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Garmin geocoin promotion:All coin versions now released.


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Posted (edited)

If course, it has to be pointed out that the Big Ben coin doesn't actually have an image of Big Ben on it.


It has a portrayal of the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster and a detail of the clock face, but nowhere on the coin is the bell that chimes the hour (called Big Ben) represented... :anitongue:


Lovely coin though...


It may be a good idea to read the terms and conditions for the competition if you intend to enter. Blacks said that they were willing to give out one of each issue to individuals but the T&C make it clear that you're only allowed to enter the competition once as an individual.

Edited by Eclectic Penguin

It seems from what I can gather around this area from the various shops that it's mostly Blacks that have them and not Millets.


Most of the shop assistants I spoke to didn't know anything about anything.




Black's - Telford

- Shrewsbury and

- Merry Hill Centre, Brierley Hill


All had their coins delivered on midday deliveries.


We've now got a nice shiny Big Ben coin - collected from Telford :anitongue:

Just nipped down to Blacks in Telford (thanks for the tip-off Paul ;) ) and the lady shouts to her boss, "Where are those Sat-Nav coin thingys?". ;)


We tried in Telford this morning just after 10am and the salesman said he had two other people asking already, but the coins weren't due until Saturday. That must have been you Paul and another local cacher on the ball?


I've just persuaded the staff in Blacks in York to give me a coin. As with the other stores they've been told to start handing them out on Saturday.


They had already had several people in asking for them and turned them away, luckily I had a copy of the Garmin webpage that says that the promotion starts on the 7th. It did take 10mins to get it though, as I had to explain about geocaching and coins and what happens to them.


So York are now giving them out!


BTW paganfrog, check your messages, its your lucky day!!! :anitongue:




No Coins in either Millets or Blacks in Harrogate as yet, but both places new about them and are expecting them .. they just don't know when :anitongue:


Thank goodness they weren't promoted last weekend. ;)


It did take 10mins to get it though, as I had to explain about geocaching and coins and what happens to them.


It occurs to me that one of the (unexpected?) benefits of the promotion could be that the staff who sell handheld GPSr devices might become more knowledgeable about geocaching, if only the fact of its existence.


Meadowhall, Sheffield had about 12 an hour ago. Asked for a free Geocoin, got a blank look, so pointed at the big poster and got Big Ben. They then asked if I had a GPS and gave me a leaflet.


If anyone is really close to a Blacks or Millets and could grab an extra coin for me I would be grateful and I will sort out P&P payment with you ;)


Newcastle is only 16 miles away from us but Graham is on stupid O'clock 12 hour shifts and using my car, so we wont be able to get over there until Sunday and knowing my luck they will all have gone by then. :anitongue:


Mandy ;)


I can confirm that blacks on Oxford (ok Rathbone place) has them. And Kensington High Street has not received theirs.


It is a lovely coin, and glad to be spreading the work about geocaching and England!



It is a lovely coin, and glad to be spreading the work about geocaching and England!


But if geocachers who are already geocachers get the coin, how is it spreading the word about geocaching? I'm going to leave 'my' :anitongue: coin at the shop for someone, a muggle hopefully, to earn and for them to visit and place some exciting caches in interesting places.


I have mine in my hand now (well a few seconds ago as I'm typing now) and it really is a lovely, well made coin. You really get the feeling of depth of field on the clock side and even the England only map of the British isles print on the tail side is quite fetching.


At the risk of turning this into a "this should be in the coin thread", I'd also add that Blacks obviously got the first batch - they're coming out in stages so Millets will probably get the second batch (within a few doors of each other in Cardiff). I had no idea there was an embargo on these until Saturday - certainly the lady I spoke to in Cardiff didn't seem to be aware of one and she was pretty clued up about what the coins were.


I'd love to hang onto this beauty, but because it is a competition piece too, it must leave my hands this weekend.


If I need to go to the same shop next time - I need to have a stopwatch on me as I didn't realise that the main car parks in Cardiff now charge 80p per 15 minutes - but the beauty is that the first 15 minutes (actually I think it may be first 22 minutes) are free! I must have made it with seconds to spare!


But if geocachers who are already geocachers get the coin, how is it spreading the word about geocaching? I'm going to leave 'my' :anitongue: coin at the shop for someone, a muggle hopefully, to earn and for them to visit and place some exciting caches in interesting places.


