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COINTEST: Todies Wild Ride!

Rockin Roddy

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traveled to Manistee


walked 18 miles


found 25 caches


Probably way off, but we had to make a guess. Havent been on here much lately.


Glad you had a great time. Hope all is going well with you our friend. Tell Kaboom we said Hi as well for us.


Hope you received you money okay. Sorry it was late, things have been crazy around here.


Barry and Val




traveled to Manistee


walked 18 miles


found 25 caches


Probably way off, but we had to make a guess. Havent been on here much lately.


Glad you had a great time. Hope all is going well with you our friend. Tell Kaboom we said Hi as well for us.


Hope you received you money okay. Sorry it was late, things have been crazy around here.


Barry and Val




Hi you two!!


Yes, money arrived safely, THANKS!!! I hope all is going OK for you, I was starting to worry!! KAboom says "HI" as well


While we did get to Manistee, that wasn't our destination...and we only had 10 caches loaded into our GPS! :D


Good hearing from you!!


I hope that you went to the Traverse City area and maybe even the Sleeping Bear sand dunes. I don't have a clue where that multi is though but I don't think I want to tackle it anytime soon around there!


You walked 22 miles.


You found 6 caches.


You two had lots of fun!!!! But you only loaded 10 caches? Golly gee whiz there are alot of fun ones in that area too.

Posted (edited)

ya went to Ludington State Park


ya walked 30 miles


ya found 8 caches

am I getting close???? lol


OK...new hint then!


While we did only DNF 2 caches, we didn't go after all of them either!! I was just too pooped to try!


Miles aren't right either....but someone did have the right ones!


And HELLO Beverly!!


No kiddo, our plans change with the wind...we opted for Ludington! lol Still plenty of dunes and such! The second cache we found involved over 300 stair steps and a rather massive sand dune! We happily tore off our soes and socks and ran down that big puppy...going back up was markedly slower lol!! Quite the workout before breakfast!! We ate a good meal after that!


eta: someone was right with all but one answer...and that wasn't far off either!!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

On our travels back home from vacation we dropped a few more coins-










I think that puts us at 26 :D


WOW....I'm impressed!! THANKS for spreading bike awareness!! The bar has certainly been set high, good job!


On our travels back home from vacation we dropped a few more coins-










I think that puts us at 26 :rolleyes:


WOW....I'm impressed!! THANKS for spreading bike awareness!! The bar has certainly been set high, good job!


...still might have a few up our sleeves... :ph34r:


I have activated 2 coins and will be releasing them as soon as I can get holes drilled and tags on them....






Nurse Nanna, really cool (now experienced) biker babe (aka a nerdy dweeb in disguise)


All coins thus far have been placed on my watchlist!


I had a thought...we could always encourage people moving these coins to release coins to help our goal of raising awareness! I encourage anyone and everyone to add a note of this nature to their coins!! I've noticed some of those moving these coins stating they are or were bikers themselves!!


Thanks for all your help. Here is the ref # TB2BJDZ


Well done my friend!! 8ball9ball has had a bad experience with coins not being in caches, so I adopted one of mine over to them so they can get a feel for all the fun of coin ownership!! They very generously released it for this cointest, so I am also giving them a second coin for their own mission!! Of course, you can also add that to this cointest, but please do with it as you'd like!!


Welcome to the fun my friends, HAPPY CACHING! ;)


I've heard some very disturbing info about Tod's accident (can it even be called an accident??), my mind is spinning. I'm really having a rough go of it right now, it's weighing heavy on my mind.


I truly don't know which way is up right now, looks like I might have been fed a pile of BS from the lead investigator...seems like things aren't as I was told. Some covering up being done here??


I just don't know anymore....gotta clear my head. If I happen to become silent for awhile, please forgive me and please give me a bit to get my mind together...


Ok...didn't mean to worry anyone here, sorry! I'm ok, just really really bummed right now and coming up short in the answer department. Things aren't adding up and I'm left with conflicting views, it just doesn't work out in my mind.


Sorry, I didn't mean to leave anyone worried about me, I'm going to be ok. just might be a bit lost in thought for awhile....please bear with me.


THANKS for the emails of concern and to all who are thinking of us in this hard time, much appreciated and it really helps me to try to smile...


A lot of stuff has been going through my mind these last few, some not so good! Some friends have really come to my mental aid and gave me a bit to think about, it has helped me alot! I realize that, no matter what, Tod will still be gone, things cannot change in that aspect! I must move on as best I can...but it's sooo hard!


Sooo...I will continue to do all I can to spread bike awareness! I am truly touched by some of the comments left on the coins we have circulating right now, but would LOVE to see MANY more coins get out there!! I'd LOVE to find several logs daily!! I cannot do this alone, I am running out of coins lol!! There has been a nice response so far, lets double up our efforts...there's a prize involved in this after all!!


These coins seem to be getting the word out, only one coin have I seen with a sour log!! Many are being picked up by fellow riders, this is AWESOME! I'm really thrilled that this is going well!!




Last week, there was a big to-do here which involved a parade of sorts! What was this big to-do, what was the parade made up of and where did this paprade end?? I need ALL the answers in one post AND, I'm looking for numbers of riders who participated in this!


Rules are as usual...I have final say, no whining, 1 guess per 15 minutes and HAVE FUN!!


