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COINTEST: Todies Wild Ride!

Rockin Roddy

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If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweety and wipe the seaty.


Rygel, my friend, you seem lost! We're raising bike awareness here, not the toilet seat!! :mellow:


Since you do seem so lost, and because of the complete LACKING of coins in your "owned" column, I feel compelled to get you atraveler into this race!! At the stroke of midnight, expect....wait wrong story (and season lol)...well, just look for an email!!



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Ok, I think I see how this cointest works now, i'm a bit dense at times esp if I don't read all the way to the top, LOL!


I would like to purchase some of the black/yellow motorcycle awareness coins... are they still on sale?

I'd like to enter one in this contest and take one to events. If someone could let me know I'd appreciate it!


Leave plenty of distance between you and a motorcycle. Do Not Tailgate!




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Ok, I think I see how this cointest works now, i'm a bit dense at times esp if I don't read all the way to the top, LOL!


I would like to purchase some of the black/yellow motorcycle awareness coins... are they still on sale?

I'd like to enter one in this contest and take one to events. If someone could let me know I'd appreciate it!


Leave plenty of distance between you and a motorcycle. Do Not Tailgate!





I think they're still available at Crake's site! :mellow: Yep!!!




Forgot: Don't multi-task while driving, distracted driving is dangerous driving!

Edited by Rockin Roddy
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So, on my 100 th cache I won't have to dance (LadyBee4T); it is not an official record, is it?



Motorcycles are everywhere, be on the look out!


Absolutely YES you do have to dance as it wil be a VERY big milestone indeed!!! But I tell you what. For you and you alone I will make a concession. Just this once I will let you sing and wave your arms in the air and move the body to the music. I also will let you pick the song!! So that means the Rockettes Kicking requirement will be waived. I thins could be done from a seated position if you so desire. How's that one? :mellow::wacko:



Keep Aware and pay attention! when driving

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The website is having a Bug that does not calculate the miles of travelers. They say that the problem is fixed and that new logs will correct the miles, but that may not be true. Please review your Coin pages and note the refference numbers of any that are not showing recent miles. You can report the ones with problems here:


If we show that enough people are concerned about it, maybe it will become a top priority. If you have any travelers that have moved after March 11, and do not show updated milage, these are the ones to report. Reporting these travelers will help them to determine what the root of the problem is. We have all paid a lot of money for these travelers, it's a shame that they are not working right. I guess the manual "Recalculate Distance" option still works, but we shouldn't have to do that every time a traveler is dropped.

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Thank you!!!!!


Put the phone DOWN and pay attention!



Ok, I think I see how this cointest works now, i'm a bit dense at times esp if I don't read all the way to the top, LOL!


I would like to purchase some of the black/yellow motorcycle awareness coins... are they still on sale?

I'd like to enter one in this contest and take one to events. If someone could let me know I'd appreciate it!


Leave plenty of distance between you and a motorcycle. Do Not Tailgate!





I think they're still available at Crake's site! :blink: Yep!!!




Forgot: Don't multi-task while driving, distracted driving is dangerous driving!

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The Helmet


The day started like any other day, the baby crying as my wife hurries about trying to get his bottle ready, my oldest scurrying about trying to find his shoes and get ready for school. I drink down my coffee and help my son get his bike ready for his first ride to school of the year, it's a nice spring morning and he really wants to show off the bike he got for Christmas!!


Making sure he has his helmet on, his bike was properly equipped for the ride, I make my usual speech about being careful and helmets are for safety and then kissing him goodbye, it was my turn! I too had a new bike to show off, mine being a bit bigger and noisier...a motorcycle! I was sooo happy the wife finally agreed we could save money if I had a motorcycle to ride for the commute to and from work, it was the one excuse I could use that finally got me in the saddle! A kiss on the baby's cheek, an embrace with the wife and I was out to the garage to fire up that bad boy!


The roar of the engine, the wind in my hair, I love this thing! Yes, one of the concessions I had to make in order to get this motorcycle was to wear my helmet, but what the wife doesn't know won't hurt her...right? Besides, all the riders are helmetless, I'd look silly being the only one on the street wearing one. "Helmets are for those who don't know what they're doing", I thought! Since I had a motorcycle when I was younger, I knew what I was doing, so no helmet whenever I can get away with it!


Work slowly chugged along, the day was dragging on...such a beautiful day, the sun shining, the birds singing...the road was calling!! Lunchtime came and I was happy to show my ride off to my fellow workers who whooped and cheered as they checked it out. I noticed a friend had rode his bike in, I saw a helmet on his backrest..."what a sissy", I thought! Back to work, only a few more hours before I could clock out and tune into the wind in my hair once again!!!


