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TB profiles on cacher profile page

The Mighty Shark

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Hi All


I have just checked out the profile page of a fellow cacher and they have all their TB's shown on their cacher profile page. Each one neatly listed with its picture, Its total distance travelled, and its current location.

It looks real neat and I would like to do the same.

Can anyone please tell me how it's done?


Thanks in advance



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Hi All


I have just checked out the profile page of a fellow cacher and they have all their TB's shown on their cacher profile page. Each one neatly listed with its picture, Its total distance travelled, and its current location.

It looks real neat and I would like to do the same.

Can anyone please tell me how it's done?


Thanks in advance



I am not clear on what you are referring to. Could you point out a cacher's page which has what you want?


BlueDeuce's answer only tells where to get the pics, not how to display them, from what I can tell.

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The bug has to have a photo loaded


http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?guid=[travel bug guid]


You can find the GUID by clicking on the "Edit This Bug" link as an owner. The GUID will be in the URL


for example http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?gu...12-9ec83f5bbfa8


BlueDuece more help required if you can please. I have done what I think is correct but all I get to show on my profile page is the full url listing

I have entered the following. can you tell me if I'm doing it correctly?


http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?guid= (this as per your instructions) followed by the guide found on the TB url which I know has to consist of 32 digits and 4 dashes.


any additional help would be gratefully received.

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Hi All


I have just checked out the profile page of a fellow cacher and they have all their TB's shown on their cacher profile page. Each one neatly listed with its picture, Its total distance travelled, and its current location.

It looks real neat and I would like to do the same.

Can anyone please tell me how it's done?


Thanks in advance



I am not clear on what you are referring to. Could you point out a cacher's page which has what you want?


BlueDeuce's answer only tells where to get the pics, not how to display them, from what I can tell.


Hi Uncle Jimbo


The cacher I'm talking about is PazaUK






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Okay, once you have your link stick a <img src=" in front of the http://link and a "> at the end


<img src="http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?guid=04e83b3e-cb30-438c-8612-9ec83f5bbfa8">



at least that's how I do it. Might be a better way.

HMMMM now there's interesting. I tried that but it did not work either. I have just cut and pasted the url link that you sent me and it opened fine so I tried the same with my TB that opens too if I cut and paste the url but not when it's pasted onto the geocaching stats page

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Hi All


I have just checked out the profile page of a fellow cacher and they have all their TB's shown on their cacher profile page. Each one neatly listed with its picture, Its total distance travelled, and its current location.

It looks real neat and I would like to do the same.

Can anyone please tell me how it's done?


Thanks in advance



I am not clear on what you are referring to. Could you point out a cacher's page which has what you want?


BlueDeuce's answer only tells where to get the pics, not how to display them, from what I can tell.


Hi Uncle Jimbo


The cacher I'm talking about is PazaUK






If you look at that cacher's profile, and View Source, you will see he did it like BlueDeuce suggests, except he added a hotlink to the images (and a border attribute):


<a href="http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?guid=ccbf5c5f-bf2c-40ea-b7bd-74eb48531945">

<img border="0"

src="http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?guid=ccbf5c5f-bf2c-40ea-b7bd-74eb48531945" />



Try that.

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Well thanks to all who have tried to help. I am so close to getting it to work but as it's now coming up to 2am UK time I think I had better call it quits for now and will try again in the morning.

As I said if I type the full url into the browser window at the top of the page it works fine but as soon as I try to open it via my geocaching.com profile page all I get showing is the full url listing and no image :lol:

Anyhow...thanks again



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My (unqualified) spin on this is that you can't change the units to metric. All we're doing here is displaying a pre-formatted image from the gc.com servers - which thus must be automatically generated and updated when your trackables details change. So my (again unqualified) guess is that the only way you can get metric is if TPTB also generate an image with a metric distance on it for us to use.


As for changing the size, it seems the size is the optimum for the info that's displayed in it, but you could monkey around with the size by adding height and width attributes to the img tag:


eg the original size is 150x110 so try attributes of height="135" width="99" (or even use a % value instead of a number of pixels)


(Mind you at the time of going to press here, the profile pages seem to have a glitch when displaying links)

Edited by PazaUK
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I get the following error message:Server Error in '/stats' Application.



The Travel Bug you requested does not exist in the system


What's the text that you're trying to include? Try posting it here /without/ the open & close <>'s, like so:


img src="http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?guid=c19c86fa-abd5-4f41-a0e8-ebd6ff5be752" border="0" alt=""

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D'oh! It looks like you did a multi-post there. Though if you meant to be posting links to different travelers you have, that might be the problem --


First, you've got the same GUID for each itme. Secondly, it's /not/ the GUID for the "Moo Moo TB".


Try this one:


<img border="0" src="http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?guid=b0e80191-fcfe-41d8-8138-86c745f4c06a" alt="Moo Moo TB">




Does that work better? (The way I did this was to "View Source" on your TB page and then do a "Find" for the term "guid". It jumped to the link for "Print Bug Sheet". I then copied that GUID [b0e80191-fcfe-41d8-8138-86c745f4c06a] into the URL and it worked like a charm. Very cute bug, btw!)

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Wow! That was a big help. Thanks Jackalgirl!


Live to serve! : )


Edited to add: btw, if you'd like to turn your traveler images into clickable links to the bugs' pages, here's how to do it:


<a href="http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?guid=b0e80191-fcfe-41d8-8138-86c745f4c06a"><img border="0" src="http://img.geocaching.com/stats/tb.aspx?guid=b0e80191-fcfe-41d8-8138-86c745f4c06a" alt="Moo Moo TB"></a>


(Where, of course, the GUID is the GUID of the bug link/image you're creating.)


The <a href> stuff is the beginning of the link, and everything between it and the </a> is the link. So you just stick your <img> tag in between and presto! your image is now a link.

Edited by Jackalgirl
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(Where, of course, the GUID is the GUID of the bug link/image you're creating.)

But I prefer to not use the GUID and use either the 'secret' ID number or the TBcode number, and one can even use the 'really secret' serial number (but don't unless you want your bugs to get locked down.)

ID numbers can mostly be found by pretending to start a log for an item, or viewing forum posts by someone, or other means.


Here is a link to the URL formats for travel bugs, caches, and geocachers.


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My (unqualified) spin on this is that you can't change the units to metric. All we're doing here is displaying a pre-formatted image from the gc.com servers - which thus must be automatically generated and updated when your trackables details change. So my (again unqualified) guess is that the only way you can get metric is if TPTB also generate an image with a metric distance on it for us to use.


As for changing the size, it seems the size is the optimum for the info that's displayed in it, but you could monkey around with the size by adding height and width attributes to the img tag:


eg the original size is 150x110 so try attributes of height="135" width="99" (or even use a % value instead of a number of pixels)


(Mind you at the time of going to press here, the profile pages seem to have a glitch when displaying links)


LOLOL, love the Michael Fish!!!!!!!!!!!

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