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BUG: Last log date overrides date in field notes


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When you backdate a cache log, the website sets the dropdown boxes on subsequent logs to the last date submitted. This is incredibly handy, except when using field notes. Here is the behavior I'm seeing, and the steps needed to replicate it:


- I uploaded a geocache_visits.txt file containing logs from both August 5 and 6.

- If I post the first log, the date is correctly set to August 5 for me, as determined by the file I uploaded.

- When I'm done posting the logs from August 5, and post the first log from August 6, the date in the dropdown boxes on the new log page defaults to August 5. I have to remember to change it to the 6th.


Alternately, if I log a cache backdated to August 4 (NOT using field notes, but through a cache page), then go to the field notes page and click on the first log for August 5, the date reverts to the 4th.


Again, I can always manually change the date to the correct one, but I think that the default behavior for logs posted through field notes should be that the date in geocache_visits.txt should override the date of the last log entered.

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I agree - the geocache_visits.txt date should be entered into the drop downs automatically.


I just logged caches from a week long holiday and it meant I needed to check the date of each one before going on to the 'Post Log' page.


Yes, this is definitely a very annoying thing.


We came back from a two week vacation. I only noticed this bug when I had only three logs to be done. Had to open the geocache_visits.txt file and correct all my already entered logs :laughing:


The strange thing is that keeps on using the date of the first field note. When you logout and login again between posting the logs the problem does not occur. Not a solution, but maybe this helps the developers to track down the problem sooner.

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Bumping this thread because I just got bit by this again and had to go back and edit my logs.


Are TBTB aware of this issue?




I send an email to the general gc-contact address and pointed them to this thread. They asked for more details and on 12 September I sent them a sample txt-file and a set of screen dumps showing the problem. After that I never heard of them anymore. So they should be aware of the problem, but if the fix is getting any priority I cannot tell. I really hope so!

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I'm also still waiting for indications telling that this is fixed. (With about hundred finds from a long timeperiod in my backlog, still not logged on the web.)


Also this system really need a time zone feature. When I tested it seemed to assume some US time zone, even if the text file format uses UTC. An early morning (UTC) log came up as 'yesterday' in the web form.


And finally some kind of documentation on the file format would be appreciated. Yes, I have found some basic unofficial info in this forum.

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I'm also still waiting for indications telling that this is fixed. (With about hundred finds from a long timeperiod in my backlog, still not logged on the web.)


A work-around is to logout when the finds of a certain day are logged and login again. The field notes are still there and you can continue. Not a real solution, you need to play close attention, but at least you don't have to change the dates manually

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This is very annoying. I uploaded a log file that had all correct dates, all the dates showed correctly on the field notes page, but posting always defaulted to the last date I used, not the accurate date in the field notes.


Obviously my log file was good because all the dates were correct on the field notes page. It was only when I got to the final posting page that it showed an incorrect date.


Has there been any acknowledgment of this obvious bug?

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I'd say that 'field notes' were intended to be (a) reminder(s) of what transpired at the cache...not a complete log for the cache.


If you are being lazy, you are getting what you deserve.


Visit the cache page online, refer to your 'field notes', and write a real log for the cache.


And thats exactly what people are doing, they log a quick word or two, and the unit remembers the date. Often a weeks worth of logs will build up (think vacation or other extended trip away from computer), so keeping the date is nice.


Then they take their word or two and expand it into a real log.


There is no "lazyness" here and I think everyone in this thread will agree with my reply.


Don't come in slamming people when your to "lazy" to figure out whats really going on.

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If you are being lazy, you are getting what you deserve.


You know this reply really makes me wonder why people over and over insist on covering butt for the site by trying to get people to look away from the real legitimate bugs and just resort to name calling.


Its because of people like you that bugs remain on the site so long, if enough of you get together, it detracts from the real bug and turns everything into name calling sessions, giving GC a reason to ignore the bug a bit longer.


Now feel free to go back where you came from and come back when you have REAL input to the bug.

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I'd say that 'field notes' were intended to be (a) reminder(s) of what transpired at the cache...not a complete log for the cache.


