 4th Jean

267) Todie Wild Ride: I didn't see them IS NOT AN EXCUSE!



54) DanielleBecky:

268) Todie Wild Ride: Bikes are there; Please Pay Attention!



55) 60 Cent:

269) Todie Wild Ride: It never hurts to take a second look!



56) DresselDragons

270) Todie's Wild Ride

271) Todies Wild Ride (H)



57) Rothstafari

272) Todie's Wild Ride: a Rothstafarian Bike Awareness Mission



58) johnslady56

273) Todie's Wild Ride: Go High-Viz!!!

274) Todie's Wild Ride: Impaired Drivers!!!



59) Sparticus06

275) Todie's Wild Ride - Motorcycles are Everywhere

276) Todie's Wild Ride-Ride Smart, Ride Safe

277) Todie's Wild Ride: Keep Your Distance: Look Twice Geocoin

278) Todie's Wild Ride: No Speed Demons



60) Rumba's Pal

279) I'm in a Race - Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin



61) bigimaginationboy

280) I'm in a Race - Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin



62) Tamster56

281) Todies Wild Ride: In memory of Michael Kapelson

282) Todie's Wild Ride: Rolling Stops Kill

283) Todie's Wild Ride: PPE (Personal Protective Equipment



63) Team Black-Cat

284) Todie's Wild Ride:Out of Wausau



64) RifleMan81

285) Todie's Wild Ride:Share The Road



65) mmmbacon

286) Todie's Wild Ride: Bacon loves bike safety

287) Todie's Wild Ride: Bacons Bike Safety Volume 2



66) fox-and-the-hound

288) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice No 1

289) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice No 2

290) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice No 3



67) 007BigD

291) Look Twice Save Lives: Todie's Wild Ride

292) Look Twice save Lives...Todie's Wild Ride

293) Todie's Wild Ride Cachestalkers Memorial Traveling Informative Geocoin



68) Hollora

294) Todie's Wild Ride---Watch For Bikes Geocoin



69) Cabarama

295) Todie's Wild Ride: Roaming Nomad USA



70) Team CeDo

296)Todie's Wild Ride: Share the Road

297) Todie's Wild Ride: Live To Ride

298) Todie's Wild Ride:Journey To Work

299) Todie;s Wild Ride: The Long Ride

300) Todie's Wild Ride: Hey! Over Here



71) Queenie-Boo-Bay

301) Todie's Wild Ride: Operation Save A Life



72) TimeTraveler09

302) Todie's Wild Ride: Phoenix Rising



73) jasondulac

303) Todie's Wild Ride Jay D

304) Todie's Wild Ride JD2

305) Todie's Wild Ride Jay D 3

306) Todie's Wild Ride JD4

307) Todie's Wild Ride Jay D 5




74) TNMAD1

308) Todie's Wild Ride-Eyes Open For Bikers

309) Todie's Wild Ride: Make Room For Roddy!



75) kini ont

310) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice Geocoin: In Memory Of A Friend

311) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice Geocoin: Are You Smarter Then...



76) Laval K-9

312) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice Geocoin

313) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice For Bikes

314) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice Geocoin


77) Opalsns

315) Todie's Wild Ride, Look Twice And Keep 'Em Riding




Edited by Maine Family
Riders face more hazards than drivers, so PLEASE give them/us extra room!!!


Maine Family, please add this coin: TB2QA8C Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice Geocoin. Thanks!




Riders face more hazards than drivers, so PLEASE give us extra room!!!

Posted (edited)
Coin #109 is owned by carrye66?? if this is so, there's a new participant!!!


Actually there is 2 new participants number 6 and number 77 and 315 coins;

Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!

Edited by Maine Family
Riders face more hazards than drivers, so PLEASE give them/us extra room!!!


Maine Family, please add this coin: TB2QA8C Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice Geocoin. Thanks!




Riders face more hazards than drivers, so PLEASE give us extra room!!!


Riders face more hazards than drivers, so PLEASE give them/us extra room!!!


