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COINTEST: Todies Wild Ride!

Rockin Roddy

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OK, I just activated 5 Look Twice Coins for Todie's Wild Ride. I'll have to post the links later, but let's get some people working on a project to adopt them. Here's what you need to do to adopt one of these 5.


These 5 are for players outside the United States. They will be adopted to the first five people(one each) who do this...


Write up a Mission that is within the Todie's Wild Ride guidelines...in both English AND a language that is spoken in the country where you live. It should be the same mission in both languages and once the travel preparations are done, it will be adopted to you and then released in the United States. You can email me your Mission and the first five players will win an adoption. The mission can be whatever you like, but must have the main goal to fit the TWR guidelines.


These Coins come from my personal batch and are seperate from the ones that Rod will be awarding.

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Awoke to find a scant dusting on the ground and a whirlwind blizzard happening...but not much snow going to come of it! Cold and blustery...but we're happy to have made another year! PLEASE drive very carefully and be aware today and tonight everyone, there WILL be some impaired drivers out there celebrating!! We want each and every one of you back here tomorrow!!

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Deze geocoin maakt deel uit van het Bike-Awareness programma van Rockin Roddy. Deze Amerikaanse geocacher begon de actie na de dood van zijn vriend en cache maatje Tod Phillips. Tod overleed op 12 augustus 2008 t.g.v. een motor ongeluk. Hij moest uitwijken voor een truck die hem niet had gezien en kwam daardoor ten val met zijn motor. Tod liet een vrouw en twee zoons achter. Er zijn inmiddels meer dan 235 geocoins op reis gestuurd, om de bewustwording voor de meer kwetsbare verkeersdeelnemers onder de aandacht te brengen. Naast motorrijders gaat het ook om brommer/scooterrijders en natuurlijk om fietsers. Het gaat erom de discussie op gang te brengen over wat je zelf kunt doen om het verkeer wat veiliger te maken. Meer over dit project op het Amerikaanse forum onder Todie’s Wild Ride.


This coin has been released as part of the Bike Awareness Project. It is a project initiated by USA geocacher Rockin Roddy in response to the death of his dear friend and caching companion Tod Phillips who was cut off by a left turning vehicle too much in a hurry to notice oncoming traffic. Tod died on August 12, 2008. Tod left behind a wife and two kids. At this moment there are travelling more than 235 coins to help being aware of the more vulnerable travic participants. Besides bikers those are also scooter drivers and ofcours cyclers. The project is about what you can do to start the discussion to get travic a little saver. You can read more about this project on the USA forums in the topic Todies Wild Ride.



Met een gemiddelde van 750 fietskilometer per inwoner per jaar, kan Nederland een echt fietsland genoemd worden. 7,5% van het totaal aantal reizigerskilometers wordt op de fiets afgelegd. Binnen Europa wordt alleen in Denemarken meer gefietst. Vooral voor de middelbare school jeugd is de fiets een belangrijk vervoermiddel: voor maar liefst 52% van alle verplaatsingen gebruiken zij de fiets. De meeste ongevallen met fietsers vinden plaats binnen de bebouwde kom in confrontaties met personenauto’s. Vooral onder vijftigplussers en jongeren tussen twaalf en zeventien jaar vallen relatief veel fietsslachtoffers. In 2007 vielen 444 doden in het verkeer. Daarvan waren er 189 fietsers. Nog eens 3000 tot 4000 fietsers kwamen met letsel in het ziekenhuis terecht. Hoewel Nederland als een “veilig” fietsland wordt beschouwd is dit nog altijd veel te veel. Zeker omdat het hier veel kinderen betreft. Een belangrijke oorzaak van zoveel slachtoffers is het feit dat automobilisten de fietsers niet hebben gezien. Fietsers hebben vaak een kapot licht en willen nogal eens gevaarlijk door het verkeer heen laveren. Aan de andere kant zijn kinderen nu eenmaal kinderen en houden automobilisten hier niet altijd rekening mee. Bovendien kijken heel veel automobilisten niet goed in hun spiegels.

