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COINTEST: Todies Wild Ride!

Rockin Roddy

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Dang Nikos, I was all nice and warm until I saw those pics! :rolleyes: None of that here now!!


I did see 3 shanties on the lake today....fools! never went below 50 last night, it's 68 right now and it's supposed to rain like crazy tomorrow (flood watch in effect). They'd better get those shanties off there today or there'll be trouble!!


And yes, got the bike out for a ride, first stop was Tod's grave. I then rode around the lake and visited him mom, Louise! We had a nice chat and she's looking forward to seeing the coins come out!

Posted (edited)

My friend Nurse Nanna and I have been caching together for a couple of years now and are best buddies. We have a rule that at a milestone find we have to do the Milestone Dance. This is her #700 and I think the first time I actually saw her version of the dance. LOL We now both do it together when either of us reach a milestone and she also danced with Rod at his recent one a couple of weeks ago. I posted a video of her on youtube but didn't think to bring my video camera to catch Rod's LOL




Think of it as a cross between an irish jig, the rockettes and the Russian dance that I don't know the name......if you can picture that! :rolleyes::unsure:B)


edit to add the safety quote


Wear your helmet. Your noggin is not as hard as the road.


and forgot to add the youtube link. In the beginning part I am literally sitting on the cache while they are looking for it. I stayed there until they asked me to move. I had already found it before they even got to the site! :(Nurse Nanna #800

Edited by LadyBee4T

My friend Nurse Nanna and I have been caching together for a couple of years now and are best buddies. We have a rule that at a milestone find we have to do the Milestone Dance. This is her #700 and I think the first time I actually saw her version of the dance. LOL We now both do it together when either of us reach a milestone and she also danced with Rod at his recent one a couple of weeks ago. I posted a video of her on youtube but didn't think to bring my video camera to catch Rod's LOL




Think of it as a cross between an irish jig, the rockettes and the Russian dance that I don't know the name......if you can picture that! :rolleyes::unsure:B)


edit to add the safety quote


Wear your helmet. Your noggin is not as hard as the road.

I think a special hide in a very embarrassing location is in order, so that they can find it for their 1000th. Maybe in the middle of a Busy Roundabout?? At the train station?? On a freeway Pedestrian bridge?? In front of the movie theater?? In front of the Police Station??

Posted (edited)


My friend Nurse Nanna and I have been caching together for a couple of years now and are best buddies. We have a rule that at a milestone find we have to do the Milestone Dance. This is her #700 and I think the first time I actually saw her version of the dance. LOL We now both do it together when either of us reach a milestone and she also danced with Rod at his recent one a couple of weeks ago. I posted a video of her on youtube but didn't think to bring my video camera to catch Rod's LOL




Think of it as a cross between an irish jig, the rockettes and the Russian dance that I don't know the name......if you can picture that! :unsure:B):(


edit to add the safety quote


Wear your helmet. Your noggin is not as hard as the road.

I think a special hide in a very embarrassing location is in order, so that they can find it for their 1000th. Maybe in the middle of a Busy Roundabout?? At the train station?? On a freeway Pedestrian bridge?? In front of the movie theater?? In front of the Police Station??



Nice try but too late. :D I have over 1500 and she has over 2100 finds......Maybe at 3000 I could do that for her :D


Look Twice and save a life!!

Edited by LadyBee4T

My friend Nurse Nanna and I have been caching together for a couple of years now and are best buddies. We have a rule that at a milestone find we have to do the Milestone Dance. This is her #700 and I think the first time I actually saw her version of the dance. LOL We now both do it together when either of us reach a milestone and she also danced with Rod at his recent one a couple of weeks ago. I posted a video of her on youtube but didn't think to bring my video camera to catch Rod's LOL




Think of it as a cross between an irish jig, the rockettes and the Russian dance that I don't know the name......if you can picture that! :rolleyes::unsure:B)


edit to add the safety quote


Wear your helmet. Your noggin is not as hard as the road.

I think a special hide in a very embarrassing location is in order, so that they can find it for their 1000th. Maybe in the middle of a Busy Roundabout?? At the train station?? On a freeway Pedestrian bridge?? In front of the movie theater?? In front of the Police Station??