It happened so quickly, I never even had a chance to think! Out of nowhere, a car swerved into my lane, OMG! The sound of metal crunching, the sparks of my bike sliding along the pavement...then darkness. It seems like forever, but I am calm and I can hear something....a siren? Why can't I open my eyes? Why can't I move?? The sirens come closer then stop very near to me...but why? I don't feel anything, I am fine...but WHY can't I open my eyes?? Is this real?? Am I dreaming?? If so, I wish I'd wake from this nightmare!


Must have drifted off for a bit, it just seems like time has stood still for me, but I sense that I am now somewhere else, somewhere quiet and "peaceful" feeling. Wait, I hear voices again....it's my wife!! She sounds so sad, like she'd been crying or something? Hey, that's my boy's voice too...but why is he sobbing so?? WAIT....what'd my wife say?? Of course it's me honey, I'm here....


"Why didn't you wear your helmet?" I heard my wife whisper in my ear, but the sobs and the distressed sounds from my son were what bothered me most, sounded like he was just gasping "DADDY....daddy" over and over and... A male voice said something about only time would tell?? Then, silence again. Someone, wake me from this nightmare!!


More voices now, a lot of them. I hear my friends all about me, but I can't seem to open my eyes?? WHY CAN'T I OPEN MY EYES??? I hear my wife talking to a friend, the one who had worn his helmet to work....what? What did I just hear?? It really sounded like my wife was asking my friend why I hadn't worn my helmet....and I was sure I heard something about a doctor saying the brain damage was permanent?? Who was hurt, what brain damage?? More crying and something my son said made me wonder "Mommy, dad always said to wear my helmet, why wasn't daddy wearing his?" "I don't know honey," came the voice of my wife, "I thought he had". My mind is wheeling now, but I still can't seem to wake from this sleep...am I dreaming??? WHY CAN'T I SEE ANYTING????


Later, I hear more voices, strange voices. "No changes, but that was expected...it'd take a miracle to bring this guy back", a male said nearby. "Poor family, the kid is really taking it hard" came a female voice. "I think they're going to decide on whether to remove the tubes today....so sad, all this could have been avoided if only he had worn his helmet"!


WAIT....it's all falling together for me now....I HAVE THE BRAIN DAMAGE!!! It was me they were talking about, it wasn't a dream, I wasn't sleeping!!! OH MY....why didn't I wear that helmet??? Remove the tubes?? But I have sooo much more to do before I go! Who will raise my son? What about the baby?? And my wife, she'll be so very alone without me??? WHY????? Now, a helmet didn't seem quite so silly....it was only a short ride from work to home...


The day was beautiful, the sun shining and the birds singing....no wind in my hair today though...or ever again , no more fun on the bike for me. There were a lot of family and friends around, so many unhappy faces! I heard the revving of the engines, smelled the fumes of the bike exhausts as our "parade" made it's way to the cemetery...bikes in the lead and bikes in behind, I am now a true biker...but what good is that if I can't live to enjoy it??? The last thing I heard before it was completely dark..."I'll always keep your helmet, Daddy, I promise I will always wear mine".

Edited by Rockin Roddy
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It's GREAT to see the PC coins being discovered, get them out to events people!! Share them, show them off, explain them and recruit others....we can all make a big difference in bike safety if we just try!!!


A beautiful day, except for the temp...freezing right now and slow to rise! Another no work morning, but I am taking KAboom in later to help pick up the branches and debris that has piled up over the winter!! KAboom is happy, he wants to get to work and earn some money...for a kayak, I think!!

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Thanks for making me tear up there Rockin'!!!!! I know that no matter how short a ride may be, you'll NEVER catch me without a helmet on!!!



"Watch out for me and I'll watch out for you."


It isn't the best of short stories, but it was heartfelt! And, I too teared up after writing it, as the memories were right there and grabbing at my heart!


I have only ONE TIME ridden without a helmet, that was for about a half mile last year when we were leaving the MWGB. I had forgotten all about it as I had my hat on and had been riding around the park at about 10 mph. I got to the corner and had to stop to give my hat to KAboom (in the Jeep with Tod). As soon as I got to the gas station, my helmet went on...I truly didn't see the draw to not wearing one!! The total lack of feeling safe was enough to do it for me!

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Edited to remove extra letters

Edited by opalsns
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Count bikes to help you spot them!


