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COINTEST: Todies Wild Ride!

Rockin Roddy

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Your Special Coin was dropped in the outgoing mail at our terminal in Lathrop, CA yesterday evening. The Mail Carrier will pick it up TODAY, and get it to the Post Office at the end of the day. You should have it by Monday.

I haven't quite decided if I will use the Look Twice coin for my pocket coin or wait for the Special coin I won yesterday so can't add that to the list but here are two more ready to go.


TB2FXA9 Todie's Wild Ride: Have a Heart & Watch Out for Bikes


TB2PC5T Todies Wild Ride: Wear Protective Gear and Save Your Rear!



This is less than a Dollar away from the answer, and the average cost was less than one Dollar per Ounce

Stay in your own lane.


You spent $ 49.50

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