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COINTEST: Todies Wild Ride!

Rockin Roddy

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Jasondulac, can you explain this safety tip from earlier?

Rolling signs Takes Lives


When I wrote this on the list. It made me think and I thought rolling through signs takes lives. It got my attention and that is what this is all about. Rolling stop was getting written a lot so people stop thinking about it but when I wrote his I thought about it. Mistake maybe but it makes you think about what it means. That is a good think.

doing the same thing over and over puts you on auto pilot. Shake things up try something different.


Boy, that went quick;


Winners of the Munster bike geocoins:

- JohnMac56,

- Catsnfish

- Maine family

- Maine Family


Look forward to adoption mails. I will do this again. I hope to create a lot of Bike awareness in the Netherlands. I will send the coins off with a typical Dutch picture in the first log.




Boy, that went quick;


Winners of the Munster bike geocoins:

- JohnMac56,

- Catsnfish

- Maine family

- Maine Family


Look forward to adoption mails. I will do this again. I hope to create a lot of Bike awareness in the Netherlands. I will send the coins off with a typical Dutch picture in the first log.




AWESOME job Sivota, THANKS!!! Bike awareness is importnt everywhere, I applaud any effort to bring the message to your area!!


WOW! I was just looking, this thread is up over 7000 posts. Now that is something


That is pretty amazing, isn't it??


can someone translate this please??


Log Date: 2/24/2009

Den hat Hedcache mir doch glatt vor der Nase weggeschnappt - bei unserer gemeinsamen Wanderung durch die "Wachholderheide". Da es aber sein 500. Cache war, sei ihm an dieser Stelle verziehen. Stattdessen gibt es einen GLÜCKWUNSCH von dieser Stelle !!


From an online translator.....should be close...........


That Hedcache me away-snatched nevertheless smoothly before the nose - with our common migration by " Wachholderheide". There it however its 500. Cache was, is here forgiven it. Instead there is CONGRATULATIONS of this place!!


From an online translator.....should be close...........


That Hedcache me away-snatched nevertheless smoothly before the nose - with our common migration by " Wachholderheide". There it however its 500. Cache was, is here forgiven it. Instead there is CONGRATULATIONS of this place!!


Can anyone translate this please?? ;)B)


THANKS for the translation TC!!




A funny thing happened the other day while caching, we were surprised!! Wouldn't have suspected or even expected that, so we're going to host a cointest so you can have some fun with it! It's simple, answer these questions and post the phrase PAY ATTENTION, SAVE A LIFE!!


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday?


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition?


3) We found something while out, what did we find?


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings??


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do?


6) What is our next goal caching wise??


Please answer all questions in same post and also post the phrase. No back to back posts and HAVE FUN!!!!! You know what the prize is, so get to it!!


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 6


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Rockin Roddy


3) We found something while out, what did we find? a beer a bong and a knife


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife, moved the beer and bong


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache

6) What is our next goal caching wise?? 1500 by MWGB


Pay Attention Save a Life!


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 6


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Rockin Roddy


3) We found something while out, what did we find? a beer a bong and a knife


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife, moved the beer and bong


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache

6) What is our next goal caching wise?? 1500 by MWGB


Pay Attention Save a Life!


WOW, some good answers there!!! First to post gets a prize, coin info will come soon!!


Some of these answers are right, some aren't, which are which!!


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 9


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Rod :rolleyes:


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong! B)


* I had to search in the net to see what a bong is!! Jesus!!!! Who placed these things in a cache???? ;) Probably the guy in the car has something to do with that.... :)


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache, but near the parking spot you used. you probably emailed to the owner of the cacheif he wishes to remove the stuff! Of course, you didn't want to take them with you!! the cache is unavaliable for the moment, after all this!


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise?? 1500 finds by MWGB


No more blood on the roads! Look twice for bikes!


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 6


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Tie!


