+Rockin Roddy Posted September 4, 2008 Author Posted September 4, 2008 It was the name his mama liked best? Not even close...but since you guessed first, you win a coin to be adopted and released for this cointest! Adoption papers coming soon! ETA: adoption papers sent. Congrats on your first entry!!! It could be the lucky traveler! What a surprise! Thanks so much. Adoption accepted! I'll also add another guess: The family had a favorite drink: A Hot Toddy hmmmm....isn't that spelled "Hot Todie"??? Closer, but not quite right! Quote
Maine Family Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Well seems there is a Toddy Brook Golf in North Yarmouth, Maine let's try that just to have a guess. I think it is nice you are extending the dates. Hope it does make a difference. So how did you come up with cachestalkers? Quote
+hollora Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Totally Determined? Nicknames can mean so many things. LadyBee4T seems to know...........I know folks ride bikes - it isn't Dukati related is it? I feel comfort in these treads - home you do too Roddy. Quote
+hollora Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 And the KABoom part is interesting to me.........do tell. Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 4, 2008 Author Posted September 4, 2008 Surteb was getting warmer... Maine Family, I came up with the name one night while we were tracking down a pesky find. I told Tod we were stalking the silly thing down and make the find no matter what. I used to watch a show on the tube way back when I was a child, The NightStalker (Anyone remember old Carl and his crazy adventures???), so after I told Tod we were stalking the cache, it wasn't a stretch to go with the Cachestalker name! Hollora, yes, I do find comfort here!! This is an awesome community, a great family! A few hours ago, I was contacted by the local newspaper to do a bike awareness story, it'll spotlight Tod's accident as well as the need for all of us to act responsibly on the roads! I'm nervous as all get out, but I know this will be of help for myself as well as all of us on bikes!! The story will run on the front page of our Sunday paper (Adrian is the county seat, so we have a good sized paper) on Sept 14th...if everything goes as planned!! It's a start! I think Tod is smiling right now!! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 4, 2008 Author Posted September 4, 2008 And the KABoom part is interesting to me.........do tell. KAboom would be my god-son Kaleb! I'm raising a teen boy for a "friend" (don't ask, it's a crazy world is all I can say). Kaleb started caching with us soon after we started, so I added his nick to our TR&T name and we've left it like that since!! I've named us a few times lol! Quote
Maine Family Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Ok, here's what ya gotta do: Paste this html into your profile or web page: <a href="http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?guid=3949d8a3-6377-43bf-82e6-07ea6f43d7b9"> <img border="0" src="http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?guid=3949d8a3-6377-43bf-82e6-07ea6f43d7b9" width="110" height="150" /> </a> For each TB find their guid number (the part in red up there). To do this just go to each of the TB's pages. It is part of the URL in the address bar at the top of your browser. Copy ALL the numbers & letters after the equals sign & paste them in the areas I have made red (that is the guid number for my coin). You have to do this for each TB. The only problem is that each TB or coin has to have a picture posted as their default image - doesn't really matter what the picture is but it has to have one or this does not work. Any questons or if you have a ny problems, let me know. Just remember: you have to paste the whole html sequence and change the guid number (twice) for each coin or TB and each TB or coin must have a default image. CF30 Thanks for the code. I used it and I like it. Quote
Maine Family Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 That is really nice that the paper is doing the story and you will do a good job. Are they online? Yes I think Tod is smiling. Oh yes I should keep this on topic and I googled hot toddy and there was a Tod's Well mentioned so I will guess that. Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 4, 2008 Author Posted September 4, 2008 OK, still no correct answer so I'll repeat the question for those just joining in: How did Tod get his name (his real name his mom gave him). Please be as specific as possible!! One guess every 15 minutes and no editing please! Winner to get 2 coins for release!! Oh...and Surteb was getting closer!! Quote
+BrierPatch Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Because when he would fall while learning to walk it was the noise made. Just a wild guess! thats how one of my children got theirs (The unguided Missile) Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 From his father and grandfather's names? That's one way it's done in my family Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 4, 2008 Author Posted September 4, 2008 No, this was a rather unusual way of choosing a name. I have heard it done before though!! Quote
Maine Family Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 She was having tea and it was in the tea leaves. Quote
+BrierPatch Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Todd Means Fox Hunter I dont suppose they hunted foxes? Quote