Good to hear from you Robert, I hope all is well!! Don't worry, you'll meet Nurse Nanna at the Lazy Hayes Days...she's a character, this one!! :D:D:(


My friend Nurse Nanna and I have been caching together for a couple of years now and are best buddies. We have a rule that at a milestone find we have to do the Milestone Dance. This is her #700 and I think the first time I actually saw her version of the dance. LOL We now both do it together when either of us reach a milestone and she also danced with Rod at his recent one a couple of weeks ago. I posted a video of her on youtube but didn't think to bring my video camera to catch Rod's LOL




Think of it as a cross between an irish jig, the rockettes and the Russian dance that I don't know the name......if you can picture that! :rolleyes::unsure:B)


edit to add the safety quote


Wear your helmet. Your noggin is not as hard as the road.

I think a special hide in a very embarrassing location is in order, so that they can find it for their 1000th. Maybe in the middle of a Busy Roundabout?? At the train station?? On a freeway Pedestrian bridge?? In front of the movie theater?? In front of the Police Station??


Nah it wouldn't work anyway! We have decided that middle aged ladies are invisible. She had a milestone at a library cache and not one person even looked up and we were giggling and did the dance there right at the cubicle. Then I had a milestone at the grad library at the University of Michigan and we did the same thing. This time though one person gave us a dirty look! LOL


Wear protective clothing and a helmet always when out riding. This means YOU!


On a side note. I currently ride a 2008 Honda Rebel 250. I got the go ahead on getting a new bike within' a month or so. I am getting a 2009 Honda Shadow Spirit 750. I'll post a pic of it here when I get. It should be plenty bike for me as I am only 5'6" and weigh in at 165-170 lbs.


The one thing I have learned about riding is that Roads can take you anywhere you wanna go, you do not always have to know where you are going to have a good ride. Sometimes that is why I ride, just to go where the road takes me.


May the next road you ride on be the best ride yet!! Ride safe, stay alert, and enjoy the road!!




CONGRATS on the new toy too, stay safe on it! Being 5'5" myself (but a touch over the 165-170 weight lol), finding the bike which allows you to feel comfortable while able to reach the ground isn't the easiest thing. I walked in and sat on the 900 Vulcan and knew it was the bike for me!!!


Can't wait to see the pics!


What's with all the short motorcycle riders in this thread? :rolleyes:


I can't say anything though, cause I'm only 5'6" and 145 lbs myself. :unsure: My Suzuki was the only sport bike I found that I could (almost) stand flat-footed on, and that's just because they made the bike very narrow at the seat so my legs aren't splayed way out. They make these sportbikes TALL! I guess it's for increased ground clearance when you're leaned over in a fast corner.


It's almost 80 degrees here in south Mississippi today, so I'm on the bike. Getting ready to take the long way home from work to enjoy the bike, then pack up my parachute for a full day of skydiving tomorrow. Have fun guys, and be safe!


Blue skies and happy caching!

Model Citizen - Zero Discipline


Here's another one of Nurse Nanna and me. This was taken in May, 2007. This was a really cool park and they had a full train there also which we had to play on. I sure wish they had things like this when I was little. But as you can see we are still kids at heart! We frequently ask each other why are you going in that direction cause the cache is over here. LOL After our play session we went to look for the cache. It started to get pretty dark in those woods. I finally had to use the light from my cell phone to make the find.




Protect you head and wear a helmet. Your brain is a precious thing.

Posted (edited)

Here is one of my other niece, on a windy day in april 2006.







Wind: Double your guard on windy days; watch those bikes!!!!!

Edited by Sivota

I just knew I had another picture of a milestone dance and here it is! LOL This was my #800 and I made the find on my birthday in April. It is a fairly difficult multi and Nurse Nanna had completed it before and went along to laugh at our mistakes. I fooled her with the quick finds and soon enough we were dancing. Later she and LordYatchman took me out for dinner and I drank margaritas to celebrate. For once I wasn't the designated driver. I won't post that picture though. Anne and I had to have Tom do a cache that was in between a couple of the stages. We couldn't help but giggle at him. I know that is mean but we just couldn't help it. :rolleyes: The cache was a nano inserted in the side of an old plank near one of the small bridges. At one point he stood on the plank and another time he picked the plank up and looked at it but his hand covered the hole so he didn't see the cache. We could hardly contain ourselves then but it was all in good fun and he made the find eventually. Good times, good friends and good caches. That's what its about right?