A fair point actually. I'm pretty sure that, by the time the poster is up on the wall in Cardiff the first batch will have already been given out. But, I know of one person who has already heard about Geocaching for the first time today and found it interesting if nothing else, the shop assistant who first served me and then called her colleague to check to see if they really were free as I assured.


I've read somewhere that, although the initial batch was limited to specific stores (only one in Wales), a much wider distribution will have been made by the time the 5 designs have been made available and many more regional Blacks & Milletts will have had their share to give out.


so - that's 3 new coins I've aquired in the last week via Geocaching. Mega Event attendee coin (bought), this one and the wooden coin given out by the Ripon Horn Blower on the evening I went there during the Mega Event (everyone gets one each night as part of the ceremony)!


I tried Millets in Kingston this evening. They seem to have them in stock, but they said the instructions with them stated that they're not for distribution before Saturday, and I couldn't persuade them otherwise. I'll make sure I get back there bright and early to get one.




My local Millets knew all about them this afternoon, but only expected stock tomorrow - when I commented that Chester shop already had them it was explained that Chester get deliveries on Wednesday so it look as though it depends on when the batches get through.


Chester shop already had them


Ta John...


I'm going to the Sealand Road store after work tomorrow!! Shame I have a big meeting all day, or I'd have gone at lunch time!!!


I can also confirm what Jackie.C said that York's Black store had a delivery today of the coins, but if she managed to get more than one she did very well as the store manager informed me that they had only recieved 10 coins for their store. 10 coins for the area that York's store covers is very poor in my opinion but i cannot complain as i got nice shiny coin in my dirty paws now and am allowing my daughter to register it i her name.


10 coins for the area that York's store covers is very poor in my opinion


Oy (lol) :anitongue: there are no coins in the South-West of England whatsoever, so be thankful for those 10 coins in Yorkshire ;);)

Posted (edited)

I tried Millets in Kingston this evening. They seem to have them in stock, but they said the instructions with them stated that they're not for distribution before Saturday, and I couldn't persuade them otherwise. I'll make sure I get back there bright and early to get one.



Thanks for that, saves me a wasted trip. Might see you on Saturday sometime?

Edited by Edgemaster

Blacks at Fenchurch Street, St Pauls and Holborn all had coins late afternoon today [:anitongue:]


How many did you get ?


Any going spare ?


Graham reckons a 12 hour stupid o'clock shift is more important than me getting a free Geocoin ;)


M ;)


This all seems a bit hit and miss! Coins going to stores at different times, staff not being informed of what's happening. :anitongue:


Does anyone know how many coins will be released through the shops?


If anyone has a spare they would like to trade for one of these for an ex-pat please email me. I have a bunch of geocoins to offer in trade.




Hi Avroair


It's my understanding that these coins are to be released within a week and not for private collections, so I wouldn't trade too much for one! Kind of like the diabetes coins, log 'em and move 'em on!


I have a feeling that Garmin's ploy of getting newbies to buy their products may backfire.

As us old-timer cachers seem to be sweeping the coins up as fast as they are received.

Little do they realise the power of the UK forums. :laughing:

So thanks Garmin,thanks. :wub:


10 coins for the area that York's store covers is very poor in my opinion


I am glad they don't make too many available so they are something special and don't become ubiquitous and boring like the diabetes TB. That requires however that these coins travel and I am very disappointed to read that people want to add them to their collection and keep them.


I have a feeling that Garmin's ploy of getting newbies to buy their products may backfire.

As us old-timer cachers seem to be sweeping the coins up as fast as they are received.

Little do they realise the power of the UK forums. :laughing:

So thanks Garmin,thanks. :wub:


I have the feeling Garmin is hitting exactly their target market - to enter the competition you have to provide a valid UK address and there's no opt-out for direct mail contact. Can you think of another group that uses GPS kit as an integral part of their activity? There are a few I'm sure but Geocaching is one of them.


I wonder how long it'll be before advertising from Garmin will start landing on my doorstep?


Not that I'm bothered, really. I had the option of not entering the competition and their privacy policy does state that they won't pass on any details.


10 coins for the area that York's store covers is very poor in my opinion


I am glad they don't make too many available so they are something special and don't become ubiquitous and boring like the diabetes TB. That requires however that these coins travel and I am very disappointed to read that people want to add them to their collection and keep them.


But they'll probably be swiped from caches by would be collectors anyway! :laughing:


I have a feeling that Garmin's ploy of getting newbies to buy their products may backfire.

