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Uploaded Track Truncated


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I'm using a Vista Hcx with an SD card.


When I try to upload a track from MapSource the track is truncated. The original track in MapSource is about 800 points. After it is uploaded I get a "Truncated" message and only about 500 points are loaded in the GPSr.


The tracklog page on the GPSr is clear (0%) and the SD card shows only 2% full.


Is there a limit to how many points a track can have when it is uploaded?





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Thanks for the quick answer.


I wonder why that is, since the receiver can log tracks with many more points.



In Mapsource, select the track, click on Track properties, then Filter, and filter the number of TP to 500 and your track will not be "truncated" (from one end).

The number of TP will be limited to 500 for upload , but the entire length will be there.

If you "Save" a track in your GPS that also limits the number of TP to 500


There is a way to upload to the internal memory by naming the track Active Log but it's really not worth the trouble. The main thing is to maintain the entire length. On the small screen of the GPS m you may not even notice the difference.


Another way is to break a longer trail into segments with no more than 500 points each, and upload each segment as a separate track. Working with a "saved" track is the only way you can use the navigate and track back features anyway

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