Maine Family Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 It was the name his mama liked best? Not even close...but since you guessed first, you win a coin to be adopted and released for this cointest! Adoption papers coming soon! ETA: adoption papers sent. Congrats on your first entry!!! It could be the lucky traveler! What a surprise! Thanks so much. Adoption accepted! I'll also add another guess: The family had a favorite drink: A Hot Toddy Congratulations. Quote
+surteb Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 He was named for the song "Hot Toddy" (music by Ralph Flanagan, words by Herb Hendler). Quote
+surteb Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 His parents made a short list of names they liked: Terrence, Owen and Daniel. They couldn't decide which one they liked best, so they went with all three and really just call him Tod for short. Quote
+hollora Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 An anagram of sorts created from family names. All put together to create something which worked and the family liked and accepted it. Sort of how hollora happened as a kennel name for our family. Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 5, 2008 Author Posted September 5, 2008 It has a lot to do with that Hot Todie you mentioned earlier surteb...and Tod's mom! Quote
xboxcrazy33 Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 Did his name come from putting Toddy and Marie (his mom's middle name) together? Quote
Maine Family Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 She had been drinking apple cider and it had fermented. Quote
+BrierPatch Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 Actress Thelma Todd sometimes went by the nickname 'Hot Toddy.' "All the rich requisites are brought from far: the table from Japan, the tea from China, the sugar from Amazonia, or the West Indies, but that 'Scotia does no such costly tribute bring, Only some kettles full of Todian spring.'" "The Todian spring, i.e. Tod's Well, which supplies Edinburgh with water." Hot Toddy is both a drink and nickname, maybe both are true in this case but it may just be His fathers expression for his mother or just the name Dad liked best. Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 5, 2008 Author Posted September 5, 2008 She had been drinking apple cider and it had fermented. Ohhh....getting closer to where I want to be...what has the Hot Todie and his mom have to do with the naming of Tod?? I'll tell you this, it was a bet between his mom and her sister! KAboom and I will be heading north this afternoon right after school (and my work lol), if no one has guessed it by then, I'll simply pick a random winner...so get as many guesses in as you can! We're going to go after 10 of the tougher hides in the Manistee area (and do a bit of off-roading as well as playing on the sand dunes), a break we both desparately need! Tod and I had planned to take KAboom there but.... Camping, caching, off-roading and quiet relaxation...can't figure a better way to recharge the batteries! One of the caches is a 4/4 with a 5+ mile hike....gonna be fun!! Quote
Maine Family Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 The bet was she would get pregnant that night from drinking the apple cider. Quote
+BrierPatch Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 Not that old wives tale that a hot toddy before bed will get you pregnant (personally I always believed you needed a little more help) Quote
+surteb Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 Tod's mom suffered from terrible morning sickness. Her sister suggested a Hot Toddy would cure it and bet her that if she was right, the baby would have to be named Tod. Quote
+surteb Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 (edited) double post Edited September 5, 2008 by surteb Quote
+surteb Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 Tod's mom had terrible insomnia while she was pregnant. Her sister suggested a non-alcoholic Hot Toddy -- made with hot apple cider -- before bed would help her sleep at night. She bet Tod's mom that if she was right, the baby should be named Tod. Quote
+surteb Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 (edited) Oh yeah, a double post. Edited September 5, 2008 by surteb Quote
+surteb Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 (edited) Yippie! A triple post. Edited September 5, 2008 by surteb Quote
+surteb Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 (edited) And a quadruple! If you do that in figure skating, the judges like it. Edited September 5, 2008 by surteb Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 5, 2008 Author Posted September 5, 2008 (edited) Tod's mom suffered from terrible morning sickness. Her sister suggested a Hot Toddy would cure it and bet her that if she was right, the baby would have to be named Tod. No one got this?? OK...I'll have a winner soon and then will send out adoption papers. If the winner gets the coins ready to go before I leave, I'll try to drop them while on the trip!! OK....winning post was picked (it's later isn't it??? lol)...xboxcrazy33 was the chosen one!! Two coins will be adopted to you for travels in the cointest!! CONGRATS!! Now, the answer was simple...Tod's mom used to work at a bar, she was also a good patron of said bar lol. The very first thing Louise (Tod's mom) had after giving birth to Tod was a HOT TODIE!! Her sister bet her beforehand (and lost), so she had to name Tod after the first thing she ate/drank after birth...and her first "poison" was a HOT TODIE!! Sounds crazy...right??/ Well, we're all a bit crazy around here!! Adoption papers will be there soon, please check your inbox! Sorry, things happen fast around here and I never had the chance to send the adoption papers! Please email me xboxcrazy33 and remind me to send them out to you upon my return Sunday!! Edited September 5, 2008 by Rockin Roddy Quote