Thanks Maine Family! :yikes:


Dear official list keepers,


Todie's Wild Ride, #109 on the list, was adopted over to carrye66 .


Thanks for the good work! :yikes:


Riders face more hazards than drivers, so PLEASE give them/us extra room!


You must have posted this just as I was adding it to my watchlist lol!!


The site is working better tonight. I see someone asked for more room here so it could be on one post. So I had to try it and it all fits tonight. :yikes:


Riders Face More HAZARDS then Drivers, PLEASE give us Extra Room!


The site is working better tonight. I see someone asked for more room here so it could be on one post. So I had to try it and it all fits tonight. :yikes:


Riders Face More HAZARDS then Drivers, PLEASE give us Extra Room!


I just noticed this, GOOD JOB!!!


RED WINGS in 5 minutes!!


Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness


1) Crowesfeat30

1) Todies Wild Ride: For my brother Tom

2) Todies Wild Ride: For my brother Jim

3) Todies Wild Ride: In Memory of Bob & Buzzy



2) Usyoopers

4) Todie's Wild Ride:Can You See Me Now?

5) Todie's Wild Ride; Lettuce Stay Safe

6) Todie's Wild Ride: Safety First

7) Todie's Wild Ride: Easy Bicycle Tips

8) Todie's Wild Ride: Be A Safe Biker!

9) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Safety Tips

10) Todie's Wild Ride:For the Love of Safety!

11) Todie's Wild Ride:Safety First!

12) Todie's Wild Ride: Visibility Helps!

13) Todie's Wild Ride:Share the Road!

14) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers talk to the motorists

15) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Smart!

16) Todie's Wild Ride- Bicycle Safety Tips

17) Todie's Wild Ride: The Stakes are High!

18) Todie's Wild Ride: Can we share the road?

19) Todie's Wild Ride: For the Record-

20) Todie's Wild Ride:Motorcycle Awareness

21) Todie's Wild Ride: Betting on Safety

22) Todie's Wild Ride: When crashes might occur...

23) Todie's Wild Ride: Why don't they see me?

24) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers harping on safety

25) Todie's Wild Ride:advice from usyoopers

26) Todie's Wild Ride: Awareness!

27) Todie's Wild Ride: Stay Alert!

28) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers talk about motorcycle safety

29) Todie's Wild Ride: Time to Ride Safely

30) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers' visibility tips

31) Todie's Wild Ride: Watch out for motorists!

32) Todie's Wild Ride:usyoopers want you safe!

33) Todie's Wild Ride: Don't get in a Pickle!

34) Todie's Wild Ride: Some Tricks to keep you Safe!

35) Todie's Wild Ride: Attention all Motorists!

36) Todie's Wild Ride: A safety message-

37) Todie's Wild Ride: 3 Tips for Drivers

38) Todie's Wild Ride: Ain't Life Sweet!

39) Todie's Wild Ride: Calling for Safety

40) Todie's Wild Ride: When crashes may occur

41) Todie's Wild Ride: Small steps for safety

42) Todie's Wild Ride: The Key to Safety

43) Todie's Wild Ride: Drive to Survive

44) Todie's Wild Ride: Ready to Ride?

45) Todie's Wild Ride: Celebrate the Safe Ride

46) Todie's Wild Ride: I'ld rather be biking!

47) Todie's Wild Ride: Where is the No-Zone?

48) Todie's Wild Ride: Triple Wisdom

49) Todie's Wild Ride: Dealing you a safety tip

50) Todie's Wild Ride: Drive to Survive

51) Todie's Wild Ride:How Close is To Close?

52) Todie's Wild Ride: Sweet Idea's For You

53) Todie's Wild Ride: Share your tips!

54) Todie's Wild Ride: Common Sense

55) Todie's Wild Ride: Is your bike up for the job?

56) Todie's Wild Ride: Happy Riding!

57) Todie's Wild Ride: Wear that Helmet!

58) Todie's Wild Ride: Practice!

59) Todie's Wild Ride: Protect Yourself!

60) Todie's Wild Ride: Where are you?