Ik roep hierbij alle volwassen fietsers op om het goede voorbeeld te geven, geen rare capriolen op de weg te maken en te zorgen dat hun licht het doet. En houd je kinderen in de gaten. Ik roep alle automobilisten op om niet te hard door woonwijken te rijden en om alert te zijn en heel goed in de spiegels te kijken.

Deze geocoin heet niet voor niets “Look Twice for Bikes, You could Save a Life”.

Cycling (In Holland)


With an average of 750 kilometres per person per year, the Netherlands can be called a cycling nation indeed. 7,5% of all travelled kilometres are done by cycling. Inside Europe there is only more cycling done in Denmark. The bicycle is especially important for the High school youth. They cycle about 52% of all their travel-moves. Most accidents happen in residential quarters and cyclist are hit by cars. Most victims are between the age of 12 and 17 and people over 55.In 2007 there were 444 people killed in travic accidents. 198 of them were cyclists. Between 3000 and 4000 people ended up in Hospital. Although the Netherlands are considered a save country this is far too much. Even more because a lot of the victims are children. Two of the reasons of accidents with cyclists are the clowning around the travic and the lack of working lights on the bike.On the other hand drivers do not watch their mirrors enough and they don’t hold in account that children are just children, in travic too.

I call upon:

All Adult Cyclists; to give a good example. Get a working light on your bicycle and stop clowning around while cycling. And watch your childrenAll Drivers; Not to speed through residential quarters, to be alert and to watch your mirrors.

There is a good reason why this coin is called: Look Twice for Bikes, You Could Save a Life.



Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!

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Rod, I just activated Todies Wild Ride: Journey To Work coin, I won this coin from DJ JROCK in a very cointest wasn't sure if I needed to let you know or not.






Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!


THANK YOU for participating!!


OK, I have a request for everyone who has coins that I'm to be awarding...PLEASE email me a list of your coins so I can keep better track! I find myself going back through the many pages trying to find a coin releaser...this is for everyone who was given coins from Robert for me to award!



Edited by Rockin Roddy
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Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!




Awoke to find a scant dusting on the ground and a whirlwind blizzard happening...but not much snow going to come of it! Cold and blustery...but we're happy to have made another year! PLEASE drive very carefully and be aware today and tonight everyone, there WILL be some impaired drivers out there celebrating!! We want each and every one of you back here tomorrow!!


Same here. Just a dusting of snow, cold wind, and a little sunshine mixed in and out.

Have a safe & happy new year all!

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Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness


1. Crowesfeat30

1) Todies Wild Ride: For my brother Tom

2) Todies Wild Ride: For my brother Jim

3) Todies Wild Ride: In Memory of Bob & Buzzy



2. Usyoopers

4) Todie's Wild Ride:Can You See Me Now?

5) Todie's Wild Ride; Lettuce Stay Safe

6) Todie's Wild Ride: Safety First

7) Todie's Wild Ride: Easy Bicycle Tips

8) Todie's Wild Ride: Be A Safe Biker!

9) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Safety Tips

10) Todie's Wild Ride:For the Love of Safety!

11) Todie's Wild Ride:Safety First!

12) Todie's Wild Ride: Visibility Helps!

13) Todie's Wild Ride:Share the Road!

14) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers talk to the motorists

15) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Smart!

16) Todie's Wild Ride- Bicycle Safety Tips

17) Todie's Wild Ride: The Stakes are High!

18) Todie's Wild Ride: Can we share the road?

19) Todie's Wild Ride: For the Record-

20) Todie's Wild Ride:Motorcycle Awareness

21) Todie's Wild Ride: Betting on Safety

22) Todie's Wild Ride: When crashes might occur...

23) Todie's Wild Ride: Why don't they see me?

24) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers harping on safety

25) Todie's Wild Ride:advice from usyoopers

26) Todie's Wild Ride: Awareness!

27) Todie's Wild Ride: Stay Alert!

28) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers talk about motorcycle safety

29) Todie's Wild Ride: Time to Ride Safely

30) Todie's Wild Ride: usyoopers' visibility tips

31) Todie's Wild Ride: Watch out for motorists!

32) Todie's Wild Ride:usyoopers want you safe!

33) Todie's Wild Ride: Don't get in a Pickle!

34) Todie's Wild Ride: Some Tricks to keep you Safe!

35) Todie's Wild Ride: Attention all Motorists!

36) Todie's Wild Ride: A safety message-

37) Todie's Wild Ride: 3 Tips for Drivers

38) Todie's Wild Ride: Ain't Life Sweet!

39) Todie's Wild Ride: Calling for Safety

40) Todie's Wild Ride: When crashes may occur

41) Todie's Wild Ride: Small steps for safety

42) Todie's Wild Ride: The Key to Safety

43) Todie's Wild Ride: Drive to Survive

44) Todie's Wild Ride: Ready to Ride?

45) Todie's Wild Ride: Celebrate the Safe Ride

46) Todie's Wild Ride: I'ld rather be biking!

47) Todie's Wild Ride: Where is the No-Zone?

48) Todie's Wild Ride: Triple Wisdom

49) Todie's Wild Ride: Dealing you a safety tip

50) Todie's Wild Ride: Drive to Survive

51) Todie's Wild Ride:How Close is To Close?

52) Todie's Wild Ride: Sweet Idea's For You

53) Todie's Wild Ride: Share your tips!

54) Todie's Wild Ride: Common Sense

55) Todie's Wild Ride: Is your bike up for the job?

56) Todie's Wild Ride: Happy Riding!

57) Todie's Wild Ride: Wear that Helmet!

58) Todie's Wild Ride: Practice!

59) Todie's Wild Ride: Protect Yourself!

60) Todie's Wild Ride: Where are you?

61) Todie's Wild Ride: 7 Safety Tips

62) Todie's Wild Ride: Tips from usyoopers

63) Todie's Wild Ride: The Roads can be Scary!

64) Todie's Wild Ride: Be Aware of Where You are

65) Todie's Wild Ride: Use Your Head!

66) Todie's Wild Ride: Tips To Get Ready To Ride

67) Todie's Wild Ride: No Beans About It......Safety First!

68) Todie's Wild Ride: Listen Up Bikers

69) Todie's Wild Ride: Intersection Safety

70) Todie's Wild Ride: IBNOT crashen!

71) Todie's Wild Ride: An Elephant Never Forgets Safety

72) Todie's Wild Ride: 4 Easy Safety Tips

73) Todie's Wild Ride: Rules of the Road



3. Solan109

74) Todie's Wild Ride



4. Rockin Roddy

75) Todie's Wild Ride: Are You Paying Attention?

76) Todie's Wild Ride: Be aware of bikes!

77) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Save Lives

78) Todie's Wild Ride: Bikes have rights too!

79) Todie's Wild Ride: Look for bikes!!

80) Todie's Wild Ride: Maintain Your Bike

81) Todie's Wild Ride: Please Arrive Safely

82) Todie's Wild Ride: Please drive carefully!

83) Todie's Wild Ride: Protect yourself!

84) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride Defensively

85) Todie's Wild Ride: Slow down!

86) Todie's Last Ride!

87) Todie's Traveling Gold

88) Sally's TRIBUTE to Tod Copper!