Maine Family Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 Congratulations xboxcrazy33. Hope you and KAboom have a nice weekend. Quote
+BrierPatch Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 Who would have thunk it. Congratulations Quote
xboxcrazy33 Posted September 5, 2008 Posted September 5, 2008 (edited) What a funny story! That way of naming a baby has a lot of possibly crazy outcomes though! Thanks so much for the cointest! What a great cause and a great way to honor Tod's memory. I'm probably gonna order a Cachestalker in the next couple days, and will release it as soon as it arrives. Thanks again! Have a fun weekend! Edited September 5, 2008 by xboxcrazy33 Quote
+surteb Posted September 6, 2008 Posted September 6, 2008 How funny! Congrats to the winner! Have a great trip with Kaboom!!! Quote
+puzzlefam Posted September 6, 2008 Posted September 6, 2008 Waiting to hear back from host, then will send coin out. We won't win for the most coins, as we are not really collectors. In fact I had just started a post about how bummed I am about half of our coins / TBs going missing and had told myself I am NOT sending any more out. Well this is for a good cause and I pray it does some good and doesn't get snatched! We have a Otter Box cache by our house that I will drop it in as soon as I get some assistance in the wording! Thanks for hosting this and and I am very sorry for your loss. I hope something positive comes of it, as hard as that sounds right now! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 8, 2008 Author Posted September 8, 2008 I'm back...what a wonderful and relaxing weekend (except for the MILES AND MILES of walking we did...wow)!! I'll host a few more mini cointests about our trip as soon as I get everything squared away here!! xboxcrazy33....coin adoption papers will come soon!! My computer didn't like being shut down and is now acting up on me, so I'm working between problems! Please bear with me! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 8, 2008 Author Posted September 8, 2008 OK, adoption papers have been sent!! COINTEST TIME: Where did we go on our trip, how many miles of walking did we do and how many caches did we find? Same rules as usual: no edits, no whining, no more than 1 guess every 15 minutes etc. Winner to get a coin or two to enter into the release/race!! Clues: We stayed in Michigan and were on the Lake Michigan shoreline, we traveled a total of 540 miles (this includes all the driving to the caches and to town each morning) round trip! We had only 10 caches on our "to-do" list, but we didn't get them all (or we might have DNF'd some???) OH...and my feet are KILLING me!! Maine Family, I had planned on dropping your coins while on the trip but "lost" them!! I looked frantically for those darned things, tore the Jeep apart to no avail! Of course, they were sitting on my desk upon return lol! Sorry about that, will get them moving ASAP!! Quote
+Nochipra Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 (edited) Where did you go? Manitou Beach How many miles did you walk? While there 30 miles How many caches? 5 caches Edited September 8, 2008 by Nochipra Quote
+DaFunkyFrogs Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 ya went to Traverse city, Mi........ ya walked 22 miles ya found 7.....DNF 3......Thanks for the cointest...........so sorry for your loss...... Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 8, 2008 Author Posted September 8, 2008 Where did you go? Manitou Beach How many miles did you walk? While there 30 miles How many caches? 5 caches We live at Maintou Beach lol!! Quote
+DaFunkyFrogs Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 ya went to Ludington State Park ya walked 29 miles ya found 5 caches Quote
+DaFunkyFrogs Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 ya went to Ludington State Park ya walked 25 miles ya found 7 caches................. "E" for effort??? lol l Quote
+surteb Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 Glad you had a good trip, despite the tired feet! You went to: Cheboygan You walked 22 miles. You found 8 caches. Quote
+surteb Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 You went to: Grand Rapids You walked 18 miles You found 9 caches Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 8, 2008 Author Posted September 8, 2008 Waiting to hear back from host, then will send coin out. We won't win for the most coins, as we are not really collectors. In fact I had just started a post about how bummed I am about half of our coins / TBs going missing and had told myself I am NOT sending any more out. Well this is for a good cause and I pray it does some good and doesn't get snatched! We have a Otter Box cache by our house that I will drop it in as soon as I get some assistance in the wording! Thanks for hosting this and and I am very sorry for your loss. I hope something positive comes of it, as hard as that sounds right now! Sorry, I forgot to reply and will ASAP!! THANKS for taking the chance with another coin though, I hope this one has better luck!! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted September 8, 2008 Author Posted September 8, 2008 Someone has the location correct, someone has the distance correct!! Now, all we need is to have both of those correct answes plus the correct cache number all in the same answer!! New clue....we DNF'd 2 caches including the 5+ mile multi. We found 3 stages, got hung up on the 4th stage! Quote
+DaFunkyFrogs Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 ya went to Ludington State Park ya walked 22 miles ya found 8 caches Quote
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