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COINTEST: Todies Wild Ride!

Rockin Roddy

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Posted (edited)

Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads.


I just realized that Burgessfour posted the No 2000 post, and JohnMac56, posted the number of the new year, 2009!!!! ;)


Did you realize that?? WOW!!!! ;)


Hi Nikos, Happy New Year!!!!

No, I didn't notice that!

Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads.

I notiiced these numbers too! I was kinda thinkin each should win an adoption...whadya say Roddy??


I'm not sure if you guys realize this or not, but this mini-cointest started on page 27 with my announcement post #1314. That means we have 726 posts in this mini-cointest, most with the current catch-phrase!




Still time left, get in while you can!

Well, I did notice at one point...I stepped away when the post count was 1815, and came back shortly to a count of over 2000. I do want to remind you all that the idea is to type the message each time, and not to paste it in.

Posted (edited)

Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads.


I just realized that Burgessfour posted the No 2000 post, and JohnMac56, posted the number of the new year, 2009!!!! ;)


Did you realize that?? WOW!!!! ;)


Hi Nikos, Happy New Year!!!!

No, I didn't notice that!

Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads.

I notiiced these numbers too! I was kinda thinkin each should win an adoption...whadya say Roddy??


I'm not sure if you guys realize this or not, but this mini-cointest started on page 27 with my announcement post #1314. That means we have 726 posts in this mini-cointest, most with the current catch-phrase!




Still time left, get in while you can!

Well, I did notice at one point...I stepped away when the post count was 1815, and came back shortly to a count of over 2000. I do want to remind you all that the idea is to type the message each time, and not to paste it in.


I believe they're both from the SW, right? I agree with the adoption idea, we'll get the info out to you two shortly! Correction, one from SW and one from NW!


COINTEST OVER, THANKS for the UNBELIEVEABLE response all, shows just how much you all care! Robert was right though, we want you to type this each time so the message sticks (but I think this one will considering the amount of times everyone has seen it). The next cointest will have that in the rules!!


Sooo....let me get the numbers all written up and find a big enough hat to throw them all in lol!! Winners will be posted soon!


THANKS for the fun everyone, I appreciated all the smiles and chuckles!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

OK, while I'm trying to figure all this out, let's do a bit of something different.


I need you to pay attention here, this is your mission:


I want to spread the message far and wide, so let's make this one for our overseas and outside the USA friends! I need anyone who is from our neighboring countries to please post "ROLLING STOPS KILL, DRIVING AND RIDING RESPONSIBLE HELPS SAVE LIVES!" in YOUR LOCAL LANGUAGE!!! This cointest will only last for the day, so get your posts in NOW!


Please follow all normal rules for these cointests, and PLEASE type your catch-phrase each time, NO CUT AND PASTE PLEASE!!


AND THE WINNERS ARE: (in order of the draw)


1739 Fairyhoney

1381 Team CeDo

1963 Zoesbrother

1616 Sparticus06

1784 jasondulac

1803 Sivota

1874 MaineFamily

1416 Team Cedo

2098 Kini Ont

2047 Lavel K9

1554 Usyoopers

1682 Kini Ont


I just let Kaleb draw names until I was tired of holding the hat lol, I count 12 winners...WOW!! It looks like 2 of you were double winners, CONGRATS!!! AND, this was the first time I didn't draw my own post...GREAT!!


Will get the coin info out to everyone soon, need to contact those who are in the winners' areas!!


Get those posts in for the newest cointest people!!


Woohoooooo, all coin info should be coming soon, I have sent out the requests and they should be getting to the winners soon!! WOW, a lot of work on that one!


Good luck to all the winners, and KEEP THOSE POSTS COMING!!!


Rolling Stops Kill, Driving And Riding Responsible, Helps Save Lives!


Well...I have a small problem! what do you want to say by "Rolling stops kill"?


I need that so I can translate it in Greek!!! Sometimes it is quite hard to do that! ;)


Rolling Stops Kill, Driving And Riding Responsible, Helps Save Lives!


Well...I have a small problem! what do you want to say by "Rolling stops kill"?


I need that so I can translate it in Greek!!! Sometimes it is quite hard to do that! ;)


That means that, if you don't make a full stop and look carefully, it could be deadly!! Many people these days simply pull up to a stop sign and creep on through without actually stopping. The law is to stop for a full 3 second count and then to proceed when safe!


Woohoooooo, all coin info should be coming soon, I have sent out the requests and they should be getting to the winners soon!! WOW, a lot of work on that one!


Good luck to all the winners, and KEEP THOSE POSTS COMING!!!


Got our info, Thanks Roddy! Coin is activated and ready for release-




That makes 86 in this mission for us, give me time to stock back up! My goal is to have our contribution to the cause at 100....


Rolling Stops Kill, Driving And Riding Responsible, Helps Save Lives!


Hmm... let's see now... I will try to be as close as possible!


Η μη στάση για έλεγχο του δρόμου σε Στοπ, σκοτώνει.