As us old-timer cachers seem to be sweeping the coins up as fast as they are received.

Little do they realise the power of the UK forums. :laughing:

So thanks Garmin,thanks. :wub:


I have the feeling Garmin is hitting exactly their target market - to enter the competition you have to provide a valid UK address and there's no opt-out for direct mail contact. Can you think of another group that uses GPS kit as an integral part of their activity? There are a few I'm sure but Geocaching is one of them.


I wonder how long it'll be before advertising from Garmin will start landing on my doorstep?


Not that I'm bothered, really. I had the option of not entering the competition and their privacy policy does state that they won't pass on any details.


Now that I'v had my morning coffee,and thus my brain has gone into 2nd gear..I now realise that your probably right E.P......as the coins will/may be seen by many cachers in assorted caches.

Thus the Garmin name will become more widespread than their competitors.


But they'll probably be swiped from caches by would be collectors anyway! :laughing:


How are these "would be collectors" any worse than the people who don't release them in the first place? At least there is a chance that a few people will have moved/discovered a released coin before it "will probably be swiped".


Got one from the Nottingham branch of Millets. They said the promotion does not start until tommorrow, but my mother in law managed to persuade them to release one from the sealed box early!




If anyone is really close to a Blacks or Millets and could grab an extra coin for me I would be grateful and I will sort out P&P payment with you :wub:


Newcastle is only 16 miles away from us but Graham is on stupid O'clock 12 hour shifts and using my car, so we wont be able to get over there until Sunday and knowing my luck they will all have gone by then. :laughing:


Mandy :wub:


Sorry Mandy, they (Blacks in Newcastle) gave one to Munkeh and would not give me one, saying 'one per person'. I pointed out the obvious that he was in fact a completely separate person from me but they were unmoved. They insisted I return with the printed Groundspeak notification email before they would give me one. I did... and took the rules along for them to read, which they claimed were 'wrong' and then they grudgingly gave me a coin and then gave Alastair UK the same sort of grief. I suspect they will remember me if I go back into the store :)

Posted (edited)

picked up mine from chelmsford, very nice.


about time we had our own competition as the yanks have their jeeps to play with.


well done enjoy england and garmin

Edited by sssss

Ive got One Wooopieeeeeee

but i get the impression that these may be much more limited in terms of numbers at least initially as the Northampton Blacks only had 18 !

I got Big Ben and will register it later.




I am glad they don't make too many available so they are something special and don't become ubiquitous and boring like the diabetes TB.


I've been caching for 10 months now, and still never seen a Diabetes TB... I'm still looking forward to that encounter!


But they'll probably be swiped from caches by would be collectors anyway! :laughing:


How are these "would be collectors" any worse than the people who don't release them in the first place? At least there is a chance that a few people will have moved/discovered a released coin before it "will probably be swiped".


They aren't worse.It's just the reality of life with geocoins.


Has anyone read the pamphlet that comes with the coin... :laughing:


"A Cache is a small waterproof box hidden somewhere outdoors. It typically contains items such as collectable geocoins or other treasures and a logbook and pen."


Collectable Geocoins? Sorry, isn't that the wrong sort of message to put out? :wub:


It goes on to say...


"Use your Gamin to guide your quest for the cache and, once found, take an item from the box, or leave something in return"


OR :wub: ??? Shouldn't that be AND?


Top marks to Garmin for this promotion, although for us Colorado geocachers, note that they seem to have dropped the Colorado from their line up: -


Etrex H

Etrex venture HC

Etrex Legend HCX

Oregon 200

Oregon 300


Eeeek!!! :)




Well despite the torrential rain, and the store being in MeadowH*ll the Blacks store there were helpfull and had the required coin, however the staff did mention that the first they knew was when at 10am someone came in asked for a coin. After chatting, and explaining just how mad we are, the staff let it slip that only a few coins came in on Thursday, however further deliveries should be turning up after the weekend...


The biggest question I have, is does anyone know when the other designs are due to hit the English streets ??




The biggest question I have, is does anyone know when the other designs are due to hit the English streets ??


Another question, if it's one per-customer, will you be eligable to get a second when they are released?


Certainly you can't enter the competition with additional coins. The competition rules say only ONE entry per customer/household. Multiple entries will cause disqualification. Plus all cachers have to be over 18 years old. Thus, my kids, who each have their own Geocaching ID and for whom FluffyDog has already got a coin, will not be able to enter the competition with it :laughing:



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