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache, but near the parking spot you used. you probably emailed to the owner of the cacheif he wishes to remove the stuff! Of course, you didn't want to take them with you!! the cache is unavaliable for the moment, after all this!


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise?? to clear your GPS from the caches you put inside! Are they still 150 to go? B)


I hope I am correct! ;)


Catsnfish... Thank you my friend!

Hey I am trying to find your cointest questions too my friend! Oh! some are not easy!! :)


No more blood on the roads! Look twice for bikes!


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 6


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Tie!


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache, but near the parking spot you used. you probably emailed to the owner of the cacheif he wishes to remove the stuff! Of course, you didn't want to take them with you!! the cache is unavaliable for the moment, after all this!


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise?? to clear your GPS from the caches you put inside! Are they still 150 to go? B)


I hope I am correct! ;)


Catsnfish... Thank you my friend!

Hey I am trying to find your cointest questions too my friend! Oh! some are not easy!! :)


No more blood on the roads! Look twice for bikes!


You're welcome :rolleyes: Nope not easy, but I do hope it is enjoyable :unsure:




A funny thing happened the other day while caching, we were surprised!! Wouldn't have suspected or even expected that, so we're going to host a cointest so you can have some fun with it! It's simple, answer these questions and post the phrase PAY ATTENTION, SAVE A LIFE!!


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday?


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition?


3) We found something while out, what did we find?


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings??


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do?


6) What is our next goal caching wise??


Please answer all questions in same post and also post the phrase. No back to back posts and HAVE FUN!!!!! You know what the prize is, so get to it!!


I'm pretty sure I know some of these answers from the event last night so I will just sit back and watch the fun!! LOL


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 7


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? KAboom


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Helmets save lives


Pay attention, save a life!!


1. 10

2. kaboom

3. a bong, knife and beer.

4. you took the beer and bong with you. the knife was put in your bag.

5. it was showing a cache as found when you haven't been there before

6. 1500 by mwgb


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 6


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Tie!


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache, but near the parking spot you used. you probably emailed to the owner of the cacheif he wishes to remove the stuff! Of course, you didn't want to take them with you!! the cache is unavaliable for the moment, after all this!


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise?? to clear your GPS from the caches you put inside! Are they still 150 to go?


I hope I am correct!


Catsnfish... Thank you my friend!

Hey I am trying to find your cointest questions too my friend! Oh! some are not easy!!




1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 12


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? KAboom


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Helmets save lives


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 13


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? KAboom


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Helmets save lives


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 19


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? KAboom


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Helmets save lives


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 19


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Roddy


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Helmets save lives


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 13


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Roddy


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Look twice save a life

Posted (edited)

1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 18


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? it was a tie


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Helmets save lives

Edited by Team CeDo

1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 22


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Roddy


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Look twice save a life


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 20


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? it was a tie


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Helmets save lives


A bit late but I finaly activated my pocket coin: TB2QA16



Adoptionrequests are sent out to the winners of the Munsterbikes. Let me know if there are troubles.






Bad weather: Double your distance and cut your speed by half!


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 18


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Roddy


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Helmets save lives


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 22


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? KAboom


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Look twice save a life


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 20


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? it Roddy


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Helmets save lives


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 21


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? Roddy


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? but a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Look twice save a life


1) How many caches did we find total Sunday? 14


2) KAboom and I always make a competition of who finds the most (Tod was always included, but rarely won lol), who won the competition? it was a tie


3) We found something while out, what did we find? you found in a cache a knife, a can of beer and a bong!


4) What (if anything) did we do about our findings?? Kaboom kept the knife and you took the beer and the bong out of the cache! you put the bong and beer in a spot a ways from the cache.


5) The PN-40 acted strangely, I have yet to figure it out. What did it do? a cache you didn't find was logged as found with notes of another cache you did find.


6) What is our next goal caching wise??

reach a total of 1500 caches by MWGB.


Helmets save lives

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