5. TeamAmaroo

89) Todie's Wild Ride: Driving Tips 1-4

90) Todie's Wild Ride: Driving Tips 5-8

91) Todie's Wild Ride: Driving Tips 9-12

92) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice

93) Todie's Wild Ride




6. Maine Family

94) Todie's Wild Ride: In Loving Memory

95) Todie's Wild Ride: Remembering Tod

96) Todie's Wild Ride: Sharing The Road

97) Todie's Wild Ride: The Biker

98) Todie's Wild Ride: Don't Let This Happen To You

99) Todie's Wild Ride: Share the Road

100) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness

101) Todie's Wild Ride: Spreading Bike Awareness

102) Todies Wild Ride! Please Pay Attention

103) Todies Wild Ride: Ten Commandments

104) Todie's Wild Ride: Paying It Forward For Bike Awareness

105) Todie's Wild Ride: Accidents Can Be Prevented By Paying Attention

106) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice And Please Pay Attention


7. xboxcrazy33

107) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Awareness Geocoin

108) Todie's Wild Ride: Please Pay Attention!



8. Nurse Nanna

109) Todie's Wild Ride: my friend

110) Todie's Wild Ride




9. LadyBee4T

111) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride Safe

112) Todie's Wild Ride: Be Aware

113) Todie's Wild Ride: This One's For Patrick

114) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Protect Your Head

115) Todie's Wild Ride: Save A Life, Look Twice!!

116) Todie's Wild Ride: Be Watchful

117) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Are Cool!

118) Todie's Wild Ride: Biker Awareness Around the World

119) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Are a Biker's Best Friend

120) Todie's Wild Ride: Biker Awareness Across the USA




10. puzzlefam

121) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Awareness Geocoin




11. mousekakat

122) Todie's Wild Ride! Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin

123) Todie's Wild Ride! Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin

124) Todie's wild ride!




12. 8ball9ball

125) Todie's Wild Ride; Safety First

126) KES;Todie's Wild Ride




13. Pushing Tin

127) Todie's Wild Ride: Live to ride, Ride to live





128) Todie's Wild Ride: We are all equal on the road!!!

129) Todie's Wild Ride: safety comes first!

130) Todie's Wild Ride: "Look Twice For Bikes, You Could Save A Life"

131) Todie's Wild Ride: No more blood on the roads!

132) Todie's Wild Ride: I saw you...but you didn't see me!! ...The Biker poem!!!

133) Todie's Wild Ride: Bikes Have Every Right A Car Does, Please Share The Road!

134) Todie's Wild Ride: Stop driving Distracted, Look For Bikes!

135) Todie's Wild Ride:Bike Awareness (Greece)




15. Sivota

136) Todie's Wild Ride; Bike Awareness geocoin (NL)

137) Todie's Wild Ride; Flower of Life (NL)

138) Todie's Wild Ride; Real Adventurer Geocoin (NL)

139) Todie's Wild Ride; Look Twice For Bikes




16. fossillady

140) Todie's Wild Ride: Mountain roads




17. SgtMikal

141) Todie's Wild Ride - SgtMikal

142) Todie's Wild Ride: SgtMikal's Signal Geocoin-Apr 06



18. A Mitt

143) Todie's Wild Ride: Terry's coin

144) Todie's Wild Ride: Motorcycle Awareness



19. sdkonkle

145) Todie's Wild Ride: The Biker Poem

146) Todie's Wild Ride: Following Distance




147) Todie's Wild Ride: Reminder on a Red Bike




21. Kohavis

148) Todie's Wild Ride - Kohavis Sidecar




22. MrHollick

149) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets Save Lives



23. hiker24

150) Todie's Wild Ride: 10 Commandments of Geo-Caching




24. fairyhoney

151) Todies Wild Ride - Fairyhoney's "TEN Commandments of Biking

152) Todie"s WILD Ride - Fairyhoney's Be AWARE




25. TropicalParadise

153) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness

154) Todie's Wild Ride: Watch The Road!!



26. surteb

155) Todie's Wild Ride: Protect Your Head

156) Todie's Wild Ride: Shine the Light

157) Todie's Wild Ride: Share The Road

158) Todie's Wild Ride: Bicycles Are Vehicles Too!