61) Todie's Wild Ride: 7 Safety Tips

62) Todie's Wild Ride: Tips from usyoopers

63) Todie's Wild Ride: The Roads can be Scary!

64) Todie's Wild Ride: Be Aware of Where You are

65) Todie's Wild Ride: Use Your Head!

66) Todie's Wild Ride: Tips To Get Ready To Ride

67) Todie's Wild Ride: No Beans About It......Safety First!

68) Todie's Wild Ride: Listen Up Bikers

69) Todie's Wild Ride: Intersection Safety

70) Todie's Wild Ride: IBNOT crashen!

71) Todie's Wild Ride: An Elephant Never Forgets Safety

72) Todie's Wild Ride: 4 Easy Safety Tips

73) Todie's Wild Ride: Rules of the Road

74) Todie's Wild Ride: Read All About It!!

75) Todie's Wild Ride-I Found The Secret

76) Todie's Wild Ride-5 Ways To Dump Your Bike

77) Todie's Wild Ride: When You Are On The Road

78) Todie's Wild Ride-How To Be A Super Biker

79) Todie's Wild Ride-Where Are Your Toes?

80) Todie's Wild Ride- 5 More Ways To Dump Your Bike

81) Todie's Wild Ride- A Tip For The car Drivers Out There

82) Todie's Wild Ride- Listen To The Goblin!

83) Todie's Wild Ride-Even More Ways To Dump Your Bike

84) Todie's Wild Ride-Usyoopers Here With A Few Safety Tips

85) Todie's Wild Ride-10 Safety Tips From Usyoopers

86) Todie's Wild Ride 10 Things Usyoopers Wants All Car And Truck Drivers To Know

87) Todie's Wild Ride-Pre Tip Trips

88) Todie's Wild Ride-Tips For That Highway Ride

89) Todie's Wild Ride-Rolling Stop Kills...Practice Stopping



3) Solan109

90) Todie's Wild Ride



4) Rockin Roddy

91) Todie's Wild Ride: Are You Paying Attention?

92) Todie's Wild Ride: Be aware of bikes!

93) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Save Lives

94) Todie's Wild Ride: Bikes have rights too!

95) Todie's Wild Ride: Look for bikes!!

96) Todie's Wild Ride: Maintain Your Bike

97) Todie's Wild Ride: Please Arrive Safely

98) Todie's Wild Ride: Please drive carefully!

99) Todie's Wild Ride: Protect yourself!

100) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride Defensively

101) Todie's Wild Ride: Slow down!

102) Todie's Last Ride!

103) Todie's Traveling Gold

104) Sally's TRIBUTE to Tod Copper!



5) TeamAmaroo

105) Todie's Wild Ride: Driving Tips 1-4

106) Todie's Wild Ride: Driving Tips 5-8

107) Todie's Wild Ride: Driving Tips 9-12

108) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice



6) carrye66

109) Todie's Wild Ride




7) Maine Family

110) Todie's Wild Ride: In Loving Memory

111) Todie's Wild Ride: Remembering Tod

112) Todie's Wild Ride: Sharing The Road

113) Todie's Wild Ride: The Biker

114) Todie's Wild Ride: Don't Let This Happen To You

115) Todie's Wild Ride: Share the Road

116) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness

117) Todie's Wild Ride: Spreading Bike Awareness

118) Todies Wild Ride! Please Pay Attention

119) Todies Wild Ride: Ten Commandments

120) Todie's Wild Ride: Paying It Forward For Bike Awareness

121) Todie's Wild Ride: Accidents Can Be Prevented By Paying Attention

122) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice And Please Pay Attention

123) Todie's Wild Ride: Let's Make 2009 A Safer Year On The Road

124) Todie's Wild Ride: Stay Safe

8) xboxcrazy33

125) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Awareness Geocoin

126) Todie's Wild Ride: Please Pay Attention!



9) Nurse Nanna

127) Todie's Wild Ride: my friend

128) Todie's Wild Ride




10) LadyBee4T

129) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride Safe

130) Todie's Wild Ride: Be Aware

131) Todie's Wild Ride: This One's For Patrick

132) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Protect Your Head

133) Todie's Wild Ride: Save A Life, Look Twice!!