If you are being lazy, you are getting what you deserve.


Visit the cache page online, refer to your 'field notes', and write a real log for the cache.


Wow... someone just doesn't understand the purpose behind these field notes.


I just discovered the functionality being tied to cell phones through textmarks about 2 weeks ago. I like the ability to send a note to the site saying "found" or "dnf" for a cache, rather than carrying around an index card like I did before, and writing down all of the caches as I found them. This also lets me send a few word note to that field note, so I can remember which cache it was when I have done a number of them in one day. I then use the list on the site to type the actual logs. I haven't used my 2-3 word note for myself as a log anywhere.


No lazyness involved here... and I resent that greatly that you would consider it such.


Also, on a slightly related note from earlier in the thread - TPTB never give any kind of timeline on anything they say they are going to do - I assume it keeps people from holding them to it - they get to it when they get to it, and we have to suffer with the bugs until that time. They have several things they have promised to do, such as returning Archived caches to the geocaching.com google map page, but every time I ask when they plan to actually do it, I get a "when we get to it" answer... I'm not a programmer, but it seems like if they were working on these things regularly, they would fix them relatively quickly.


On a positive note, they do seem to be much more forthcoming about changes they have made - release notes help a lot.

Edited by FireRef
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If you are being lazy, you are getting what you deserve.


You know this reply really makes me wonder why people over and over insist on covering butt for the site by trying to get people to look away from the real legitimate bugs and just resort to name calling.


Its because of people like you that bugs remain on the site so long, if enough of you get together, it detracts from the real bug and turns everything into name calling sessions, giving GC a reason to ignore the bug a bit longer.


Now feel free to go back where you came from and come back when you have REAL input to the bug.


HEAR HEAR!!!!!!!!!!

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This is very annoying. I uploaded a log file that had all correct dates, all the dates showed correctly on the field notes page, but posting always defaulted to the last date I used, not the accurate date in the field notes.

I just want to make sure I understand this. The field notes show correctly, showing caches found on 10/27/08, 10/28/08 and 10/29/09 but then when you go to the cache page to log a cache found on 10/28/08, the date defaults back to 10/27/08 when you logged the previous ones?


I use Field Notes for Geocache Navigator and now for the new SMS feature and don't have to upload the text file, but once the field notes are on the site, they work the same no matter how they're loaded. I just wanted to double check so I can keep an eye out if I go to log any caches this way.

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I've been testing out the SMS logging feature and had marked some caches as found yesterday 10/28 using the field notes feature.


I just did a test and marked another cache found today. Yesterday's showed 10/28 in the field notes and today's showed 10/29.


I decided to actually log the one from yesterday found on the cache page, and it showed 10/28 as the find date. I then did the same for the one from today, and it showed 10/28 in the found it log.


So, it appears to be a bug with field notes no matter how they were added to the field notes page.

Edited by Skippermark
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I'd say that 'field notes' were intended to be (a) reminder(s) of what transpired at the cache...not a complete log for the cache.

Actually, field notes don't allow you to write anything about the cache, at least with Geocache Navigator and the SMS TextMarks feature. Perhaps with the Colorado and Oregon you can add notes, but I'm not sure since I don't have one.


All I can do is mark it found or not found. Then, when I get home, the field notes show the caches I found in the order I found them and if I found them or DNFd them or not. From there, I click a link and am taken directly to the found it/did not find page where I have to enter a normal log.


Here's what the field notes screen looks like in case someone has never seen it.



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Actually, field notes don't allow you to write anything about the cache, at least with Geocache Navigator and the SMS TextMarks feature. Perhaps with the Colorado and Oregon you can add notes, but I'm not sure since I don't have one.


All I can do is mark it found or not found.

Can't you enter a short note with a TextMarks log?

Logging a Geocache


Send the SMS message "GEOC @[GC CODE] [sOME TEXT]" (no quotes). Replace the [GC CODE] text with the code of the geocache and add any optional text notes. These will be treated as a find log.