Don't drink and drive. Have a designated driver.


GOOD MORNING all!! Some great pics, THANKS for posting them!! Still time to get those pics in, let's see your springtime fun!


The beautiful skies are now dark and grey, and it's raining hard at times. We're under a flood warning, lets hope that's a mistake!


No one has posted any more pictures? I guess that means I'll have to post another. Ok here it goes. Besides its been raining all day long.


Five of us had been working on a 11 stage multi requiring us to drive all around the city gathering info from historical signs, solving little puzzles, counting things etc. to get the coordinates for the next stage. It took us all afternoon so we agreed that we would tackle the final the next morning. Because it was another milestone for Nurse Nanna the owners wanted to join us in the fun. Previously, the final had been located on a small island but it was moved amd replaced with another stage when the wildlife stripped the camo. We crossed over to it and began the search. We looked and looked and looked. Those on the shore laughed at our futile efforts. One of us finallly found something but no coords! Well those on the shore started to laugh! I mean really laugh!! It seems that Busyard had gotten to the cache site before us, found it and stole the coordinates! Laughing Nurse Nanna gave him a piece of her mind and off we went. We made her find the final by herself and then the clebrating and dancing began.

This was #1000 for her! So you see WSR #1000 WAS a bit embarrassing for her! :anibad:;)


The start of the journey.



Me, Nurse Nanna and Busyard the jokester at the final




Wear your gear and protect your rear!


No one has posted any more pictures? I guess that means I'll have to post another. Ok here it goes. Besides its been raining all day long.


Five of us had been working on a 11 stage multi requiring us to drive all around the city gathering info from historical signs, solving little puzzles, counting things etc. to get the coordinates for the next stage. It took us all afternoon so we agreed that we would tackle the final the next morning. Because it was another milestone for Nurse Nanna the owners wanted to join us in the fun. Previously, the final had been located on a small island but it was moved amd replaced with another stage when the wildlife stripped the camo. We crossed over to it and began the search. We looked and looked and looked. Those on the shore laughed at our futile efforts. One of us finallly found something but no coords! Well those on the shore started to laugh! I mean really laugh!! It seems that Busyard had gotten to the cache site before us, found it and stole the coordinates! Laughing Nurse Nanna gave him a piece of her mind and off we went. We made her find the final by herself and then the clebrating and dancing began.

This was #1000 for her! So you see WSR #1000 WAS a bit embarrassing for her! :anibad:;)


The start of the journey.



Me, Nurse Nanna and Busyard the jokester at the final




Wear your gear and protect your rear!


At first look, I thought you were doing a TR&T w/K adventure series! Are we the only ones here, Beverly?? Seems mighty quiet in here lately! :D


I'm here, just that here in California we don't really have any seasons, therefore I don't really have any sprintime photos. Unless you count rainy season, foggy season, fire season and mudslide season...


Ok. I have been trying to get out and get some new pics since it has been so nice here, but I have been a little busy to get out so I will post some very nice spring time pics from last year.

Back in April of 2008 we decided to finish up our AGT run and headed out. About our 10th cache in we arrived at a cache called Short Walk. This cache was on State Game Lands out past all these ponds. As we started across the field there were some big birds hanging out. I think they were Cranes but not sure. Anyway, the peepers were out in full force and you could barely think above the noise. I had never heard that many peepers in all my life. Any way, we cut across the filed and walked between 3 of the many ponds. As we walked I saw something moving in the grass. It was a turtle. I have seen turtles in captive but never out in the wild. Thought it was very neat and knew that spring was here. It was a great day to find a cache.




Scan ahead for bikes!

Posted (edited)

Springtime in NW Montana... These were taken 2 weeks ago. It was about 40 degrees that day but I was wallowing about in 3+ feet of snow while trying to hide a cache. In a couple of places I actually sank up to my hips (I'm 5'5"). The top layer was an icy crust so for the next week my legs were covered in bruises. I'd love to post a nice, sunny picture of spring but we're still getting snow storms. :anibad:;)







Look twice for bikes, you could save a life!