Remember that we ALL share the roads, pedestrians, bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, cars and big trucks!


Don't crowd the bike lane, leave plenty of room for the bikers!


NEVER cut a bike off by turning in front of them, bikes have the same rights as vehicles!


Driving distracted is dangerous driving!


Look twice, save a life!


PAY ATTENTION, bikes are everywhere!


Learn and use the SEE System!


And ALWAYS wear a helmet, dying isn't cool!

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Something terrible happened today. Around 11:00 a friend of mine was killed on his motorcycle not even a mile away from where I work. His name was Jerry Pates, but everyone just called him "Doughboy". He was a pretty big guy; very sociable, friendly, funny, and giving. He would do anything for you. He owned a restaurant named "Doughboy's" in Sandersville near Laurel, Mississippi where I live. When the weather got warm enough he would hold bike night events at his restaurant on Tuesday nights. He would prepare lots of good country cookin' and hold contests for the best looking bikes of different types, giving trophies to the winners. Sometimes we could talk him into getting his electric guitar out and playing it for us. He used to be in a band and was absolutely amazing on that guitar. He would walk around the restaurant, talking to everyone and making sure they had everything they needed. At the end of the evening he would give away prizes from the convenience store he also owned. He gave away so much stuff; no one ever walked away without at least one prize. He gave you some raffle tickets when you showed up but you could buy extra tickets too and the proceeds from the extra tickets went to a charity. He never came out ahead on the bike nights. It always cost him more to hold the bike nights than he charged for the meal but he said he did it for the enjoyment of being around his friends, the bikers. I don't think he ever met anyone that he didn't make his friend immediately. He was just an all-around great guy.


Jerry also owned the cafeteria concession at the plant where I work. His cafeteria was very busy since there are up to 4,000 people working at the plant, but he always had time to say "Hi!", chat, and make everyone feel special and appreciated. He used to make hot wings, banana pudding, and other dishes for the Christmas party I hold for my department every year.


Today around 11:00 Jerry was riding his touring bike to the plant. He was on Industrial Boulevard, less than a mile from the plant. Industrial is a four-lane road with a pretty sharp "S" curve in it. People often go way too fast on that road and usually ignore the lines on the road. They straighten out the road by driving straight across the lane dividers, crossing over both lanes and often into the oncoming lanes as well. We don't have much information about the accident yet, but I hear that Jerry was riding next to a Suburban that didn't stay in its lane and was crowding him off the road. He attempted to avoid the big SUV, but apparently lost control and put the bike down on the road. The Suburban then ran over him and killed him.


Link to the Laurel Leader-Call Newspaper's early report on Jerry's accident.


Jerry is the second friend I have lost this year. Glenn Johnson, a skydiving buddy of mine was killed just a month ago along with his fiance and her 13-year old son in a small plane crash. Glenn was flying his Cessna 182 at night in less than perfect conditions when he apparently lost attitude awareness and crashed into the ground in a steep dive, killing all three on board.


I just can't take anymore of this. Please, everyone, be very, very careful when you're riding or driving. Ride paranoid, like everyone on the road is out to get you. That's not far from the truth. They're not actively out to get you, but through their inattentiveness it seems like they are. I've had people look me in the eye, then pull out in front of me from a side road when I'm less than 50 feet from them. Let's all have fun but be safe!


Jerry, I'll always remember you, buddy.


Ride paranoid.


Model Citizen

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Something terrible happened today. Around 11:00 a friend of mine was killed on his motorcycle not even a mile away from where I work. His name was Jerry Pates, but everyone just called him "Doughboy". He was a pretty big guy; very sociable, friendly, funny, and giving. He would do anything for you. He owned a restaurant named "Doughboy's" in Sandersville near Laurel, Mississippi where I live. When the weather got warm enough he would hold bike night events at his restaurant on Tuesday nights. He would prepare lots of good country cookin' and hold contests for the best looking bikes of different types, giving trophies to the winners. Sometimes we could talk him into getting his electric guitar out and playing it for us. He used to be in a band and was absolutely amazing on that guitar. He would walk around the restaurant, talking to everyone and making sure they had everything they needed. At the end of the evening he would give away prizes from the convenience store he also owned. He gave away so much stuff; no one ever walked away without at least one prize. He gave you some raffle tickets when you showed up but you could buy extra tickets too and the proceeds from the extra tickets went to a charity. He never came out ahead on the bike nights. It always cost him more to hold the bike nights than he charged for the meal but he said he did it for the enjoyment of being around his friends, the bikers. I don't think he ever met anyone that he didn't make his friend immediately. He was just an all-around great guy.