I have a few coins I need to activate and get adopted yet...I'll get that done today! IF you don't get the coin(s) you have won to release by tonight, please remind me...my memory isn't very good (car/bicycle accident...I lost...and YES, I was wearing a helmet)! I'm running out of coins for this, so not many cointests left!! Get in while you can! AND...if you have a spare coin or two, please consider helping to spread bike awareness and release it for this cointest!! You could very well win a great coin for your effort!


Todd Means Fox Hunter

I dont suppose they hunted foxes?


You know, it's funny...Tod WAS a hunter, just not for fox! Tod was a deer slayer, this guy could just simply walk into the woods and re-emerge minutes later with a trophy (or food on the table depending on your view). I was with Tod once when he killed 3 deer within minutes of entering the woods!! While myself and a friend readied to enter the woods, 3 shots rang out, we just looked at each other. Tod came out of the woods with a wicked smile and told us we'd all filled our tags already! Hey, he was only there less than 3 minutes!!


I'm not kidding either...he was kicked out of many a woods simply because no one else had a chance when he was there!!


That Tod...he so crazy!



Back to the cointest....


All coins thus far have been placed on my watchlist!


I had a thought...we could always encourage people moving these coins to release coins to help our goal of raising awareness! I encourage anyone and everyone to add a note of this nature to their coins!! I've noticed some of those moving these coins stating they are or were bikers themselves!!


Took a little time but I added a line to each of ours, hopefully a few more will be released that way.


It was the Sanford's Founder's Day Celebration. The parade was made up of floats and motorcycles, the parade ended on the shores of Lake Michigan and there were 38 riders.


Glad to hear you are sorting some things out. I hope things continue to get better for you!!!

Posted (edited)

It was the Sanford's Founder's Day Celebration. The parade was made up of floats and motorcycles, the parade ended on the shores of Lake Michigan and there were 38 riders.


Glad to hear you are sorting some things out. I hope things continue to get better for you!!!


Didn't hear about this one going on, good answer! Not what I'm after though!! :)


Think BIGGER!!!!


Also, GREAT JOB usyoopers, well done my friends!! I am pleased by this, THANK-YOU!! The more people putting out coins, the better!!


Lastly...if you won a coin or two from me for this release/race, I will be dropping them off soon! This is where you'll have a good chance of seeing mileage on the coins as they are either dropped in a local cache or handed directly to a good friend The Geopigs. The Geopigs then hand them to other high numbers movers, sometimes getting them big miles!! EVEN if you have only one or two coins participating, you run a good chance of seeing big miles on a coin won through me!! Remember, there's a race segment to this cointest!!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

It was the Cruising for Kids Motorcycle run which started and ended at Hot Rod Harley-Davidson in Muskegon, Michigan. The parade was made up of motorcycles and there were 123 participants.


I really wish I could have riden in this parade but I found out the details much to late. It must have been quite a sight to see! I was happy to be able though to be at the destination. Very moving the whole thing was.....


500 motorcylces. They collected toys and rode to the state capitol. That is when they do it in the state of Maine and it is so thrilling to see them all.


Think BIGGER, think closer to home and think of something they escorted.


The big too do was: Troy Daze Festival Sept, 11-14th 2008 celebrating 40 years


How many people 100,000 people


Parade went from along Northfield PKWY from Troy High to Bemis Elementary


the parade exscorted a bunch of floats that people built



Did alot of searching for this and probably not even close.


Valarie of sweetlife


There were about 500 motorcycles escorting "The Moving Wall" and it ended in Brighton, MI.


Now we're getting somewhere!! Brighton though???? :)


Be more specific please!


And YES, LB4T...it would have been a great ride save it only averaged around 10 mph even though the lead was going 45 mph!


A hint:


It took around half an hour or so for this to pass me while I was at work! Cars pulled to the side expecting a small procession...boy were they surprised (and tired of waiting I would bet)!


There were about 500 motorcycles escorting "The Moving Wall" and it ended in Brighton, MI.


Now we're getting somewhere!! Brighton though???? :)


Be more specific please!


And YES, LB4T...it would have been a great ride save it only averaged around 10 mph even though the lead was going 45 mph!


A hint:


It took around half an hour or so for this to pass me while I was at work! Cars pulled to the side expecting a small procession...boy were they surprised (and tired of waiting I would bet)!


It ended at the Brighton Airport.


By Kelly Heidbreder

Saturday, September 13, 2008 at 9:17 p.m.


BROOKLYN, MI -- There's just one more day to see the American Veterans Traveling Tribute Wall for yourself. It is on display until Sunday at Michigan International Speeday in Brooklyn, Michigan. According to their website, MIS Director of Government and Community Relations Alisha Cottrell says, “We’re excited and proud to have the American Veterans Traveling Tribute Wall on display here at MIS. This is a wonderful opportunity for people to visit and pay respect to those who served and lost their lives fighting for the United States of America.”


The wall stands eight feet tall at its apex and spans 370 feet in length, which is approximately 80 percent the size of the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. It was escorted into town Tuesday and has been visited by hundreds of people over the week. A special blood drive drew crowds on September 11th. The Tribute Wall will be on display during the Spirit of America Blood Drive, also scheduled for Sept. 11.


Admission for the American Veterans Traveling Tribute Wall is free.


OK, The Vietnam Moving Wall went to the Michigan International Speedway where it was escorted by 1200 motorcyclists, including the Rolling Thunder.


We're closing in now.....The number I was told might not be official, it's all I know though so we'll go with mine!

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