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Actually, field notes don't allow you to write anything about the cache, at least with Geocache Navigator and the SMS TextMarks feature. Perhaps with the Colorado and Oregon you can add notes, but I'm not sure since I don't have one.


All I can do is mark it found or not found.

Can't you enter a short note with a TextMarks log?

Logging a Geocache


Send the SMS message "GEOC @[GC CODE] [sOME TEXT]" (no quotes). Replace the [GC CODE] text with the code of the geocache and add any optional text notes. These will be treated as a find log.

That is an actual cache log and will show as a find directly on the cache page as a find (or DNF), not to the field notes screen. Plus, doing it this way will limit you to 140 characters, which is the max that TextMarks handles.


Corey, your avatar creeps me out. :o

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Actually, field notes don't allow you to write anything about the cache, at least with Geocache Navigator and the SMS TextMarks feature. Perhaps with the Colorado and Oregon you can add notes, but I'm not sure since I don't have one.


I think it depends on the device... on the CO/OR, you have the option of entering a comment when you find/dnf a cache. These comments are stored in geocache_visits.txt and are automatically placed into the log text field when you click post log to log the cache. You can also open the file on your computer with a text editor and type in your log text, then save the file and upload it to the site. I've experimented with typing all of my logs for a single day into the file, but I think there are limits to how long the comments can be before they get truncated.

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That sounds like a handy feature. I can usually remember most caches, but it's always nice to have a "refresher" note like if the log was wet or full or things like that.


I'm okay with my Palm/60CSx (and occasional Geocache Navigator) use, but I like the advances being made with the newer units and how everything is all in one. That's really handy.

Edited by Skippermark
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Actually, field notes don't allow you to write anything about the cache, at least with Geocache Navigator and the SMS TextMarks feature. Perhaps with the Colorado and Oregon you can add notes, but I'm not sure since I don't have one.


All I can do is mark it found or not found.

Can't you enter a short note with a TextMarks log?

Logging a Geocache


Send the SMS message "GEOC @[GC CODE] [sOME TEXT]" (no quotes). Replace the [GC CODE] text with the code of the geocache and add any optional text notes. These will be treated as a find log.

That is an actual cache log and will show as a find directly on the cache page as a find (or DNF), not to the field notes screen. Plus, doing it this way will limit you to 140 characters, which is the max that TextMarks handles.


Incorrect - I have used this for a couple of weeks now. The textmarks SMS posts a found it or DNF to the field notes page, accessable through your profile. It does NOTHING to the cache page. You have to go to the field notes page and click on "post log" for each one, then edit the text in the box for what will be in the log. Then, when you submit it, it actually gets posted to the cache page.

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Corey, your avatar creeps me out. :o

What avatar? ;)


Incorrect - I have used this for a couple of weeks now. The textmarks SMS posts a found it or DNF to the field notes page, accessable through your profile. It does NOTHING to the cache page. You have to go to the field notes page and click on "post log" for each one, then edit the text in the box for what will be in the log. Then, when you submit it, it actually gets posted to the cache page.

That's what I thought.


I'll mention another app that uses field notes to enter short notes, Power Notes.

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Incorrect - I have used this for a couple of weeks now. The textmarks SMS posts a found it or DNF to the field notes page, accessable through your profile. It does NOTHING to the cache page. You have to go to the field notes page and click on "post log" for each one, then edit the text in the box for what will be in the log. Then, when you submit it, it actually gets posted to the cache page.

FireRef, thanks for the clarification and sorry for giving bad info. When I saw the help page on coord.info, I thought if you added text to the log, it logged it right to the cache page and if you didn't, it would log it as a field note, but I see that's not the case.


I LOVE the ability to add some notes into the field notes. That's cool.


Plus, when you add notes, it still tweets it so it will show up on Twitter and Facebook.


I really like the SMS thing, but I'm not sure if I'd use it when doing a lot of caches. I'd have to use the GPS to get to the cache, my Palm to look up cache info and then my phone to log it. But it would be good for a lighter day of only a few here and there.

Edited by Skippermark
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