134) Todie's Wild Ride: Be Watchful

135) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Are Cool!

136) Todie's Wild Ride: Biker Awareness Around the World

137) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Are a Biker's Best Friend

138) Todie's Wild Ride: Biker Awareness Across the USA

139) Todie's Wild Ride-Wear Your Helmet When Rididng--Portez Votre Casque en Montant



11) puzzlefam

140) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Awareness Geocoin




12) mousekakat

141) Todie's Wild Ride! Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin

142) Todie's Wild Ride! Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin

143) Todie's wild ride!




13) 8ball9ball

144) Todie's Wild Ride; Safety First

145) KES;Todie's Wild Ride




14) Pushing Tin

146) Todie's Wild Ride: Live to ride, Ride to live





147) Todie's Wild Ride: We are all equal on the road!!!

148) Todie's Wild Ride: safety comes first!

149) Todie's Wild Ride: "Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life"

150) Todie's Wild Ride: No more blood on the roads!

151) Todie's Wild Ride: I saw you...but you didn't see me!! ...The Biker poem!!!

152) Todie's Wild Ride: Bikes Have Every Right A Car Does, Please Share The Road!

153) Todie's Wild Ride: Stop driving Distracted, Look For Bikes!

154) Todie's Wild Ride:Bike Awareness (Greece)

155) Todie's Wild Ride-Look Twice For Bikes, Respect All Who Are Sharing The Road With You!

156) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice For Bikes! Gatoulis :-)




16) Sivota

157) Todie's Wild Ride; Bike Awareness geocoin (NL)

1587) Todie's Wild Ride; Flower of Life (NL)

159) Todie's Wild Ride; Real Adventurer Geocoin (NL)

160) Todie's Wild Ride; Look Twice For Bikes

161) Todie's Wild Ride, You Could Save A Life (NL2) Geocoin

162) Todie's Wild Ride; Dutch Geocoin 2006

163) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life Geocoin (NL4)

164) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life Geocoin (NL3)

165) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life Geocoin (NL5)

166) Todie's WIld Ride; Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life Geocoin (NL6)

167) Todie's Wild Ride; "Rolling Stops Kill"! Geocoin (NL)




17) fossillady

168) Todie's Wild Ride: Mountain roads




18) SgtMikal

169) Todie's Wild Ride - SgtMikal

170) Todie's Wild Ride: SgtMikal's Signal Geocoin-Apr 06




19) A Mitt

171) Todie's Wild Ride: Terry's coin

172) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Awareness



20) sdkonkle

173) Todie's Wild Ride: The Biker Poem

174) Todie's Wild Ride: Following Distance




175) Todie's Wild Ride: Reminder on a Red Bike

176) Todie's Wild Ride: Wear Gloves




22) Kohavis

177) Todie's Wild Ride - Kohavis Sidecar




23) MrHollick

178) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Save Lives



24) hiker24

179) Todie's Wild Ride: 10 Commandments of Geo-Caching




25) fairyhoney

180) Todies Wild Ride - Fairyhoney's "TEN Commandments of Biking

181) Todie"s WILD Ride - Fairyhoney's Be AWARE




26) TropicalParadise

182) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness

183) Todie's Wild Ride: Watch The Road!!



27) surteb

184) Todie's Wild Ride: Protect Your Head

185) Todie's Wild Ride: Shine the Light

186) Todie's Wild Ride: Share The Road

187) Todie's Wild Ride: Bicycles Are Vehicles Too!



28) geO_Kacher

188) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Helmet Safety



29) dhenninger

189) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness - Look Twice, Save a life




30) labrat_wr

190) Todie's Wild Ride: Spinning Wheels



31) Team Vorvik

191) Todie's Wild Ride : New York USA to York UK



192) Todie's Wild Ride: DJ.J.ROCK'S Can We Slow Down!?!?

193) Todie's Wild Ride-DJ.J.ROCK'S Why Didn't I See That Motorcycle?

194) Todie's Wild Ride: DJ.J.ROCK'S SAVE A BIKER!!!!




