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New Legend HCX, can I use old Mapsource Topos?

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I just purchased a Legend HCX that should be arrving today. YAY!


I had a blue Legend that I used sporadically, never really got proficient with it. Well I decided to get back into some hiking/camping and try my hand at Geocaching, but the blue Legend has turned up missing. (I love that phrase, "Turned up missing.")


So, I bought the HCX.


Now the question: I still have the map CD's and accessories from the missing Legend. Can they be used on the new legend? Besides the maps I have a car power adapter and some other data cables.

The maps are Mapsource Topo version 3.00, October 1999. Or do I need to buy new (expensive) maps?





Thanks for the lightning quick responses!


OK, so the maps will work.


Data cable probably not, besides that it's a serial cable, not USB.


How about the car power adapter?


Oh, and are there any "improvements" with the new MapSource Topos?




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