Η υπεύθυνη οδήγηση αυτοκινήτου ή μοτοσικλέτας, βοηθάει στο να σωθούν ζωές!


What I wrote exactly?


Not to check the road in a Stop sign, kills. Responsible driving of a car or a motorbike, helps save lifes!


Is that ok? Do I have to change anything? ;)


Bij dit bord moet je stoppen en kijken; verantwoordelijk gedrag van automobilist en motorrijder helpt levens redden.


In Dutch. I used about the same words as you Gatoulis,thanks.

It is hard to translate in an eyecathing way. Translate it back to English and it looks like nothing again ( ;);) )


Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads.


I just realized that Burgessfour posted the No 2000 post, and JohnMac56, posted the number of the new year, 2009!!!! ;)


Did you realize that?? WOW!!!! ;)


Hi Nikos, Happy New Year!!!!

No, I didn't notice that!

Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads.

I notiiced these numbers too! I was kinda thinkin each should win an adoption...whadya say Roddy??


I'm not sure if you guys realize this or not, but this mini-cointest started on page 27 with my announcement post #1314. That means we have 726 posts in this mini-cointest, most with the current catch-phrase!




Still time left, get in while you can!

Well, I did notice at one point...I stepped away when the post count was 1815, and came back shortly to a count of over 2000. I do want to remind you all that the idea is to type the message each time, and not to paste it in.


I believe they're both from the SW, right? I agree with the adoption idea, we'll get the info out to you two shortly! Correction, one from SW and one from NW!


COINTEST OVER, THANKS for the UNBELIEVEABLE response all, shows just how much you all care! Robert was right though, we want you to type this each time so the message sticks (but I think this one will considering the amount of times everyone has seen it). The next cointest will have that in the rules!!


Sooo....let me get the numbers all written up and find a big enough hat to throw them all in lol!! Winners will be posted soon!


THANKS for the fun everyone, I appreciated all the smiles and chuckles!


Thank you!!!!!! I look forward to adopting a new "baby" :P


Bij dit bord moet je stoppen en kijken; verantwoordelijk gedrag van automobilist en motorrijder helpt levens redden!


Rolling Stops Kill, Driving and Riding Responsible Helps Save LIVES!


Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads.


I just realized that Burgessfour posted the No 2000 post, and JohnMac56, posted the number of the new year, 2009!!!! ;)


Did you realize that?? WOW!!!! :P


Hi Nikos, Happy New Year!!!!

No, I didn't notice that!

Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads.

I notiiced these numbers too! I was kinda thinkin each should win an adoption...whadya say Roddy??


I'm not sure if you guys realize this or not, but this mini-cointest started on page 27 with my announcement post #1314. That means we have 726 posts in this mini-cointest, most with the current catch-phrase!




Still time left, get in while you can!

Well, I did notice at one point...I stepped away when the post count was 1815, and came back shortly to a count of over 2000. I do want to remind you all that the idea is to type the message each time, and not to paste it in.


I believe they're both from the SW, right? I agree with the adoption idea, we'll get the info out to you two shortly! Correction, one from SW and one from NW!


COINTEST OVER, THANKS for the UNBELIEVEABLE response all, shows just how much you all care! Robert was right though, we want you to type this each time so the message sticks (but I think this one will considering the amount of times everyone has seen it). The next cointest will have that in the rules!!


Sooo....let me get the numbers all written up and find a big enough hat to throw them all in lol!! Winners will be posted soon!


THANKS for the fun everyone, I appreciated all the smiles and chuckles!


Thank you!!!!!! I look forward to adopting a new "baby" :D


Congratulations Shari!!!! ;):D


Rolling Stops Kill. Driving and Riding Responsible, Helps Save Lives!!!


Η μη στάση για έλεγχο του δρόμου σε Στοπ, σκοτώνει.

Η υπεύθυνη οδήγηση αυτοκινήτου ή μοτοσικλέτας, βοηθάει στο να σωθούν ζωές!


Bij dit bord moet je stoppen en kijken; verantwoordelijk gedrag van automobilist en motorrijder helpt levens redden!


Rolling Stops Kill, Driving and Riding Responsible Helps Save LIVES!


Bij dit bord MOET je stoppen en kijken; verantwoordelijk gedrag van automobilist en motorrijder HELPT LEVENS REDDEN!


Rolling Stops Kill, Driving and Riding Responsible Helps Save LIVES!


Negliger Un Arret Peut Tuer. Conduire Une Auto Ou Une Moto De Maniere Responsable Aide A Sauver Des VIES!


Rolling Stops Kill, Driving And Riding Responsible Helps Save LIVES!


I am a winner in your last cointest. Thanks Roddy :)


Η μη στάση για έλεγχο του δρόμου σε Στοπ, σκοτώνει.

Η υπεύθυνη οδήγηση αυτοκινήτου ή μοτοσικλέτας, βοηθάει στο να σωθούν ζωές!


Rolling stops kill, driving and riding responsible helps save lives.

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