27. geO_Kacher

159) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Helmet Safety



28. dhenninger

160) Todie's Wild Ride: Bike Awareness - Look Twice, Save a life




29. labrat_wr

161) Todie's Wild Ride: Spinning Wheels



30. Team Vorvik

162) Todie's Wild Ride : New York USA to York UK




163) Todie's Wild Ride: DJ.J.ROCK'S Can We Slow Down!?!?

164) Todie's Wild Ride-DJ.J.ROCK'S Why Didn't I See That Motorcycle?

165) Todie's Wild Ride: DJ.J.ROCK'S SAVE A BIKER!!!!




166) Todie's Wild Ride - see motorcycles!

167) Todie's Wild Ride - low sun



33. Zarya.

168) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence

169) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Idaho~

170) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Maine~

171) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Canada~

172) Todie's Wild Ride: Ride of Silence ~Singapore~



34. DaFunkyFrogs

173) Todies Wild Ride

174) Todies Wild Ride Toward The Sunset

175) Todies Wild Ride-Come Home Safe

176) Todie's Wild Ride...Helmets Save Lives



35. scottch

177) Todie's Wild Ride: Safety Tips for Car Drivers



36. burgessfour

178) Todie's Wild Ride-Lets Drive Safely

179) Todie's Wild Ride-Always Look Twice

180) Todie's Wild Ride-For Bike Awareness

181) Todie's Wild Ride-Rolling Stops Kill 2

182) Todie's Wild Ride-Rolling Stops Kill

183) Todie's Wild Ride-Watch Your Speed

184) Todie's Wild Ride-Don't Talk, Just Drive

185) Todie's Wild Ride- Look Twice, Save Lives!!!

186) Todie's Wild Ride--Travel Safely

187) Todie's Wild Ride-Safety Tips For Drivers

188) Todie's Wild Ride-Look Twice And Save A Life



37. DreamteamOS

189) Todie's Wild Ride - Open your eyes




38. LionsLair

190) Todie's Wild Ride: awareness for motorcyclist sharing the roadways!

191) Todie's Wild Ride: awareness for motorcyclist sharing the roadways!!



39. Gyzy

192) Todie's Wild Ride: Gyzy's Adventure


193) Todie's Wild Ride Motorcycle Awareness Geocoin



40. JohnMac56

194) Todie's Wild Ride: Never Ride Faster Than Your Angel

195) Todie's Wild Ride: Stop Driving Distracted, look For Bikes

196) Todie's Wild Ride: Become More Aware Of Motorcyclists

197) Todie's Wild Ride: Check Your Blind Spot

198) Todie's Wild Ride: Save A Biker

199) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice, Save A Life

200) Todie's Wild Ride: Why didn't I See That Motorcycle?



41. 501_Gang

201) Todie's Wild Ride: Rolling Stops Kill




42. cainrcc

202) Todie's Wild Ride



43. Amber Alert

203 Todie's Wild Ride: Amber say's DRIVE RESPONSIBLY Geocoin



44. MustangJoni

204) Todie's Wild Ride - #1 of Ten Tips Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

205) Todie's Wild Ride - #2 of Ten Tips Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

206) Todie's Wild Ride - #3 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

207) Todie's Wild Ride - #4 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

208) Todie's Wild Ride - #5 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

209) Todie's Wild Ride - #6 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

210) Todie's Wild Ride - #7 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

211) Todie's Wild Ride - #8 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

212) Todie's Wild Ride - #9 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know

213) Todie's Wild Ride - #10 of Ten Things Car and Truck Drivers Should Know



45. zoesbrother

214) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmets

215) Todie's Wild Ride: Please wear a Helmet

216) Todie's Wild Ride: Helmet



46. Hedge Hopper

217) Todie's Wild Ride



47. fingers crossed

218) Todie's Wild Ride: Extra Extra!

