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COINTEST: Todies Wild Ride!

Rockin Roddy

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I almost broke out the motorcycle today, just never stopped being windy! Had gusts up to 60 mph this morning!! The temps are to drop again, it's only 29* right now, I might have to wait a little before getting on the bike...maybe a New Year's ride??


Watch out for those snowmobilers...hey reminds me of something! Blizzard of '78, we had 20'+ drifts in front of the house, our neighbor had only a 10' drift. Snowmobilers went up and down the road since they couldn't plow it for a long time (almost a month), well, a couple on a snowmobile must have hit a soft spot, their sled dropped right off from under them instantly! They popped up a few seconds later, snow covered and bewildered! Took them several hours to dig the sled out! Lucky for them it was in front of the neighbors'!!


We kids laughed!! :lol:

Edited by Rockin Roddy
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