195) Todie's Wild Ride - see motorcycles!

196) Todie's Wild Ride - low sun



34) Zarya.

197) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence

198) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Idaho~

199) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Maine~

200) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Canada~

201) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Singapore~



35) DaFunkyFrogs

202) Todies Wild Ride

203) Todies Wild Ride Toward The Sunset

204) Todies Wild Ride-Come Home Safe

205) Todie's Wild Ride...Helmets Save Lives



36) scottch

206) Todie's Wild Ride: Safety Tips for Car Drivers



37) burgessfour

207) Todie's Wild Ride-Lets Drive Safely

208) Todie's Wild Ride-Always Look Twice

209) Todie's Wild Ride-For Bike Awareness

210) Todie's Wild Ride-Rolling Stops Kill 2

211) Todie's Wild Ride-Rolling Stops Kill

212) Todie's Wild Ride-Watch Your Speed

213) Todie's Wild Ride-Don't Talk, Just Drive

214) Todie's Wild Ride- Look Twice, Save Lives!!!

215) Todie's Wild Ride--Travel Safely

216) Todie's Wild Ride-Safety Tips For Drivers

217) Todie's Wild Ride-Look Twice And Save A Life

218) Todie's Wild Ride:Pick To Drive Safe 1

219) Todie's Wild Ride-Pick To Drive Safe 2

220) Todie's Wild Ride-Pick To Drive Safe 3

221) Todie's Wild Ride-Pick To Drive Safe 4

222) Todie's Wild Ride-Travel Safe

223) Todie's Wild Ride!!!




38) DreamteamOS

224) Todie's Wild Ride - Open your eyes




39) LionsLair

225) Todie's Wild Ride: awareness for motorcyclist sharing the roadways!

226) Todie's Wild Ride: awareness for motorcyclist sharing the roadways!!



40) Gyzy

227) Todie's Wild Ride: Gyzy's Adventure



41) Voyageurs60

228) Todie's Wild Ride Motorcycle Awareness Geocoin



42) JohnMac56

229) Todie's Wild Ride: Never Ride Faster Than Your Angel

230) Todie's Wild Ride: Stop Driving Distracted, look For Bikes

231) Todie's Wild Ride: Become More Aware Of Motorcyclists

232) Todie's Wild Ride: Check Your Blind Spot

233) Todie's Wild Ride: Save A Biker

234) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice, Save A Life

235) Todie's Wild Ride: Why didn't I See That Motorcycle?

236) Todie's Wild Ride: The SEE System

237) Todie's Wild Ride: Scooters Are Bikes Too....

238) Todie's Wild Ride: Cars Are Not Toys!

239) Todie's WIld Ride: Yellow Lights Do Not Mean Speed Up...



43) 501_Gang

240) Todie's Wild Ride: Rolling Stops Kill




44) cainrcc

241) Todie's Wild Ride



45) Amber Alert

242) Todie's Wild Ride: Amber say's DRIVE RESPONSIBLY Geocoin



46) MustangJoni

243) Todie's Wild Ride - #1 of Ten Tips Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

244) Todie's Wild Ride - #2 of Ten Tips Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

245) Todie's Wild Ride - #3 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

246) Todie's Wild Ride - #4 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

247) Todie's Wild Ride - #5 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

248) Todie's Wild Ride - #6 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

249) Todie's Wild Ride - #7 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

250) Todie's Wild Ride - #8 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

251) Todie's Wild Ride - #9 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

252) Todie's Wild Ride - #10 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know



47) zoesbrother

253) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets

254) Todie's Wild Ride: Please wear a Helmet

255) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmet

256) Todie's Wild Ride: How To Fit A Helmet

257) Todie's Wild Ride: Casque de sensibilisation en France



48) Hedge Hopper

258) Todie's Wild Ride



49) fingers crossed

259) Todie's Wild Ride: Extra Extra!

260) Todie's Wild Ride: Princess Butterfingers

261) Todie's Wild Ride: Hawkeyez on the road

262) Todie's Wild Ride: PBF's Wish



50) grodan & fiabus

263) Todies Wild ride!!: grodan & fiabus and Simon Says, look twice, save lives!!