219) Todie's Wild Ride: Princess Butterfingers

220) Todie's Wild Ride: Hawkeyez on the road

221) Todie's Wild Ride: PBF's Wish



48. grodan & fiabus

222) Todies Wild ride!!: grodan & fiabus and Simon Says, look twice, save lives!!



49. wavesprite

223) Todie's Wild Ride - AnakinAustin

224) Todie's Wild Ride: grodan & fiabus The Biking Nerd




225) Todie's Wild Ride - Staying Safe



51. 4th Jean

226) Todie Wild Ride: I didn't see them IS NOT AN EXCUSE!



52. DanielleBecky:

227) Todie Wild Ride: Bikes are there; Please Pay Attention!




53. 60 Cent:

228) Todie Wild Ride: It never hurts to take a second look!



54. DresselDragons

229) Todie's Wild Ride

230) Todies Wild Ride (H)



55. Rothstafari

231) Todie's Wild Ride: a Rothstafarian Bike Awareness Mission



56. johnslady56

232) Todie's Wild Ride: Go High-Viz!!!

233) Todie's Wild Ride: Impaired Drivers!!!



57. Sparticus06

234) Todie's Wild Ride - Motorcycles are Everywhere

235) Todie's Wild Ride-Ride Smart, Ride Safe

236) Todie's Wild Ride: Keep Your Distance: Look Twice Geocoin



58. Rumba's Pal

237) I'm in a Race - Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin




59. bigimaginationboy

238) I'm in a Race - Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers Geocoin



60. Tamster56

239) Todies Wild Ride: In memory of Michael Kapelson

240) Todie's Wild Ride: Rolling Stops Kill

241) Todie's Wild Ride: PPE (Personal Protective Equipment



61. Team Black-Cat

242) Todie's Wild Ride:Out of Wausau



62. RifleMan81

243) Todie's Wild Ride:Share The Road



63. mmmbacon

244) Todie's Wild Ride: Bacon loves bike safety

245) Todie's Wild Ride: Bacons Bike Safety Volume 2




64. fox-and-the-hound

246) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice No 1

247) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice No 2

248) Todie's Wild Ride: Look Twice No 3



65. 007BigD

249) Look Twice Save Lives: Todie's Wild Ride

250) Look Twice save Lives...Todie's Wild Ride



66. Hollora

251) Todie's Wild Ride---Watch For Bikes Geocoin



67. Cabarama

252) Todie's Wild Ride: Roaming Nomad USA




68. Team CeDo

253) Todie's Wild Ride: Share the Road

254) Todie's Wild Ride: Live To Ride

255) Todie's Wild Ride:Journey To Work



69. Queenie-Boo-Bay

256) Todie's Wild Ride: Operation Save A Life




70) TimeTraveler09

257) Todie's Wild Ride: Phoenix Rising



71) jasondulac

258) Todie's Wild Ride Jay D


72) TNMAD1

259) Todie's Wild Ride-Eyes Open For Bikers



Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads.

This is what I came up with for the list.

Edited by Maine Family
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Received a call from Louise (Tod's mom) a few minutes ago, she has asked that I convey her wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you and to THANK everyone for their continued support in this great cause! Louise doesn't get into the computer too much and can't figure out how to find the forums, so I am happy to send along her messages!!


As she said..."Tod would be so proud and honored by all of the efforts put forth".


Happy New Year Tod, I miss you, my friend!

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Respect those around you, WATCH for all users of the roads!


OK, my five new entries are activated and their pages are complete! All I need to do now is to finish up their tags and get them started on their journey. Here are my five newest entries into Todies Wild Ride:


TB2QA7F Todie's Wild Ride: Become more aware of motorcyclists

TB2CXFB Todie's Wild Ride: Check your blind spot

TB2C3E2 Todie's Wild Ride: Save a Biker

TB2H84P Todie's Wild Ride: Look twice, Save a life

TB2QABJ Todie's Wild Ride: Why didn't I see that motorcycle?

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