Edited by sunsetmeadowlark
Posted (edited)

Well... 1st of May is still Spring right? This is last year's May 1st!


My father is collecting wild flowers and wheats, so my mother will make the May's wreath, for our house! A tradition from the ancient times...




edited for the motto that seems to forgeting!!!! :anibad:


Pay attention, look for bikes!

Edited by GATOULIS


photo is not from me :D


Yep, watching all of these, THANKS!!


GOOD MORNING ALL!! It's a miserable 40 degrees with heavy rains this morning, we're under a flood alert and supposed to get another inch of rain to add to the 1.5" we got last night! While this matters little to me at home (my house is on a hill), the golf course will be flooded! My neighbor has a river running through his yard from the run-off, the neighbor across the street has a lake which is up to his door (no, he usually doesn't have this lake lol).


Yesterday was pretty rough for me, the visit to Tod's mom and the cemetery really brought me down. I guess I'm better at hiding my feelings than I thought, because I had it hidden even from myself. It's been a long time since Tod's accident, yet the pain still rushes through me in a heartbeat! I wish I could think of Tod and not get soooo sad...


Morning! So to hear it was a rough day Rod. Try to think of the happy thoughts of Tod and remember all the crazy things he had done. That should bring a smile.


On the same day I found the turtle, we got another cache that had a really cool story behind it. This cache was placed in an area where they used to drill for oil. It was up on a hill side. The description said that you needed a truck to get up to the top of the hill to get near the cache. We drove a 1982 Chevy Celebrity up that hill and laughed about it the whole way. We followed the path to the cache location, which was one of the old oil containers. The name of the cache was Beer Well. The story goes that a couple of guys were drilling for oil in this area. The local bar had a cave in the hill side to keep all the refreshments. since back then they did not have fridges. Well the guys accidentally drilled into the cave area and into several of the huge beer kegs. Well the liquid flowed to the top of the oil drilling area, the 2 guys thought they had stuck it rich...with beer.

Later the owner of the beer found out and was none too happy about it. But the drillers ended up paying for it.

Now wouldnt that be something to drill for beer?....I would love it.



Posted (edited)

Great pics Sparticus, THANKS!!


When I'm down, giving away coins for the race brings me up a bit, so we're going to give a few away really quick here!! It's simple, along with the pics, I am looking for the 20th, the 27th, the 36th and the 43rd posts with ROLLING STOPS KILL in the post!!


These posts will win a coin for the race!! Same usual rules, no back to back posts and HAVE FUN!!! If it's been more than 15 minutes, you can post again, if not many are paying attention, this could be a simple win for someone!!


As an extra bonus, something came in the mail yesterday that made me happy....whoever guesses what that might have been will also win a coin for the race!!!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

Glad to see there are more pics this am!! I will continue to look through my pictures and see if I can come up with a few more of spring in Michigan. Since with all the rain there isn't much else to do an laundry is so boring......


Did the sample coins of your new coin show up in your mailbox yesterday Rod?


Rolling Stops Kill!

Posted (edited)

The mail wasn't coin related, but I did get coin mail too!!! Besides the mail I am looking for the answer to, I received a nice package from Chi-Town Romeo, NICE COINS!! THANKS!! These will be great prizes for the event!!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

This was taken on 4/2/06 at a virtual in Ohio. It was a quick trip to grab a few caches. Not really a story here but the bridge is pretty cool. Taken from the cache page "This huge limestone rock in the Maumee River was used as a gathering place for Native Americans. The French also had a settlement here in the 1700's with the same name. Chief Little Turtle gathered his braves here in 1774 before the Battle of Fallen Timbers. "







Hmmm Just what did you get in the mail yesterday. Maybe an assessment for your house and it went down lowering your taxes!


You got a letter/card that made you smile from the third buddy that you and Tod had those many years ago and you got in touch with just a few months ago. I don't remember his name though maybe Jamie?.




You got a letter from someone who wants to pay for you to go to Geocoinfest in Salt Lake!




I could only wish, that would be AWESOME!! I've been close to SLC, but only driving through on my way to Vegas once (we detoured to hit a few Hard Rock Cafe's). Going out to the GCF would be a dream, going on the motorcycle would be even better!

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