Jerry also owned the cafeteria concession at the plant where I work. His cafeteria was very busy since there are up to 4,000 people working at the plant, but he always had time to say "Hi!", chat, and make everyone feel special and appreciated. He used to make hot wings, banana pudding, and other dishes for the Christmas party I hold for my department every year.


Today around 11:00 Jerry was riding his touring bike to the plant. He was on Industrial Boulevard, less than a mile from the plant. Industrial is a four-lane road with a pretty sharp "S" curve in it. People often go way too fast on that road and usually ignore the lines on the road. They straighten out the road by driving straight across the lane dividers, crossing over both lanes and often into the oncoming lanes as well. We don't have much information about the accident yet, but I hear that Jerry was riding next to a Suburban that didn't stay in its lane and was crowding him off the road. He attempted to avoid the big SUV, but apparently lost control and put the bike down on the road. The Suburban then ran over him and killed him.


Link to the Laurel Leader-Call Newspaper's early report on Jerry's accident.


Jerry is the second friend I have lost this year. Glenn Johnson, a skydiving buddy of mine was killed just a month ago along with his fiance and her 13-year old son in a small plane crash. Glenn was flying his Cessna 182 at night in less than perfect conditions when he apparently lost attitude awareness and crashed into the ground in a steep dive, killing all three on board.


I just can't take anymore of this. Please, everyone, be very, very careful when you're riding or driving. Ride paranoid, like everyone on the road is out to get you. That's not far from the truth. They're not actively out to get you, but through their inattentiveness it seems like they are. I've had people look me in the eye, then pull out in front of me from a side road when I'm less than 50 feet from them. Let's all have fun but be safe!


Jerry, I'll always remember you, buddy.


Ride paranoid.


Model Citizen

OMG :blink: speach less :blink:


click it or ticket!!!

Edited by DJ.J.ROCK
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On the way home from work tonight I drove by the spot where Jerry was killed. It looks like he was forced to the edge of the road in the first turn of the "S" curve by the Suburban. His bike went off the road and took out a large section of fence beside the road.


I can't believe he's gone. It happened so suddenly. One minute everything is fine and the next minute people in the hall are talking about a bad motorcycle wreck and it turns out to be Jerry. It just goes to show that you never know when someone may be taken from you. I'll be keeping that in mind as I spend time with my family tonight. Thanks for the kind words Rod and UFgatorgirl. I'll be sure to let Jerry's family know that there are others praying for them.



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Model Citizen, my family and I are very sorry to hear about your loss. He sounds like a wonderful, caring person. We will pray for him and for his family and friends...




Another hidden message, first to find this message wins a coin for the race!!!

Just hope that everyone gets the message....

Edited by JohnMac56
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I made an embarassing mistake yesterday while on my way to cash my check...what was it?

You pumped gas and then forgot you had spent the money.


2) KAboom and I went caching yesterday, who won, how many did we find? I may or may not have logged all our finds already.

Kaboom 10 Finds


3) I got something in the mail today, what was it?

The Samples of the personal coin you are working on with Mike Atwell came in.


4) I OK'd the purchase of something yesterday, what was it?



5) I found something in one of the caches, what was it??

Special pathtag


Helmets save lives!


I made an embarassing mistake yesterday while on my way to cash my check...what was it?

You pumped gas you didn't have money for Because you forgot you bought something already.


2) KAboom and I went caching yesterday, who won, how many did we find? I may or may not have logged all our finds already.

Tie ... 10 Finds


3) I got something in the mail today, what was it?

The Samples of the personal coin you are working on with Mike Atwell came in.


4) I OK'd the purchase of something yesterday, what was it?

Your New Banner


5) I found something in one of the caches, what was it??

Top Secret PathTag



Lights On For Safety !!


Your Kiddin Me



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Were now taking bids for another Special Look Twice Geocoin. Find the Todie's Wild Ride Coin with the most images posted. Special rules...The images that you count CANNOT be posted by either the person placing the bid, or by the owner of the Coin.


Answers should look like this...

TBXXXX has ## images posted


Remember that images posted by the owner of the coin, or by yourself do not count. You will not only have to scan the gallery count, but also look at the logs to see WHO posted the images.