51) wavesprite

264) Todie's Wild Ride - AnakinAustin

265) Todie's Wild Ride: grodan & fiabus The Biking Nerd




266) Todie's Wild Ride - Staying Safe



53) 4th Jean

267) Todie Wild Ride: I didn't see them IS NOT AN EXCUSE!



54) DanielleBecky:

268) Todie Wild Ride: Bikes are there; Please Pay Attention!



55) 60 Cent:

269) Todie Wild Ride: It never hurts to take a second look!



56) DresselDragons

270) Todie's Wild Ride

271) Todies Wild Ride (H)



57) Rothstafari

272) Todie's Wild Ride: a Rothstafarian Bike Awareness Mission



58) johnslady56

273) Todie's Wild Ride: Go High-Viz!!!

274) Todie's Wild Ride: Impaired Drivers!!!



59) Sparticus06

275) Todie's Wild Ride - Motorcycles are Everywhere

276) Todie's Wild Ride-Ride Smart, Ride Safe

277) Todie's Wild Ride: Keep Your Distance: Look Twice Geocoin

278) Todie's Wild Ride: No Speed Demons



60) Rumba's Pal

279) I'm in a Race - Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin



61) bigimaginationboy

280) I'm in a Race - Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin



62) Tamster56

281) Todies Wild Ride: In memory of Michael Kapelson

282) Todie's Wild Ride: Rolling Stops Kill

283) Todie's Wild Ride: PPE (Personal Protective Equipment



63) Team Black-Cat

284) Todie's Wild Ride:Out of Wausau



64) RifleMan81

285) Todie's Wild Ride:Share The Road



65) mmmbacon

286) Todie's Wild Ride: Bacon loves bike safety

287) Todie's Wild Ride: Bacons Bike Safety Volume 2



66) fox-and-the-hound

288) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice No 1

289) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice No 2

290) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice No 3



67) 007BigD

291) Look Twice Save Lives: Todie's Wild Ride

292) Look Twice save Lives...Todie's Wild Ride

293) Todie's Wild Ride Cachestalkers Memorial Traveling Informative Geocoin



68) Hollora

294) Todie's Wild Ride---Watch For Bikes Geocoin



69) Cabarama

295) Todie's Wild Ride: Roaming Nomad USA



70) Team CeDo

296)Todie's Wild Ride: Share the Road

297) Todie's Wild Ride: Live To Ride

298) Todie's Wild Ride:Journey To Work

299) Todie;s Wild Ride: The Long Ride

300) Todie's Wild Ride: Hey! Over Here



71) Queenie-Boo-Bay

301) Todie's Wild Ride: Operation Save A Life



72) TimeTraveler09

302) Todie's Wild Ride: Phoenix Rising



73) jasondulac

303) Todie's Wild Ride Jay D

304) Todie's Wild Ride JD2

305) Todie's Wild Ride Jay D 3

306) Todie's Wild Ride JD4

307) Todie's Wild Ride Jay D 5




74) TNMAD1

308) Todie's Wild Ride-Eyes Open For Bikers

309) Todie's Wild Ride: Make Room For Roddy!



75) kini ont

310) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice Geocoin: In Memory Of A Friend

311) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice Geocoin: Are You Smarter Then...



76) Laval K-9

312) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice Geocoin

313) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice For Bikes

314) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice Geocoin


77) Opalsns

315) Todie's Wild Ride, Look Twice And Keep 'Em Riding



Riders Face More HAZARDS then Drivers, PLEASE give us Extra Room!


Riders face more hazards than drivers, so PLEASE give them/us extra room!!!!!


La Kings won over the Ducks 4 to 3!!! GO KINGS GO!!!


Red Wings WOMP Dallas 6-1....LOVE those WINGS!!!


We're looking to get up to 10" of snow tonight, since my Jeep is back and ready for action, I can't wait!! Also, we're going out to play with the new DeLorme tonight....GREAT!!!


Are we still having fun????

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