This round will be open until I get to internet access AFTER the end(delivery) of my next trip. I've been off in SLC for the weekend, and I have no clue where they will send me after I go back tomorrow. I could get a 1 day trip, or I could get a 5 day trip. Get to work counting those images!! Your safety advice MUST also be included in the post. No edited post will count, and there is only ONE bid allowed per player per 24 hours. If you make a mistake or forget something important, then you will have to wait a day. Good Luck!!

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Something terrible happened today. Around 11:00 a friend of mine was killed on his motorcycle not even a mile away from where I work. His name was Jerry Pates, but everyone just called him "Doughboy". He was a pretty big guy; very sociable, friendly, funny, and giving. He would do anything for you. He owned a restaurant named "Doughboy's" in Sandersville near Laurel, Mississippi where I live. When the weather got warm enough he would hold bike night events at his restaurant on Tuesday nights. He would prepare lots of good country cookin' and hold contests for the best looking bikes of different types, giving trophies to the winners. Sometimes we could talk him into getting his electric guitar out and playing it for us. He used to be in a band and was absolutely amazing on that guitar. He would walk around the restaurant, talking to everyone and making sure they had everything they needed. At the end of the evening he would give away prizes from the convenience store he also owned. He gave away so much stuff; no one ever walked away without at least one prize. He gave you some raffle tickets when you showed up but you could buy extra tickets too and the proceeds from the extra tickets went to a charity. He never came out ahead on the bike nights. It always cost him more to hold the bike nights than he charged for the meal but he said he did it for the enjoyment of being around his friends, the bikers. I don't think he ever met anyone that he didn't make his friend immediately. He was just an all-around great guy.


Jerry also owned the cafeteria concession at the plant where I work. His cafeteria was very busy since there are up to 4,000 people working at the plant, but he always had time to say "Hi!", chat, and make everyone feel special and appreciated. He used to make hot wings, banana pudding, and other dishes for the Christmas party I hold for my department every year.


Today around 11:00 Jerry was riding his touring bike to the plant. He was on Industrial Boulevard, less than a mile from the plant. Industrial is a four-lane road with a pretty sharp "S" curve in it. People often go way too fast on that road and usually ignore the lines on the road. They straighten out the road by driving straight across the lane dividers, crossing over both lanes and often into the oncoming lanes as well. We don't have much information about the accident yet, but I hear that Jerry was riding next to a Suburban that didn't stay in its lane and was crowding him off the road. He attempted to avoid the big SUV, but apparently lost control and put the bike down on the road. The Suburban then ran over him and killed him.


Link to the Laurel Leader-Call Newspaper's early report on Jerry's accident.


Jerry is the second friend I have lost this year. Glenn Johnson, a skydiving buddy of mine was killed just a month ago along with his fiance and her 13-year old son in a small plane crash. Glenn was flying his Cessna 182 at night in less than perfect conditions when he apparently lost attitude awareness and crashed into the ground in a steep dive, killing all three on board.


I just can't take anymore of this. Please, everyone, be very, very careful when you're riding or driving. Ride paranoid, like everyone on the road is out to get you. That's not far from the truth. They're not actively out to get you, but through their inattentiveness it seems like they are. I've had people look me in the eye, then pull out in front of me from a side road when I'm less than 50 feet from them. Let's all have fun but be safe!


Jerry, I'll always remember you, buddy.


Ride paranoid.


Model Citizen


i wish you much strength.

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I made an embarassing mistake yesterday while on my way to cash my check...what was it?

You pumped gas and then forgot you had spent the money.


2) KAboom and I went caching yesterday, who won, how many did we find? I may or may not have logged all our finds already.

Kaboom 10 Finds


3) I got something in the mail today, what was it?

The Samples of the personal coin you are working on with Mike Atwell came in.


4) I OK'd the purchase of something yesterday, what was it?



5) I found something in one of the caches, what was it??

Special pathtag


Helmets save lives!


I made an embarassing mistake yesterday while on my way to cash my check...what was it?

You pumped gas you didn't have money for Because you forgot you bought something already.


2) KAboom and I went caching yesterday, who won, how many did we find? I may or may not have logged all our finds already.

Tie ... 10 Finds


3) I got something in the mail today, what was it?

The Samples of the personal coin you are working on with Mike Atwell came in.


4) I OK'd the purchase of something yesterday, what was it?

Your New Banner


5) I found something in one of the caches, what was it??

Top Secret PathTag



Lights On For Safety !!


Your Kiddin Me




I'm not sure what you're showing me here Robert, but I have the feeling I missed something?? If so, I apologize! How about this, Opalsns, shoot me an email to todieswildride@comcast.net!!

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